Does everyone's local Good wills do what mine do? Put stickers all over the freaking place lol?? I swear on some 64 cartridge games, they will put stickers on the front and back labels, and both sides. it does not really cause for all that
The one in my town usually puts just one sticker on, it varies where it is placed. I hate it when it is right on the labels though
Your AVATAR just freaking me out! I was reading the comments and then I seen something red glow at the corner of my eye and I was like "what the heck!?" Took me a minute to find out that was your red eyes of fire! lol
Yea sometimes they will put stickers every where and its crazy. I seen a playstation 1 there before, and it had 3 stickers on top of the console, 2 on the bottom, 1 on the controller, 1 on the av cord, and when i popped open the cd cover, there was 2 there. I guess people got smart and maybe switch labels with another item to get them for cheaper or something.