My PSN is eagleeye8715 if any of you ever wanted to be friends with me on PS4 & here are some things so you know ahead of time if you don't know,if you forgotten or if you can't tell as some side notes

1.both my PS4 & my Xbox 360 are connected to our WiFi
2. i do buy,i still buy,i love,i still love,i play & i still play both the classics & modern games equally.
3. i know it's in my collection list i wanted to say what systems do i have so far in my collection here too as well if you don't mind.
& my systems i have so far in my collection at the moment is of the following Gameboy color,Gameboy Advance,PS2,PSP3000,PS4,Xbox 360 & a NES & i don't know does this count so I'll include & say i also have a Mini NES so there you have it as some of my side notes for you all & also my PSN if any of you ever wanted to be friends with me on PS4 enjoy
