Author Topic: Console exclusive games and good reasons to still follow modern consoles?  (Read 1201 times)


Obvious or not, I'm no fan of download only games. I actually own none. It's just my preference to stick with games that have tangible retail releases. I'm also a console gamer. Normally, I don't mind either way what someone chooses to buy, it's their own business. However, I have a friend who used to be pretty big into console gaming and collecting with me. That was, until a few years ago when he discovered Steam, and declared that he was never buying another hard copy new release again, aside from Nintendo exclusives. He prefers Steam for convenience, price, and the fact that PC is always technically superior.

He is of the mindset that basically everything out there worth playing is on Steam, except for Nintendo games. Really he's just uniformed about what's out there, because obviously there has got to be more than just Ninty that you can't get on Steam. Obviously there's PlayStation first party, and Xbox first party. It's kind of hard to tell though, what third party software out there exists that is exclusive to consoles? Without running a search of every game on Steam, that is.

I came across a series of lists on Wiki called "list of (insert generation) console exclusives". But the list was useless, because despite the title, many of the games listed are available on Windows, which is not a console. Either people editing this list do not get the point, or else I don't. But when you talk about console exclusives, you think PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, etc.

I want to give him some good reasons to still look into console games, instead of just assuming anything that is good and relevant is on Steam. I still get the impression that plenty of good games come out that are console only, and not just first party. Another thing I'm unsure of (not a PC gamer), is weather or not every PC game is technically on Steam or not?


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Not on PC, digitally or physically, although maybe emulated, and what I believe are awesome console-exclusive games are:

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Ni no Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch
Odin Sphere
Ratchet & Clank series
Shadow Of The Colossus
Suikoden series*
Uncharted series
Vagrant Story
Valkyria Chronicles
Wild ARMs

Phantasy Star
Phantasy Star Online
Skies Of Arcadia

Growlanser series
Lunar series
Metal Gear series**
Ys series

These are ones at the moment I believe aren't available yet on Steam, as of now.  Again, emulation is another story.

*:Except Suikoden Tierkreis, which was on Nintendo DS...
**: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is available on Steam.

Please check out the games I have for sale.

I'm a big PC player myself, generally the games I really like are best on it or only on it such as STALKER, Metro, most Bethesda stuff, but there can be good games on consoles for sure.  Not everything is on Steam, though most of it ends up being on there and it is a really great platform.  There is the downside though of ports that get that shit treatment on PC.  There's a lot of those games that are just terrible on PC.  Mass Effect 1, Borderlands 1, the initial Resident Evil 4 port, Dead Space 1, these are not PC recommended titles.

Most everything has good exclusives on it.  The PS3 does, the 360 does, the Wii U does, the Wii does, there is always something good.  I understand the convenience for sure, I have a massive Steam library, though I am starting to pull back on the digital releases I can unless they are stupid crazy sales and anything in the future that is new that I want will be a physical copy for myself that will most likely end up being steam anyways, but I want more physical titles.

Just on PS3 alone, there's the PSN network that is gonna have the PS1 games, there's HD ports of Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, there's good games like the Uncharted Series, God of War series, 3D Dot Game Heroes which is basically a Zelda ripoff/tribute, and others like Ni No Kuni that I'll recommend on it being Studio Ghibli related alone as I still need to play it lol

I feel like the 360 is a tad lesser in the exclusives department, even if I was a supporter of it during the generation.

It kinda comes down to...What games does he like?  Does he likes shooters? They are the best on PC hands down. Does he want platformers? Generally better on consoles, but there are alot more showing up now on PC with the big 2D indie platformer push.  Action games? Generally better on consoles especially when the ports don't really bring much. Racing is better on consoles, though Sega All Stars Transformed is great on PC. RPG's? Basically just consoles for the most part.


  • Guest
I'm a big PC player myself, generally the games I really like are best on it or only on it such as STALKER, Metro, most Bethesda stuff, but there can be good games on consoles for sure.  Not everything is on Steam, though most of it ends up being on there and it is a really great platform.  There is the downside though of ports that get that shit treatment on PC.  There's a lot of those games that are just terrible on PC.  Mass Effect 1, Borderlands 1, the initial Resident Evil 4 port, Dead Space 1, these are not PC recommended titles.

Most everything has good exclusives on it.  The PS3 does, the 360 does, the Wii U does, the Wii does, there is always something good.  I understand the convenience for sure, I have a massive Steam library, though I am starting to pull back on the digital releases I can unless they are stupid crazy sales and anything in the future that is new that I want will be a physical copy for myself that will most likely end up being steam anyways, but I want more physical titles.

Just on PS3 alone, there's the PSN network that is gonna have the PS1 games, there's HD ports of Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, there's good games like the Uncharted Series, God of War series, 3D Dot Game Heroes which is basically a Zelda ripoff/tribute, and others like Ni No Kuni that I'll recommend on it being Studio Ghibli related alone as I still need to play it lol

I feel like the 360 is a tad lesser in the exclusives department, even if I was a supporter of it during the generation.

It kinda comes down to...What games does he like?  Does he likes shooters? They are the best on PC hands down. Does he want platformers? Generally better on consoles, but there are alot more showing up now on PC with the big 2D indie platformer push.  Action games? Generally better on consoles especially when the ports don't really bring much. Racing is better on consoles, though Sega All Stars Transformed is great on PC. RPG's? Basically just consoles for the most part.

Kamikazekeeg, when I get around to updating my wish list; I will have to get with you because that's something I'm facing is what games are better on PC or console.


Obvious or not, I'm no fan of download only games. I actually own none. It's just my preference to stick with games that have tangible retail releases. I'm also a console gamer. Normally, I don't mind either way what someone chooses to buy, it's their own business. However, I have a friend who used to be pretty big into console gaming and collecting with me. That was, until a few years ago when he discovered Steam, and declared that he was never buying another hard copy new release again, aside from Nintendo exclusives. He prefers Steam for convenience, price, and the fact that PC is always technically superior.

He is of the mindset that basically everything out there worth playing is on Steam, except for Nintendo games. Really he's just uniformed about what's out there, because obviously there has got to be more than just Ninty that you can't get on Steam. Obviously there's PlayStation first party, and Xbox first party. It's kind of hard to tell though, what third party software out there exists that is exclusive to consoles? Without running a search of every game on Steam, that is.

I came across a series of lists on Wiki called "list of (insert generation) console exclusives". But the list was useless, because despite the title, many of the games listed are available on Windows, which is not a console. Either people editing this list do not get the point, or else I don't. But when you talk about console exclusives, you think PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, etc.

I want to give him some good reasons to still look into console games, instead of just assuming anything that is good and relevant is on Steam. I still get the impression that plenty of good games come out that are console only, and not just first party. Another thing I'm unsure of (not a PC gamer), is weather or not every PC game is technically on Steam or not?
Playstation 3 is the place to be right now. End of a consoles life is the best time for the best games.

-tales of xillia   
-tales of sympominia chronicles           
-Atelier Escha and Logy
-final fantasy 10
-the witch and hundred knights
-Short Peace Rankos Tsukigimes Longest Day
-xblaze code embryo
-Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
-Fairy Fencer F 
-Persona 5

Just a couple..

Kamikazekeeg, when I get around to updating my wish list; I will have to get with you because that's something I'm facing is what games are better on PC or console.

Sure thing, I could probably help out with that.