Author Topic: Recently completed/finished  (Read 221684 times)


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #390 on: July 14, 2014, 03:15:40 am »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #391 on: July 14, 2014, 04:25:16 am »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #392 on: July 14, 2014, 05:24:12 am »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #393 on: July 14, 2014, 08:44:07 am »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P

It's ok if he wants to like bad games.  ;)  We all have our own opinions.


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #394 on: July 14, 2014, 12:49:06 pm »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P

I loved both games. But they both gave you different experiences.

And Metroid: Zero Mission may be the greatest remake ever made. Right up there with the Resident Evil remake on GameCube.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #395 on: July 14, 2014, 02:17:02 pm »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P

This long. :)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #396 on: July 14, 2014, 02:17:24 pm »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P

I loved both games. But they both gave you different experiences.

And Metroid: Zero Mission may be the greatest remake ever made. Right up there with the Resident Evil remake on GameCube.
I had no idea Zero Mission was actually a remake. Learn something new every day!
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #397 on: July 14, 2014, 03:18:33 pm »
Awesome! Super Metroid is one of the finest video game experiences I've ever had.

What did you think of it?

Almost replaces Metroid Prime as my favorite Metroid game of all time.


Easily my favorite 2D Metroid.

Now I need to get my hands on Zero Mission for GBA.

I wonder how long it'll take for the Metroid Prime haters to come in and tell you about how the game is bad because it wasn't a 2D Metroid. :P

I loved both games. But they both gave you different experiences.

And Metroid: Zero Mission may be the greatest remake ever made. Right up there with the Resident Evil remake on GameCube.
I had no idea Zero Mission was actually a remake. Learn something new every day!

It's a remake with some additional stuff added in after the original Metroid would've normally finished. That's where the Zero Suit gets introduced. It's quite a bit shorter than the rest of the game though, I found.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #398 on: July 14, 2014, 11:10:11 pm »
Just finished the main storyline in Fallout 3.  Gonna put it down for now, I haven't done everything in the main game yet let alone the DLC expansions, but I have over 60 hours in it and I'm ready to move onto something else.  ;) 

Really good game, but I still prefer New Vegas overall - better setting and the companion storyline quests are excellent. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #399 on: July 17, 2014, 01:07:30 am »
I am completely stunned  :o  My entire life, I only remember ever playing any Kirby game once, and it was on a friends Game Boy back in the early 90s and I was under 8.  I just finished Kirby's Adventure for the regular Nintendo that Bobster gave me, and tho' I did finish the game in one sitting, I enjoyed the crap out of it!!  Very nice game and how you can use your enemies power ups when swallowing them.  I also found the story very appeasing and I cant wait to play the next Kirby game as well.  Bobster, thanks for this game  :) :) :) :)

Just a self update for me so I can remember the games completed this year:

1.  Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)
2.  Resident Evil 2 (Dreamcast)
3.  Shenmue 2  (Xbox)
4.  Super Mario Bros. (NES)
5.  Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES)
6.  Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
7.  Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
8.  Wolfenstein 3D (PC)
9.  Diablo (PC)
10.Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
11.Bully:  Scholarship Edition (360)
12.Pandora's Tower (Wii)
13.The Legend of Zelda:  A Link To The Past (SNES)
14.Super Mario Kart (SNES)
15.Kirby's Adventure (NES)


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #400 on: July 17, 2014, 01:17:25 am »
Bully:  Scholarship Edition (wii)

My wife and I should get back into playing this!


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #401 on: July 17, 2014, 01:24:20 am »
Bully:  Scholarship Edition (wii)

My wife and I should get back into playing this!

Did you enjoy it?


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Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #402 on: July 17, 2014, 01:53:23 am »
Bully:  Scholarship Edition (wii)

My wife and I should get back into playing this!

Did you enjoy it?

We picked it up several years ago and were enjoying the game. Then we moved to California and just never picked it back up.

Same thing with Trauma Center: New Blood.


Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #403 on: July 20, 2014, 01:50:03 am »
Finished Magical Quest 2: The Great Circus Mystery with Mickey& Minnie(SNES) in less than a hour. I liked the general mechanics of this game, but its obviously a kids game, as even on normal, there were barely any difficulty increase in the levels, and having unlimited continues mean that you'll never get frustrated too much. I may only go back to this for specific challenges to complete the game in the future, and even though this was somewhat fun, I still prefer its Super Famicom sequel Magical Quest 3 for all around enjoyment and playability.

Re: Recently completed/finished
« Reply #404 on: July 20, 2014, 04:39:53 am »
For the first time at a gamer hangout last night, I totally beat Turtles in Time on SNES! I kinda realized I had never finished that game, I didn't beat a lot of my old games, but me and another guy who knew it from back to front ran it through and while it is a short game, it's pretty fun.  Aside from some stupid obnoxious boss battles.  God damn Slash, Tokka, and Rahzar and your cheap moves! Slash is easily the hardest boss in that game. but you fight him like half way through.