Personally, I mainly just use the "Browse" feature...instead of trying to get the *exact* wording right w/ the 'search' feature.
Seems like it's usually quicker & simpler for me -and- a good way to help spot dupes 
I also use browse instead as, like you said, the style guide might not be clear to all users and the item I'm looking for might not have been formatted the way I expected. Also, it's a good way for me to see the variants (and less typing!).
However, if it's a category I have very few games in, I would have to type in the titles. I agree that the search feature isn't the best at the moment (they're still tweaking it), but it's best to search by a single word or words that are together, but be careful of punctuation...
For example, you can type in "memories of Celceta" but not "memories celceta." Also, because of the colon, you can't search by "ys memories." I find it easier to just type in one keyword if possible.
Also, for @matt (boss man) to be aware of (I'm sure he already is), typing in something that has less than three characters, like "Ys" produces a weird results page. It's not an error message, and the feature has always been unable to search for anything less than three characters.