Author Topic: Steam import feature?  (Read 3203 times)

Steam import feature?
« on: July 14, 2013, 01:24:39 pm »
This site is by far the best collection manager ever, but a steam import feature would be cool, if possible.


Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2013, 01:29:35 pm »
I wish. I'm the guy with the biggest Steam collection here, imagine how much work I had to do. :P

Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2013, 02:15:33 pm »
Steam does have an API.  I wonder if we could write a quick and dirty script that would at least pull steam data in as XML, then maybe an admin could add them on a case by case basis.

It looks like "GetOwnedGames" is what we'd be looking for:

GetOwnedGames (v0001)
GetOwnedGames returns a list of games a player owns along with some playtime information, if the profile is publicly visible. Private, friends-only, and other privacy settings are not supported unless you are asking for your own personal details (ie the WebAPI key you are using is linked to the steamid you are requesting).
Example URL:
The SteamID of the account.
Include game name and logo information in the output. The default is to return appids only.
By default, free games like Team Fortress 2 are excluded (as technically everyone owns them). If include_played_free_games is set, they will be returned if the player has played them at some point. This is the same behavior as the games list on the Steam Community.
Output format. json (default), xml or vdf.
You can optionally filter the list to a set of appids. Note that these cannot be passed as a URL parameter, instead you must use the JSON format described in Steam_Web_API#Calling_Service_interfaces. The expected input is an array of integers (in JSON: "appids_filter: [ 440, 500, 550 ]" )
Result layout
game_count the total number of games the user owns (including free games they've played, if include_played_free_games was passed)
A games array, with the following contents (note that if "include_appinfo" was not passed in the request, only appid, playtime_2weeks, and playtime_forever will be returned):
appid Unique identifier for the game
name The name of the game
playtime_2weeks The total number of minutes played in the last 2 weeks
playtime_forever The total number of minutes played "on record", since Steam began tracking total playtime in early 2009.
img_icon_url, img_logo_url - these are the filenames of various images for the game. To construct the URL to the image, use this format:{appid}/{hash}.jpg. For example, the TF2 logo is returned as "07385eb55b5ba974aebbe74d3c99626bda7920b8", which maps to the URL: [1]
has_community_visible_stats indicates there is a stats page with achievements or other game stats available for this game. The uniform URL for accessing this data is{steamid}/stats/{appid}. For example, Robin's TF2 stats can be found at: You may notice that clicking this link will actually redirect to a vanity URL like /id/robinwalker/stats/TF2
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 02:18:19 pm by mkarasch »


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Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2013, 12:56:40 am »
I wish. I'm the guy with the biggest Steam collection here, imagine how much work I had to do. :P

Yeah, that's crazy....  It is like double mine....  I can't even muster the energy to finish my physical collection listing....  I will NEVER do digital or swag....  Too much energy....  Props on the dedication though man....

Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2015, 10:56:38 pm »
I do apologize  for the necro post but this would be a very useful feature.

Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2015, 10:05:46 am »
A steam import feature would be really nice.
The Steam Web API is really easy to understand, so maybe the website devs should give it a try.


Re: Steam import feature?
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2015, 11:08:02 am »
This would be a pretty neat feature.