Author Topic: The game behind the name?  (Read 7074 times)


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Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #60 on: September 28, 2013, 09:11:56 pm »
I'm pretty boring. dstone = first initial, last name. Never could come up with an online alias that "clicked." Then I decided to start using my full name on a few forums around the same time I founded a now-defunct game expo (it's Drew, by the way, if anyone cares).

So, yeah, a pretty uninspired and boring origins story.

Oh, and 26 y.o., too. Going to be 27 in a few months.


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #61 on: September 30, 2013, 01:00:34 pm »

(thinking that maybe it should evolve into AtariMAN by now)...

Naw, when it comes to playing videogames I will always be a kid at heart.  ;)
Now Playing: Lollipop Chainsaw


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #62 on: October 02, 2013, 11:31:55 am »
So Disgaeniac bugged me to come over here, so now I'm catching up.  For some reason, I thought this thread was about videogames and *their* names.

Well I bought a copy of Pac-Pix for DS 5 years ago when I was in sixth grade.  After that I started collecting Pac-Man stuff, which brought me to retro gaming again.  My account name on Runescape was PacPix5 so on every site after that it has been PacPix.  My old online name from when I played toontown (Which sadly just closed, but a private server is being made) and neopets was Justin835722 ha.

Haha, Neopets!  I think I had Deso[long string of numbers].

While we are all giving the reason for our name's, any one care to mention their age??  8)   I'm old!  I'm 25 :'(

I, too, made the mistake of thinking I was the oldest one when I joined the site.  Alas, Scott and I are the same age -- 31.

Oh man. Disgaeniac has over 10 years on me. 31 over here.

He has almost 27 years on me!

he has 20 years on me

Way to make Disgaeniac feel old, guys ;)

Yeah, I try to stay as far away as I can from drugs, and I've never had sex, so I guess the way I'm growing up is quite a bit different from Disgaeniac, and I have never really been the social type person, I'm pretty shy in person.

Sounds like me when I was your age.  And look how I turned out!   :o  Yes, you, too, can be a 31 year old gamer girl.

I'm Desocietas, and my name came from my teenage self when mainstream internet began to infiltrate American homes in one-hour increments.  I didn't want to go the route of Nancy[insert birth/current year here] or qtazn143 or some gawdawful username that most teenagers (and adults!) came up with.  So I thought I'd be "clever" and "interesting" (read: emo) by making one up from latin/foreign word origins.  I think it ultimately meant "apart from society" or "of society" or something weird (*cough*embarrassing*cough*) like that.  I can't even recall the meaning of my other (even older) username Devegari31 outside of this vague interest in wanting the number 31 to symbolize luck.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #63 on: October 02, 2013, 11:58:03 pm »
So Disgaeniac bugged me to come over here, so now I'm catching up.  For some reason, I thought this thread was about videogames and *their* names.

Well I bought a copy of Pac-Pix for DS 5 years ago when I was in sixth grade.  After that I started collecting Pac-Man stuff, which brought me to retro gaming again.  My account name on Runescape was PacPix5 so on every site after that it has been PacPix.  My old online name from when I played toontown (Which sadly just closed, but a private server is being made) and neopets was Justin835722 ha.

Haha, Neopets!  I think I had Deso[long string of numbers].

While we are all giving the reason for our name's, any one care to mention their age??  8)   I'm old!  I'm 25 :'(

I, too, made the mistake of thinking I was the oldest one when I joined the site.  Alas, Scott and I are the same age -- 31.

Oh man. Disgaeniac has over 10 years on me. 31 over here.

He has almost 27 years on me!

he has 20 years on me

Way to make Disgaeniac feel old, guys ;)

Yeah, I try to stay as far away as I can from drugs, and I've never had sex, so I guess the way I'm growing up is quite a bit different from Disgaeniac, and I have never really been the social type person, I'm pretty shy in person.

Sounds like me when I was your age.  And look how I turned out!   :o  Yes, you, too, can be a 31 year old gamer girl.

I'm Desocietas, and my name came from my teenage self when mainstream internet began to infiltrate American homes in one-hour increments.  I didn't want to go the route of Nancy[insert birth/current year here] or qtazn143 or some gawdawful username that most teenagers (and adults!) came up with.  So I thought I'd be "clever" and "interesting" (read: emo) by making one up from latin/foreign word origins.  I think it ultimately meant "apart from society" or "of society" or something weird (*cough*embarrassing*cough*) like that.  I can't even recall the meaning of my other (even older) username Devegari31 outside of this vague interest in wanting the number 31 to symbolize luck.

I liked hearing about your old names and how you came up with yours. Reminds me of creating mine when I was around 12. Anyone else care to share their abandoned.

I went by:
DarkLink (directly a Zelda reference... This one was just hard to get)
NegativeCreep (Nirvana Reference. I was/am a HUGE Cobain fan)
T2PunkRocker (This was from a StarCraft "guild" my co-op partner was T2HeavyMetal)
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #64 on: October 03, 2013, 12:45:56 am »
I liked hearing about your old names and how you came up with yours. Reminds me of creating mine when I was around 12. Anyone else care to share their abandoned.

I went by:
DarkLink (directly a Zelda reference... This one was just hard to get)
NegativeCreep (Nirvana Reference. I was/am a HUGE Cobain fan)
T2PunkRocker (This was from a StarCraft "guild" my co-op partner was T2HeavyMetal)

Kitsune Sniper.

I liked the 'Kitsune' name, but didn't understand what it meant until an episode of The X-Files said what it was. (Fox.) Sniper, well, I was good at light gun games. :p

I got sick of the name a few years ago and changed it around, but a few stubborn sites refuse to acknowledge the name change and keep using the old one despite my requests to change the info.


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #65 on: October 03, 2013, 01:11:32 am »
I liked hearing about your old names and how you came up with yours. Reminds me of creating mine when I was around 12. Anyone else care to share their abandoned.

I went by:
DarkLink (directly a Zelda reference... This one was just hard to get)
NegativeCreep (Nirvana Reference. I was/am a HUGE Cobain fan)
T2PunkRocker (This was from a StarCraft "guild" my co-op partner was T2HeavyMetal)

Kitsune Sniper.

I liked the 'Kitsune' name, but didn't understand what it meant until an episode of The X-Files said what it was. (Fox.) Sniper, well, I was good at light gun games. :p

I got sick of the name a few years ago and changed it around, but a few stubborn sites refuse to acknowledge the name change and keep using the old one despite my requests to change the info.

Nice! Is that what got you into the fox theme? That X-Files episode? FOX Mulder? What channel did that appear on again? Too many coincidences...
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #66 on: October 03, 2013, 01:55:05 pm »
Mine is from what everyone expects...Donnie Darko. I picked it up when I started playing online games years ago. It's funny because the name fits my personality. I've even considered adding it into my actual name.  Before I settled on Darko I used several others. The earliest I can remember is doubledown. I think I was watching the movie Rounders or something when I started using it. I'll probably never alter it away from Darko (except for random variants like darko2424 for xbl, psn, etc).


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Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #67 on: October 09, 2013, 03:52:41 pm »
Nothing game-related for mine. It's a combination of a Diamanda Galas project called Insekta, which is (very briefly summarized) about small, resistant forces that can kill you, like viruses, and the AI character of Wintermute from the book Neuromancer.

Re: The game behind the name?
« Reply #68 on: October 16, 2013, 01:41:26 am »
Mine is actually from a Song just called "kingrat" I started using it a couple years ago on al my accounts and it just kind of stuck