Author Topic: Zelda Easter Egg in Tales of Vesperia? Maybe I'm just crazy.  (Read 1444 times)


So I've been playing the heck out of Tales of Vesperia on 360 lately!

I noticed inside The Manor of the Wicked on the 2nd floor in the first room you can enter, there is a pot of the left side of the screen with two swords sitting in it. They share a huge resemblance to different versions of the Master Sword from Zelda! :D
I can't remember if a sword already exists like this in the game, its possible this is just a regular sword in the game from early on, but I don't remember.

Thought I'd share it with you guys here! :D


Re: Zelda Easter Egg in Tales of Vesperia? Maybe I'm just crazy.
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 06:46:37 pm »
Hmm.  Looks kind of like it.  Should have the triforce logo on it right?