Author Topic: Missing category, Ps1 platinum  (Read 1371 times)


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Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« on: April 15, 2014, 04:10:26 pm »
The drop-down list have an option for Playstation Classics, but there are no good way to add the Platinum-editions.
A quick fix to add, I would think, and would make my (still in progress) site-based Ps1-library a hell lot of fancier.

Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2014, 04:21:04 pm »
I'll wait for others to chime in as I'm not too familiar with the Plat editions. If needed I can add it later tonight.


Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2014, 04:55:08 pm »
The drop-down list have an option for Playstation Classics, but there are no good way to add the Platinum-editions.
A quick fix to add, I would think, and would make my (still in progress) site-based Ps1-library a hell lot of fancier.

PlayStation (PsOne) Classics are PSN (digital) releases of games.

Platinum-labeled games are the European equivalent of the Greatest Hits line in the US, and they go under the standard PlayStation [EU] filter. Just add the games with " - Platinum" (without the quotes) appended to the title.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 04:56:53 pm by foxhack »


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Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2014, 05:05:31 pm »
So much for me not paying much attention to this (or last) gen systems, I thought Classics were one of these:

Well then, thanks for straighten that one out at least.. then I feel free to edit those who are (miss)labeled "(platinum)" to fit what you wrote.
Buuut my five cents are that I'd still see a point with another category, since then it would be easier to keep track of "real" releases and those ugly looking re-released ones. But anyways, I'll do as told.


Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2014, 05:35:42 pm »
So much for me not paying much attention to this (or last) gen systems, I thought Classics were one of these:

Well then, thanks for straighten that one out at least.. then I feel free to edit those who are (miss)labeled "(platinum)" to fit what you wrote.
Buuut my five cents are that I'd still see a point with another category, since then it would be easier to keep track of "real" releases and those ugly looking re-released ones. But anyways, I'll do as told.

We classify releases by platform and regions, not by ugly cover art. Sorry. XD

And this also explains why people kept adding physical games to the PSOne Classics section...


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Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2014, 09:29:31 pm »
The drop-down list have an option for Playstation Classics, but there are no good way to add the Platinum-editions.
A quick fix to add, I would think, and would make my (still in progress) site-based Ps1-library a hell lot of fancier.

PlayStation (PsOne) Classics are PSN (digital) releases of games.

Platinum-labeled games are the European equivalent of the Greatest Hits line in the US, and they go under the standard PlayStation [EU] filter. Just add the games with " - Platinum" (without the quotes) appended to the title.

^This....  There are numerous other iterations of this in different regions as well....  For example Konami's "The Best" line of reprints in Japan....  I think it'd be too convoluted to list sub-series releases like that personally....

Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2014, 10:18:14 pm »
Greatest Hits, Player's Choice, et cetera are all pretty much packaging variations. I don't really like think it needs a whole category. At the same time I can understand if you're someone who has over 1000 PS1 games and would like to survey what Platinum/Greatest Hits games you own.

It might be a long shot but maybe having the ability to search your own game library would be helpful. For example, all you'd have to do is type in Platinum and everything labeled that would come up. This could be useful for series that span multiple platforms. If I were to search for Madden, as in Madden Football, it could then list all the Madden games that are in my collection without having to look through each platform to find out.


Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2014, 10:53:46 am »
So much for me not paying much attention to this (or last) gen systems, I thought Classics were one of these:

Well then, thanks for straighten that one out at least.. then I feel free to edit those who are (miss)labeled "(platinum)" to fit what you wrote.
Buuut my five cents are that I'd still see a point with another category, since then it would be easier to keep track of "real" releases and those ugly looking re-released ones. But anyways, I'll do as told.

That "Classics" is EA's imprint, not Playstation's. EA also had the Classics (gold box) releases of their PC games in the US and UK.


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Re: Missing category, Ps1 platinum
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2014, 05:53:01 pm »
Greatest Hits, Player's Choice, et cetera are all pretty much packaging variations. I don't really like think it needs a whole category. At the same time I can understand if you're someone who has over 1000 PS1 games and would like to survey what Platinum/Greatest Hits games you own.

It might be a long shot but maybe having the ability to search your own game library would be helpful. For example, all you'd have to do is type in Platinum and everything labeled that would come up. This could be useful for series that span multiple platforms. If I were to search for Madden, as in Madden Football, it could then list all the Madden games that are in my collection without having to look through each platform to find out.

This is a good idea....  Once you break a thousand games or so searching can get tedious....  Say you want to view a quick concise list of all the Resident Evil games you own for example....  It would be much more convenient to have a list compile from a search than click through each section in your collection....  Though arguably, if you're logged in and just search "Resident Evil" then a list with all of them would appear with the "in your collection" tags under the ones you own, so I suppose as it is right now it is decently workable....  I don't think this implementation would be very high priority....  Only in series with a very large number of entries would be tedious to sort through....