Author Topic: Search bar.  (Read 951 times)

Search bar.
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:38:00 pm »
Hi I just joined a few minutes ago and am already adding games.  I have 2 suggestions.  First, the search bar should be on the left rather than the rightmost spot on the page.  It's too hard to clearly see every option if I type in super Mario bros., everything seems squished together.  Give it some space.

My second suggestion.  The search function should be easier to navigate.  When I put in super Mario I get every result in the database.  But if I put in nes super Mario bros., I get nothing.  I think it could be easier if the search function could identify what games I am looking for if I type in the systems abbreviation as well as the game.  Or we could make it even easier and just have categories to click through and find games that way.

Any who awesome site!  I'll be using it for now on.  I hope admins take my suggestions seriously.
-Dan out.


Re: Search bar.
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2011, 07:50:54 pm »
Actually we are working on an Advanced Search. Hopefully that will help when you need to wade through an entire franchise of Mario games. Not sure when it will go live, but it is really turning into a necessity.

Also, remember when you type in a game that starts with "the", skip "the" and start with the 1st word after it. For alphabetical reasons we have all entries with "the" in it set up something like "Legend of Zelda, The"
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Re: Search bar.
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2011, 08:46:20 pm »
First off, welcome to the website :D

The search is a little off right now. I usually search for a general term and go through the list. it can get quite annoying though, I agree.

also, remember when adding games to check out our guidelines :D

There's a very long "and mythical" todo list around here. @matt is working really hard on keeping that list small :p

Re: Search bar.
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2011, 10:47:44 pm »
haha @madmax. I'm actually going to type up the to-do list this week and make it public.

@iamdan, thanks for the feedback! The search bar is something that has troubled us for awhile and will get some love. I've got an advanced search feature that I'm working on which will help out a bit and am exploring other options for displaying results and filtering. Stay tuned. For now don't forget you can use the browse pages to add games:

Thanks again and keep the feedback coming.