Author Topic: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound  (Read 7598 times)


Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:59:38 pm »
Hey everyone! I got a sick deal today on an X-Men 4 Player Arcade cabinet!
Unfortunately the sound is having troubles. Sound effects only play every so often and music doesn't play at all.
Any ideas on what I should do or what the problem might be?
This is my first cabinet so I really don't know a lot :p


Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 09:13:00 pm »
I can't help you at all. Since I never have played with actual arcade hardware. But I'm sure one of the others can.

If not, go over to and post about it there. All the guys on the forum are super helpful and should have all kinds of info for you.
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Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 02:32:34 pm »
Bad eprom? 12v dropping to audio amp? Bad caps?

Could be lots of stuff... Check the voltage on the 12v line when under load.

Another great arcade resource is


Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2013, 02:37:16 am »
alright ill check those out! Thanks guys!
I honestly don't know anything about arcade cabinets :/ I'm pretty clueless.
I am having a couple other problems with the cabinet here too. Maybe someone knows what I can do?

1st - When I turn on the cabinet this pops up, and I usually have to turn it off and back on a few times before everything says OK and it will work.
What would cause those to say bad, and what do those thing mean?

2nd - The guy who sold me the cab told me to move these little red switches to give each player credits, but when I drop in any quarters the machine doesn't register them :/ what do I do?

3rd - I want to take off the faceplate so I can clean it a bit better, But I have no idea what to use to get these bolts off! :p

Hopefully you guys have some answers to help me out xDD I tried looking around on some of the forums you guys directed me too, but there is just sooo muchhhh lingo I don't know :[

 - Zion
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 02:41:11 am by ziondood »

Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2013, 10:20:10 am »
Can you open up the cab and take a pic of the mainboard/PCB?  pics of the eproms on the PCB are good w/ chip #s(wondering if they are proms or eproms).  I'll see if I can find a manual for this if you can give me that info.

1st. That is a eprom chip test. It tests each chip on the pcb to verify they are working properly. Those may be corroded or just not be making good contact. try re-seating them to see if that helps(The manuals tend to have the eprom location on the pcb). If it doesn't help you may need to get new eproms for those. Could also be a voltage issue from the power supply. If you have a multimeter you can test the voltage. If you arent sure how to do this I can step you through it.

2nd. Do the coins just fall through or do they get stuck? If they just fall through that means the coin mechanism is more than likely for tokens and not quarters. You want one of these ( You should be able to find a lot cheaper at other sites. Also the game should have a service menu or dip switch to set the game to free play.

3rd. Those are security bits. You can pick up a set @ a local hardware store... Lowes or Home Depot assuming you are in the US. (


12v is almost always used exclusively to power the on board audio amp of arcade games. So if you are having audio issues start there.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 12:53:41 pm by pceslayer »

Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2013, 01:11:01 pm »
ok I found your board and the manual online.


those chips are soldered directly to the pcb... so it may be a matter of a cold solder joint.

2D = HM62256ALSP-8 32k x 8 (.300) SRAM IC (62256 or equivalent)
4E = 054539 Konami Custom IC
6F = 068 A01 KONAMI OTP Rom (Sound Program ROM...)
7C = LH168D-80L 8k x 8 (.300) SRAM IC (6264 or equivalent)

There is a black konami module that has capacitors covered in black paint... you can try replacing the caps and pray it fixes the issue.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2013, 01:33:35 pm by pceslayer »


Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2013, 02:55:04 pm »
Thanks for all the help :] I really appreciate it!

The coins do fall through and everything, but looking at it again I think some little metal wire is busted off most of the coin mechs.
There is a wire left on one of them (it is visible in the picture) but it doesnt stick far enough out for the coin to hit it.

Am I supposed to try doing anything with this? The knob is currently turned all the way to the right.

Here is a photo of the board, I didnt have very good lighting so I couldnt get the greatest photo.
The chip that says 054544, is that the chip with the caps that everyone is talking about on the forum you posted?
Thanks man!

Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2013, 05:07:14 pm »
If its just the switches you can replace them pretty cheap. (

Don't adjust that knob unless you aren't getting enough power through your 5v+ line. Go get a multimeter to test! Like now!

and yes 054544 is the board with the caps. Looks like you might have to clean off that black paint.

Re: Bought an Xmen Arcade Cabinet, need help with the sound
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2013, 06:26:16 pm »
Any luck with this?

More info on the fix for anyone whos interested.

I just purchased a 4 player X-Men cab on the cheap that was a converted TMNT. Has more issues than I'd like to mention... I'll see if I can get them sorted out.