Author Topic: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?  (Read 4534 times)

Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2014, 01:22:21 pm »
I think one of the biggest factors is what is the game's appeal?  Is it a AAA blockbuster?  If so, odds are it will never be truly rare because they're going to make a ton of them.  But more niche games (and most JRPGs are definitely niche) will typically have a limited print run and therefore be more scarce.  A few upcoming games I'd keep an eye on:

Deception IV: Blood Ties (PS3 / Vita) - Comes out at the end of the month.  A sequel to an already niche and mostly forgotten PS1 franchise (there was also a game from the series on the PS2 but it went by a different name, Trapt).  Definitely a quircky game, and almost certain to have a very small print run. 

Drakengard 3 (PS3) - You've already missed the boat on the CE for this one.  It was limited to 5k copies which were only available directly from Square-Enix's website and they sold out VERY quickly.  But also keep in mind that the only place to buy a physical copy of the game PERIOD is from Square-Enix's website, so the game in any physical form is pretty much guaranteed to become rare. 

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle (PS3) - Here's another one with only a couple of places offering the physical version of the game - this time it's either direct from Namco-Bandai or from Amazon.  As soon as Amazon put this up for preorders, I jumped on it.  Again, I doubt this game has a very big print run. 

Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (PS3) - There's an LE of this still available to preorder (last time I checked...) as well as a standard edition.  Not limited to certain retailers, but don't go looking for it at Wal-Mart (and I don't think I've seen any sign of Best Buy carrying it).  It's a visual novel, so this is the nichiest of the niche.  My wife wanted it after seeing the trailer so I have the LE on order for her.  FYI, Amazon currently has the LE listed at $10 off making it $50, only $10 more than the standard ed. 

On a more general note, recently I've begun trying to get ahold of any PSP RPGs I want that I missed (which is quite a few).  Most of these are still somewhat reasonably priced, some of them are actually very cheap - I ordered a copy of Tactics Ogre for $10 new last night from Amazon.  I expect GS to start liquidating what's left of their already small inventory of these any day now, and once they're no longer carrying them you'll start seeing the prices climb. 

EDIT:  One last thing I wanted to mention, all of these PS3 games I've mentioned have one thing in common - they're niche games coming at the end of a console cycle, and those have historically had the smallest print runs & become some of the most sought-after games.  But there's a new wrinkle in things this time.  Companies know these games probably won't sell a ton but they may be able to squeak out more digital sales than physical.  So I'm expecting even smaller print runs than normal on many of these quircky games with more of a focus being on the digital side.

That is the whole reason I won't buy Drakengard 3. Limiting it to just their store is stupid. And though I know I won't see it at every one I go to, I know some copies will pop up used at Gamestop or my local game store, (not to mention 3rd party sellers on amazon, though for a bit more I am sure, but if SE wants to pull crap like this I don't want to give them my money).

WTF ya' been DennieD.?!

I've missed seeing u around here  :-*

Haha, I've been around, just busy with life and such. We moved last year and I tried to get some stuff done around the house this past winter when I wasn't working. How you been?


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2014, 02:56:28 pm »
Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (PS3) - There's an LE of this still available to preorder (last time I checked...) as well as a standard edition.  Not limited to certain retailers, but don't go looking for it at Wal-Mart (and I don't think I've seen any sign of Best Buy carrying it).  It's a visual novel, so this is the nichiest of the niche.  My wife wanted it after seeing the trailer so I have the LE on order for her.  FYI, Amazon currently has the LE listed at $10 off making it $50, only $10 more than the standard ed. 

Thanks for the heads up on Hakuoki, I'm just curious enough I sense an impending Amazon order on it. :P

Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2014, 05:42:49 pm »
A lot of this makes sense for current day releases where the writing is on the wall basically, for said limited production titles. What confuses me more, are the classic games (and games in general) which weren't intentionally limited, but also not massively produced. Some games that fall into this sector, become basically worthless. Others, end up becoming a gold mine. Some will sit at deflated prices for a long period of time, then suddenly see a big rise in value out of seemingly nowhere.

Example, I was shopping Genesis games. One of the lesser known, but still desirable titles is Chakan (which I still do not own). That game can be had for a really low price, even complete. It has been cheap for years and years. Will it stay cheap? Who knows? It definitely seems like a game most Genesis collectors would like to own. Then, I later come across games like Alisia Dragoon and Shadowrun. According to PriceCharting, those games have seen a steady increase more than doubling value since about 2009 to present day. Can you believe people were buying Alisia Dragoon carts at $5 on eBay a few years back? Couldn't happen today. If I had been really aware of these games beforehand, I would have grabbed a copy when they were still dirt cheap. Same situation with SNES, NES, Master System, etc.

Those are the types of heads up I'd love to have concerning the classic platforms. Games that weren't meant to be rare, but could still go either way as far as value. It's difficult to say what makes this happen or not happen with Genesis games, or NES, or PS1 games (any classic platform). One year they're a total bargain, a few years later the price is starting to gouge wallets. So I'd love to know which games are still a bargain that might not stay that way.

Many older games have or are in the process of showing their popularity and peak values just because they've been around for a while and people that may have not known about them now do. Especially Atari, NES, SNES and Genesis games are well known enough at this point by the collecting community where you will likely see little fluctuation, especially upwards in value. Currently systems released during the 5th generation (N64 and PS1, Saturn has been pretty steady for a while) are beginning to come into their own with more obscure/rare titles coming into the light and collectors driving the values up. Probably the oldest system that still has some growth potential in terms of current values and potential future value increased are 6th gen games, excluding the Dreamcast to a certain extent. There are a lot of PS2, Gamecube and XBOX games that are still fairly under the radar because collecting for them has just started to increase. I'd start looking there honestly because unfortunately the NES, SNES and Genesis hidden gems boat departed and arrived to the masses a long time ago.


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2014, 06:24:41 pm »
Anything Nintendo or Sega before that Console Wars movie comes out.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2014, 07:47:09 pm »

Pandora's Tower for Wii is one I foresee going up in price. It was released late in the Wii's lifespan, and it wasn't just some gimmicky waggle game; but rather a well thought-out game exclusive for the Wii.

I REALLY need to get this one before it goes up too high in value, because it's one I really want to play.


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2014, 08:22:16 pm »
A lot of this makes sense for current day releases where the writing is on the wall basically, for said limited production titles. What confuses me more, are the classic games (and games in general) which weren't intentionally limited, but also not massively produced. Some games that fall into this sector, become basically worthless. Others, end up becoming a gold mine. Some will sit at deflated prices for a long period of time, then suddenly see a big rise in value out of seemingly nowhere.

Example, I was shopping Genesis games. One of the lesser known, but still desirable titles is Chakan (which I still do not own). That game can be had for a really low price, even complete. It has been cheap for years and years. Will it stay cheap? Who knows? It definitely seems like a game most Genesis collectors would like to own. Then, I later come across games like Alisia Dragoon and Shadowrun. According to PriceCharting, those games have seen a steady increase more than doubling value since about 2009 to present day. Can you believe people were buying Alisia Dragoon carts at $5 on eBay a few years back? Couldn't happen today. If I had been really aware of these games beforehand, I would have grabbed a copy when they were still dirt cheap. Same situation with SNES, NES, Master System, etc.

Those are the types of heads up I'd love to have concerning the classic platforms. Games that weren't meant to be rare, but could still go either way as far as value. It's difficult to say what makes this happen or not happen with Genesis games, or NES, or PS1 games (any classic platform). One year they're a total bargain, a few years later the price is starting to gouge wallets. So I'd love to know which games are still a bargain that might not stay that way.

Many older games have or are in the process of showing their popularity and peak values just because they've been around for a while and people that may have not known about them now do. Especially Atari, NES, SNES and Genesis games are well known enough at this point by the collecting community where you will likely see little fluctuation, especially upwards in value. Currently systems released during the 5th generation (N64 and PS1, Saturn has been pretty steady for a while) are beginning to come into their own with more obscure/rare titles coming into the light and collectors driving the values up. Probably the oldest system that still has some growth potential in terms of current values and potential future value increased are 6th gen games, excluding the Dreamcast to a certain extent. There are a lot of PS2, Gamecube and XBOX games that are still fairly under the radar because collecting for them has just started to increase. I'd start looking there honestly because unfortunately the NES, SNES and Genesis hidden gems boat departed and arrived to the masses a long time ago.

Recommendations are always welcome. Thought I do have a lot of PS2, XBOX, and GameCube already. Maybe there is something I've overlooked.


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Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2014, 12:09:39 pm »
What a cool topic. Definitely some good games mentioned here.
Here are some upcoming RPGs I've had my eye one that I think could end up on the rare side in the future.

The Dreamcast version of Pier Solar that comes out sometime soon. It's going to be released digitally on a couple of current platforms but I think the physical Dreamcast version is the one to get. The Genesis print from a few years back became very rare so this one could go the same way.

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars for 3DS & Vita comes out on April 15th. Another quirky RPG being published by Atlus. Knowing Atlus this one will probably have a shorter print run. Plus the pre-orders are coming with a soundtrack disc.

The Witch and the Hundred Knight for PS3. An Action RPG published by NIS that comes out at the end of the month. This one has been getting mediocre reviews but it looks gorgeous. I'm guessing this one will be very niche and coming out towards the end of the PS3's lifespan will have a shorter print run.

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE for PS3 and Vita that comes out on April 1st. It's an updated version of a Vita game that came out 2 years ago. I don't know a lot about this one, it has something to do with Norse mythology. It's being published by XSEED so it'll probably have a shorter print run like the others.

Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2014, 09:13:39 pm »
anything that starts with 'tales of'

Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2014, 09:14:45 pm »
anything with mario donkey kong or zelda.
these always end up expensive for some reason.


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2014, 04:30:44 am »
bionic commando non 2D reboot: over the last last couple of years, it has gotten cult fanbase and the game was not a big success,
these factors are gonna make this game pricey in the future


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Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2014, 03:51:35 pm »
bionic commando non 2D reboot: over the last last couple of years, it has gotten cult fanbase and the game was not a big success,
these factors are gonna make this game pricey in the future

I've heard a lot of people talk about it here at VGCollect (I'm one of them), but I really don't hear it talked about otherwise (unless I'm the one bringing it up).


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2014, 04:18:23 pm »
I'm not sure that I share your enthusiasm about Bionic Commando. While I think it's an under-rated game, I think that there are enough cheap copies out there that it won't go crazy price wise. I'm thinking it'll forever be a $5 CIB title.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2014, 05:20:19 pm »
Speaking of possibly rare items... I'm going to put this here:,
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Games to consider buying before they some day become pricey?
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2014, 02:19:20 pm »
What a cool topic. Definitely some good games mentioned here.
Here are some upcoming RPGs I've had my eye one that I think could end up on the rare side in the future.

The Dreamcast version of Pier Solar that comes out sometime soon. It's going to be released digitally on a couple of current platforms but I think the physical Dreamcast version is the one to get. The Genesis print from a few years back became very rare so this one could go the same way.

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars for 3DS & Vita comes out on April 15th. Another quirky RPG being published by Atlus. Knowing Atlus this one will probably have a shorter print run. Plus the pre-orders are coming with a soundtrack disc.

The Witch and the Hundred Knight for PS3. An Action RPG published by NIS that comes out at the end of the month. This one has been getting mediocre reviews but it looks gorgeous. I'm guessing this one will be very niche and coming out towards the end of the PS3's lifespan will have a shorter print run.

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE for PS3 and Vita that comes out on April 1st. It's an updated version of a Vita game that came out 2 years ago. I don't know a lot about this one, it has something to do with Norse mythology. It's being published by XSEED so it'll probably have a shorter print run like the others.

Ive already paid in full for both Witch and Conception II. I looked at the Pier Solar site a while back but I cant find any info on anything other than the DC version. I want the PS3 version. I may have to look at that Ragnarok game.