*sees interesting topic on collecting games, wants to reply but gets slammed at work for 2 days*
*returns 2 days later, thread is now about Sega vs Nintendo*


I primarily collect with the
intention of playing. How's that?

I don't go for complete system collections, but I DO go for complete genre collections on certain systems - RPGs, to be exact. And I really would like to play the majority of them. Guess that's the problem with your favorite genre of games also being typically the longest games. But I chip away so I don't feel TOO bad.

And like someone else said, people collect many other things without "using" them, so I don't see the problem with buying the occasional game that I have no intention of ever playing. It's foolish to judge what someone else chooses to do with their money anyway.
And I have no "dog in the fight" with Nintendo vs Sega. I grew up on Nintendo systems so I am much more familiar with them and there's a ton of nostalgia for me with those old systems. That said, I think of myself as a gamer anomaly. Many people seem to collect for the NES, and many of them weren't alive when it was a thing. My first console was an Atari 2600 (well... a pong machine if you want to be technical) and I very clearly remember the NES era. But I have no interest in going back & playing those old games beyond the occasional "hey, I remember this" 5-minute play. I don't collect for cartridge-based systems period really, outside of portables. I got my PSX after college, so obviously my PS2 was several years after that and it's the console I enjoy collecting for the most. For me, it has not only the single best library of my favorite genre, RPGs, but it also has a ton of variety and quirky games that I love. And the majority of them hold up very well today.