Author Topic: The Best of the 7th Generation  (Read 1572 times)


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The Best of the 7th Generation
« on: November 20, 2013, 09:29:10 pm »
The 7th Generation isn't officially over yet. But with the release of the PS4 and Xbox One; and the already existing Wii U, 3DS, and PS Vita; it's pretty apparent the end is coming soon.

So looking back on the 7th generation and what it has presented us, what do you think was the best of the 7th Generation?

-Best Console (or PC)?
-Best Handheld?
-Best Game Developer?
-Best Innovation?
-Top 10 Games?


Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 09:37:52 pm »
Top 10 isn't enough for games :P

Jut to name a few:
Brutal Legends
Mirror's Edge
Borderlands 1 and 2
Bioshock 1 and Infinite
3D Dot Game Heroes
inFamous 1 and 2
Ni no Kuni
Valkyria Chronicles
Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and NSMBW
Megaman 9
Shadow Complex
Double Dragon Neon

And I'm skipping a bunch of great games. And that's not counting handhelds, the DS' library has tons of great games.


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Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 09:41:29 pm »
I love that Brutal Legend is on your list. I had soooo much fun with that. But I'm also a metal-head myself. So I got every little reference and joke.

Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 09:44:40 pm »
-Best Console (or PC)? i cant pick between ps3/xbox/pc  all have the good and bad points
-Best Handheld? psp / 3ds love both
-Best Game Developer? naughty dog
-Best Innovation? it has to be the kinect. just kidding its blu ray
-Top 10 Games?
cant think right now


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Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2013, 09:57:27 pm »
-Best Console (or PC)?
can't say
-Best Handheld?
just because of the time I've spent with it the DS
-Best Game Developer?
Suda 51/Platinum games
-Worst Game Developer?(had to make it)
Ninja Theory
-Best Innovation?
I will actually say the fact that they found  a way to put light gun games on a modern TVs
-Top 10 Games?
(no Order)
1.No More Heroes 2
3.Tales of _______(fill in with any one of them that came out)
4.Castlevania: Dawn of  Sorrow
5.Brutal Legend
6.Muramasa: the Demon Blade
7.Sakura Wars: So Long My Love
8.Shadows of the Damned
9.Rayman Origins
10.Super Mario Galaxy

(honorable Mentions)
Sonic Generations
Tomb Raider
Dead Rising
House of the Dead OVERKILL
Infamous 2
Valkyria Chronicles
Pokemon Soulsilver
Golden Sun Dark Dawn
Castlevania Portrait of ruin
the Orange box
Batman Arkham series
Devil May Cry 4
and many more
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 10:00:51 pm by redblaze57 »


Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2013, 10:27:42 pm »
Best Console:

The original XBox had a very minimal marketshare. It's third party support wasn't fantastic either. Let's face it, the PS2 dominated. But for most of the generation the XBox 360 was the dominant system between Microsoft and Sony. Indie games became a huge factor. And let's face it, Indie games would not be as far along as it is if not for the XBox Live Arcade and the XNA development tools.

Runner Up: Wii. This system sold an insane number of units. It got video games into everyone's living room. It's a level of breaking into the mainstream I've not seen since the NES.

Best Handheld:

Not even close. The library beats everything else in terms of volume and quality. It's a top notch system. It was launched in a case that harkens the game and watch and Nintendo of old. And it feels like it too! If you love old Nintendo, and who doesn't? Get a DS. And it doesn't stop there. If you like great games, get a DS. It has some of the best. Honestly, which is more successful and iconic: the Game Boy or the DS? Honestly, that's a tough one for me. And I find that quite impressive.

Best Game Developer:

Nintendo EAD launched this generation with Twilight Princess and capped it off with Skyward sword. Two Zelda's is probably enough to win the award. However, they also released Super Mario Galaxy and Mario 3D Land. Both insanely strong entries. People say that Nintendo's first party games are enough to warrant the purchase of a Wii. I tend to agree.

Best Innovation:

Sure, digital distribution has existed before. But not at this level on a console. Nintendo's virtual console was releasing games at a trickle at best. Sony reached the same level in quality, but they had to catch up, they did not innovate on this front. Super Meat Boy, Fez, Castle Crashers, these are all big defining games this generation and never saw a physical release for the system... amazing!

Top 10 Games (Will change a alot)

1) Lollipop Chainsaw - This is my list and this is simply the game I had the most fun with.
2) Forza 4
3) vvvvvv
4) Starcraft 2
5) Skyrim
6) Portal
7) Mass Effect
8- Rock Band
9) Trauma Center
10) Halo Reach
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....

Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2013, 10:49:38 pm »
I haven't considered these too carefully, but let's see how we go :)

-Best Console (or PC)?
For me, it's been all about PC, but that's more to do with my time/home situation than a lack of interest in the 360/PS3's libraries. I suppose XBLA has been my favourite "console" - if you'd have told me years ago that I'd be playing enhanced ports of NiGHTS/Virtua Fighter 2/Soul Calibur/Radiant Silvergun/Samurai Spirits 2/Guardian Heroes, etc. all on one mainstream modern service (and in the UK too!) I'd have called BS, but it obviously turned out to be true!

-Best Handheld?
PSP. Between the DS and the PSP, the latter just has more of what I like on it. I think it was also a nice wake up call when it launched and sort-of proved that handheld gaming doesn't have to be the technology leper of the gaming world.

-Best Game Developer?
Pfft, no clue.

-Best Innovation?
Microtransactions? *is shot*

-Top 10 Games?
The Last Remnant (PC)
FFF: Chocobo's Dungeon (Wii/DS)
Gu Jian Qi Tan 1 (& 2) (PC)
Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)
Boku no Natsuyasumi 4 (PSP)
<insert more games here>


a) I should stress the "microtransactions" suggestion was a (bad) joke
b) Stick Everybody's Golf 5 (PS3) on that games list :)


Add Mushihimesama Futari and Fortune Summoners to the list, as well as the entire Kiseki series :)

(is that ten?)

« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 01:22:44 am by kimimi »


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Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2013, 10:53:17 pm »
Best Console: PlayStation 3
Best Handheld: PlayStation Vita
Best Innovation: Gravity Rush. Hardware innovation is meaningless to me if nobody is doing anything interesting with it, and this game was one of the very few that made me look at the hardware it was running on and think, "I could only play a game like this with this hardware, and it is FANTASTIC."

No pick for best or worst developer, since just about everyone managed to succeed and fail in equal measure.

If I'm trying to narrow it to top 10, I can only frame it around which games sucked me in so much that I didn't want to stop playing, and sometimes even started a 2nd playthrough immediately after.
1. Mass Effect 2
2. Nier
3. Tales of Xillia
4. Dead or Alive 5
5. The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
6. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
7. Valkyria Chronicles
8. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
9. Gears of War 2
10. Resident Evil 6 - Undoubtedly a VERY controversial choice.

Honorable mentions: Shadows of the Damned, Uncharted, Heavy Rain, Catherine, Assassin's Creed II, Bayonetta, Lost Planet, Tales of Vesperia, BioShock Infinite, Dragon Age, Mortal Kombat, Dishonored, Skyrim, Gravity Rush, Persona 4: Golden, Diablo III, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, various Cave shooters


Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2013, 11:00:31 pm »
-Best Console (or PC)?
For me it is 110% the PS3. Its one of, if not the, greatest system created so far. I got it maybe 4 years ago and it still gets turned on and played every single day.
-Best Handheld?
Im going to have to say the DS. I want to pick the PSP but the library just isnt up to the DS's level.
-Best Game Developer?
Ehhhh, no clue. I really dont pay that close attention of who makes what.
-Best Innovation?
I will probably join Kimimi on the firing line but ... motion controls. The Wiimote is one of the most interesting controllers ever made. It allows people to finally achieve one thing that has been pondered for years and thats to feel as if you were part of the game ... if you were the actual character you play.
-Top 10 Games?
Oh lord, this is going to be tough.
#1 is far and away Ni no Kuni. The greatest gaming experience ever. If anyone plays this and doesnt like this, they need to visit a psychiatrist or just give up on gaming in general.
#2 - 10 : In no special order
MK 2011
Diablo III
God of War Ascension
Kingdoms of Amalur
Skylanders (the whole series)
*I dont necessarily like this game but it deserves to be on this list* GTA V
Last of Us


Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2013, 12:16:47 am »
-Best Console (or PC)?
Xbox 360 - Loved the 360. The controller was great and I never ended up with my hands getting tired or sore. It fits in my hands really well and doesn't feel like it's going to break if you drop it on a hard surface. It has a good selection of shmups too, which helps in my book. Plus that XBLA.

-Best Handheld?
Nintendo DS - Hands down the greatest handheld system ever. The GBA is great, but the DS took it a step further. The library of games is massive and has something for everyone. It brought the touchscreen into gaming and while it did have it's share of gimmicky game elements tied to it. Some developers did a really good job with it (Etrian Odyssey, anyone?). I'll likely be buying DS games for years to come.

-Best Game Developer?
I'm tempted to say Media Molecule. LittleBIGPlanet is an amazing game.

-Best Innovation?
I'm leaning more toward touch screen controls, rather than motion gaming. Motion gaming pissed me off a lot this gen, especially with Donkey Kong Country Returns. I spent a lot of time using the stylus to pick up Apples in Animal Crossing, Move troops in Advance Wars and sort my inventory in a bunch of games. Plus things like having to draw symbols on the screen in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow was neat.

-Top 10 Games?
Hmm. Gonna do 2 lists. Retail and Digital Only

-Retail -

- Fallout 3: So many hours into this game, and I still don't think I've seen everything. Plus it's post-apocalyptic D.C., what's not to like about that.

- Skate 2 - Most fun I've had with a skateboard game since Tony Hawk's Underground. The Dual Stick design felt natural and with the ability to get off your board it made it even easier to set up spots to spend hours perfecting your line.

- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia: I was torn between this one and Dawn of Sorrow and while I really liked Soma's story. Ecclesia had an even better mix of classic difficulty and newer exploration. Possibly the best Metroidvania made yet.

- LittleBIGPlanet: Mega cuteness mixed with the ability to craft anything you wanted out of thin air? Yes please. Everyone that I've shown this game has instantly fallen in love with it.

- Uncharted 2: Best of the Uncharted games, it's got the best story and seems a lot darker than the other 2. Plus the set pieces were amazing. It did do a little jumping the shark near the end, but not nearly as bad as the 3rd game did.

- Rock Band & 2: Guitar Hero might have started the "band" game craze. But Rock Band perfected it, turning it into the ultimate party game. I think my friends and I burned months on these games and I still play them. Plus, Rock Band 2 having the ability to merge some of 1's main songs and other Rock Band releases was a mega nice touch.

- Dragon Quest V: Enhanced SNES port of the Japanese only RPG. Really a great game and one of the few JRPGs I've been sucked into completely in a long time. You really start to feel bad for the main character, he's just constantly getting screwed over throughout his entire life. Lots of memorable characters and the story spans like 30 years or so.

- Xenoblade Chronicles: Epic JRPG. Sure it's not HD and doesn't look top notch. But it had a really good storyline and there were actually parts of it that got my emotions riled up. You really start to hate some of the villians and its got a few good twists in there to boot. It's a shame that it only got sold at GameStops and the price tag got jacked to hell. If you have the means, or find a reasonably priced copy I suggest picking it up.

- Assassin's Creed II: ACII took everything good about Assassin's Creed and made it better, while fixing the things AC1 did wrong. Gone are the repetitive mission structures and missions seemed to flow a lot nicer. To the point where I had to stop myself from doing the story just so I could stop and explore.

- Radiant Historia: JRPG with time travel elements where your decisions in one timeline affect the other? Yes please. Plus the combat system was pretty interesting. The ability to manipulate the turn order and build combos to take out enemies was slick. Really well done, but I also think that it might not be for everyone.

- Digital -

- Castle Crashers: Ultimate Co-Op Beat 'em Up action. It's more fun if you have friends near the same level as your character. But even without it's still a blast.

- Super Meat Boy: Super hard, but rewarding platformer. Difficulty slowly ramps up over the course of the game and eventually gets to the point of ridiculousness.

- Bionic Commando: ReArmed: Excellent remake of the NES original. New bosses and remixed level design and added story elements. GRIN did an excellent job with this game.

- Braid: Really, Really pretty platforming game. Time control mechanics allow you to manipulate levels and puzzles on the fly. Some very tricky puzzle solving too. The narrative is confusing as hell until the end, and when I got to it it was a total WTF? moment.

- Shantae 2: Risky's Revenge: Excellent sequel to the GB Color title. You play as a half-genie chick that whips enemies with her hair ala' Kabuki Quantum Fighter.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2013, 10:38:00 am »
-Best Console (or PC)?
Xbox 360. 
As much as I feel like I missed out not having a PS3 until 6 months ago, the 360 just did things right.  Yeah, things started to head downhill toward the end, but it was a great system.  I honestly don't think we'll see anyone do everything this well again. 

-Best Handheld?
Nintendo DS
Do I really need to explain this one.  There is a great library with a good mix of rehashed classics and new innovation. 

-Best Game Developer?
They made the games that I will continue to come back and play. Now if we could just get them to take out the waggle controls from everything.

-Best Innovation?
Xbox Live
It may have started in the previous generation, but it was perfected here.  The online play works great and the ability to download games on the XBLA made this a hit.  Everyone else is trying to do it now, but just isn't getting it right.

-Top 10 Games?
This is a toughy...

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood  I really think the whole series should be on here, but this is my favorite

Rock Band 2  The series is great, and dammit if playing plastic instruments wasn't a blast

Borderlands 2 I don't know what to say other than this is a lot of fun

New Super Mario Bros   Is it strange that the 2D throw back was a breath of fresh air?  I'm kind of sick of 3D platformers

Red Dead Redemption  This is possibly the best game of this generation.

Kingdom Hearts HD Remix  I know this was on the PS2, but I just discovered it.  I'm counting it as this generation

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare  Say what you want about COD.  It was fun before every 12 year old got it and started having sex with my mom.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance  All these comic book characters in one game?  Yes please!

UFC Undisputed 2010  Finally my favorite sport gets some love.  Being a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu guy, I loved that you could pull off submissions from about every position.

Star Wars: The Force Unleased  This is the first time you really got the feeling that you were using The Force.  It was over the top and I loved it.

Batman: Arkham Asylum  I am the DAMN BATMAN!

Honorable Mention: Fable 2&3, Crackdown, Brutal Legend, Call of Duty 3, Gears of War, Portal 2, Tiger Woods Golf, Contra 4, Professor Layton Series


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Re: The Best of the 7th Generation
« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2013, 02:58:59 pm »
New Super Mario Bros   Is it strange that the 2D throw back was a breath of fresh air?  I'm kind of sick of 3D platformers

Hell, most 3D platformers you can hardly call "platformers". They're more like "collect-a-thons" with cutesy characters.