I got bored, so I decided to update the
original list of VGC online IDs compiled by user psydswipe in 2013. Thanks to them for doing most of the hard work. I've removed the section alphabetized by Online ID to cut down on the length of this post since you can just use Ctrl+F to search for whatever you want. I've also added a section for Nintendo Network IDs for adding friends on the WiiU. I didn't bother adding sections for Wii and 3DS friend codes because they're a bit more difficult to deal with when you want to add somebody. I'll try to get as many of the new users on the list as I can, sorry if I miss a couple. Once again, thanks to psydswipe for the original list. Thanks to retroone as well for reposting the original list a while ago.
Organized alphabetically by VGC UsernamesNintendo Network - For adding users on WiiU
abe = MashedTurnips
argyle = ArgyleMonkey
badATchaos = cheepcheeplord
bobster = mithrandir619
dashv = Dash.V
fighterpilot562 = fighterpilot562
inexodus = Inexodus
karyann = karyann
pacpix = pacpix5
redblaze57 = RedBlaze57
rentgirl = RentGirl
stethebubble = stethebubble
turf = Turf1218
PlayStation Network 7thLeveLReviews = The7thLevel
abe = AvocadoGazpacho
amauriel = Amauriel
anton = Red-Dawn-d-_-b
arcaneknight = Lockon_Shadow
argyle = ArgyleMonkey
bobster = Therealbobster
clanhuntercrio = Clanhunter Crio
climhazard = Climhazard88
cyberboz = cyberboz
dashv = XavierPayne
davifus = daviduskim
deftommo = defTommo
desocietas = Deso31
disgaeniac = disgaeniac
dkdrum = dkdrum1983
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
exonerator = exosilver
fighterpilot562 = fighterpilot562
gaiages = Slayn_Bacon
hakkai687 = Blackwing687
inexodus = Inexodus
iskelly87 = iSkelly87
jaydepps = Jaydepps
jobocan = Jobocan
justin8301 = jpmfer
karyann = ladykaryann
kashell = Growllanser
kevininja = KeviNinjaNL
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar
ko1ru = ko1ru
lastr18 = LastR18
madmax = madmax12ca
mark1982 = Dimerra
MJMaranan = MJMaranan
mkarasch = TheCrashes
pacpix = Pac_Pix
psydswipe = Psydswipe
Reckoning = Dead_Reckon
redblaze57 = redblaze57
redrowz = RedRowz
retroone = DaRetroOne
sashadarko = sashadarko
scott = Ryglore
sibbs = BSibbs65
spire = Spire_VII
stethebubble = ste the bubble
telly = TellyWestside45
thecollectorO07 = Azurealec
torvez = Torvez
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
turf = turf1218
urbanchaos = JSMarsolais
whiteyfox = iWhitedragonGR
xstoneknightx = StoneKnight316
Steam - Note: some of these are pretty old and with how frequently you can change your name on Steam many of these may be out of date.
abe = ブラヂミヤ
amauriel = Amauriel
azai392 = Azai392
badATchaos = bad@chaos
blitz_bomb = spire
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
climhazard = Climhazard
davifus = davifus
desocietas = Desocietas
evilbobbins = Evilbobbins
foxhack = Foxhack
inexodus = Indexodus
iskelly87 = dontxblink
Jaydepps = jaydepps
jobocan = jobocan
justin8301 = jpmofer
karyann = tsukinoneko
kevininja = KeviNinjaNL
kirbysuperstar = twigfigure
madmax = madmax12ca
matt = madk
MJMaranan = MJBMaranan
pacpix = PacPix
psydswipe = Psydswipe
Reckon = dead reckon
redblaze57 = Redgrave
rentgirl = mmorpggoddess
retroone = RetroOne
Ryglore = scott
sashadarko = sashadarko
stethebubble = cocacola82401
telly = TellyWestside
torvez = torvez1
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
trunkwontopen = trunkwontopen
varkias = Varkias4066
veilor = veilor
Xbox Live 7thLeveLReviews = The7thLevl
amauriel = Amauriel
argyle = ArgyleMonkey
azai392 = Azai392
clanhuntercrio = clanhunter crio
cyberboz = cyberboz1979
darko = Darko2424
davifus = msboy0208
desocietas = Desocietas
devancowan = devancowan14
doafan = SPEKSNKdoaf78
ffxik = Kovalt Remora
fighterpilot562 = fighterpilot562
foxhack = FoxhackDN
hakkai687 = Blackwing687
inexodus = Inexodus
iskelly87 = dontxblink
jaydepps = Flyersfan1975
jcalder8 = BuckyBKatt
jobocan = jobocan1
kirbysuperstar = Kirbysuperstar2
ko1ru = ko1ru
kr2nist = kr2nist
lastr18 = LastR18
mark1982 = Dimerra
matt = mattcakes
mkarasch = Olodumare
okay = BastosPunyeta
psydswipe = Psydswipe
redblaze57 = REDBLAZE57
Reckoning = DeadxReckon
retroone = R3TRO ON3
scott = Wyrmm
sin2beta = sin2beta
spire = Spire VII
stealthrush = PRINCE H4RMING
stethebubble = ste the bubble
teknophyl = Teknophyl
telly = TellyWestside
torvez = Torvez Garniez
toybatsu = Greasy Lazor
tpugmire = tpugmire
turf = TURF1218
veilor = tveilor
whiteyfox = WhiteyFoxGR
xstoneknightx = xStoneKnightx