I hope that Microshaft announces that they were full of shit and were not going to make a system this gen or any following gen and are going to return to what they do best (or worst) in the PC world so that I can ignore them for the rest of my natural life.
I hope Sony drops all sorts of awesome bombs on the world. Ni no Kuni 2, God of War 7-11, another new MK game with a full cast of characters like on Armageddon yet plays like MK2011!
I hope Nintendo announces that its not going to base every thing they do around the family gamer and they are going to get some real badass games for the Wii U making me actually interested in buying the system. Also that they are going to port over DQ VII for the 3DS and finally bring us our DQX.
I hope Sega really has something cool to say about the Spectrum other than its either a processor or some stupid cell phone thing.
In other words, probably a lot of pipe dreams.