Author Topic: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?  (Read 18115 times)


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #60 on: April 17, 2014, 05:53:32 pm »
It's going to be said tho lol. Let's be honest the SNES was everything the NES wasn't, and it did everything the NES didn't, and it did better at that. The NES hoarded all the exclusives as well from the SMS. I feel SMS should of been the rightful winner of that generation if it was given the chance. At the end of the day I feel  the NES is nothing more than a overhyped machine fueled by nostalgia, and youtube NES collectors. It also pisses me off to be honest people buying 50 copies of a game to drive up it's value, these folks are not gamers, business men pure, and simple who probably don't even play video games who feed off ill informed collectors at a high price. There should be no association between them. Lets be honest about it.

Of course the SNES is what the NES wasn't it was better.  That's how progression works.  They made a better NES.  Dare I even say they made it "Super"?  You can't compare the two.  Technology was moving so fast at the time.  Is a PS1 as good as the PS2?  PS3?  No, they took what worked and made it better.  Are there games on the PS1 that are better than games on the PS3?  I'm sure there are.  I don't really know. 

I know it's cool to like the SMS right now; but let's all face it, the NES has more good games on it.  I like the SMS.  I have one hooked up right next to my NES (actually it's below it and to the left, but still the same TV   :P).  The SMS has some good games on it; but just like the NES, it has some shit too.  In my opinion and the opinion of many, many others, the NES has better games. 

As for the NES being overhyped: Are you serious?  More people on this planet know who Mario is than Barak Obama.  That is a fact.  A ton of massive franchises were born on the NES.  Super Mario, Mega Man, Metroid... Do I really need to keep going? 

And resellers hoarding stock to raise the price?  How is the any fault of the NES?  You need to be blaming the people that are willing to pay those high prices.  NES collecting started because people loved the system as kids and wanted to get a piece of that back.  It just sucks that these speculation assholes saw where a dime could be made and jumped in.

Now, you are entitled to your opinion.  You don't have to like the NES.  You may think the SMS was developed by God himself and handed down to Sega.  I just don't see it.  That's why there is more than one system.  We can all find something we like.
Yeah but more doesn't mean better, and it never will. Neither does brand recognition. More people  probably know who snooki is than george washington today.. It really depends how you define progression 16 bit renditions of 8 bit games have been miserable failures sometimes the graphics couldn't even save them. But some however bloomed into playable games like super castlevania the jumping in the later stages was no longer broken like in the NES game, and it was more fun. But this is besides the point.

You're in North America right? how many games came out for SMS in NA like 5 or something compared to europe, and brazil lol? I wouldn't even say NA even got a crumb of what the SMS could do. It was already dead in the water before it even landed there thanks to nintendo's illegal business practises on exclusive publishing rights on the NES. Sega took them to court on it but by then the SMS already dead. Konami is still pissed off about it today why they jumped ship to sega genesis as soon as they could.

And those games half of them you mention are not even in house nintendo games. If fate played slightly different the SMS could of had mega man, castlevania, and a bunch more of the games you mention at the drop of a hat. And they would of been much better at that on SMS. Lastly I never did like that mario he was always to damn slow, and his jumping was terrible if it was any other game people would complain about the jumping but it's like oh it's ok it's mario. Super mario world fun a little, but well come on it's babies game it's designed for like 2 year old, some respect for mario 3 I guess.. Much rather play the superior Alex kid, or sonic at that.

It's only become painfully apparant now how empty nintendo was, and is when it comes to games. They lived, and died by it's 3rd party support. Why the drought of games on N64, and gamecube onwards is still present to this day.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 06:03:36 pm by dreama1 »

Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #61 on: April 17, 2014, 06:17:18 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #62 on: April 17, 2014, 06:24:58 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #63 on: April 17, 2014, 06:25:50 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. Side note I like mario 2 on gameboy.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2014, 06:26:40 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. Side note I like mario 2 on gameboy.
Check out super mario world 2 if it needs to be made anymore clear lol.

Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2014, 06:31:10 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.

I guess it was the model 1, it basically looks like an NES controller, just felt cheap and flismy and I think its even smaller than the NES one.  I grew up with the NES controller and had no issues with it at all.  Played it for years.  Not saying it couldn't have used a better design, alot of the stuff from that time needed it, but it worked well till I moved onto the much better SNES controller, though not sure if I'd say I liked that more than the smaller 6 button one for the Genesis or not.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #66 on: April 17, 2014, 06:38:28 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I mean, sure, you don't have to love Mario, but lets be serious here lol It's a perfect 2D platforming game and I personally think the last truly great 2D Mario game.  It has lots of great stuff, secret paths to unlock, reasons to replay levels, it was an exceptionally well done game.  Mario was always a great platformer when there were so many games at the time that weren't good with their jumping mechanics.

Not gonna compare it to the SMS or anything, I never played one and only just touched it for the first time recently at a retro shop (That controller is awful compared to the NES lol).
Really lol the nes controller makes my hands bleed. Used that damn controller for like 30 minutes and my hands were swollen red. I'm guessing you used the model 1 controller for SMS which is terrible I don't think NA ever got the model 2 controller but it's much better. It doesn't feel like you're playing with lego brick controller like some. I like mario 2 on gameboy.

I guess it was the model 1, it basically looks like an NES controller, just felt cheap and flismy and I think its even smaller than the NES one.  I grew up with the NES controller and had no issues with it at all.  Played it for years.  Not saying it couldn't have used a better design, alot of the stuff from that time needed it, but it worked well till I moved onto the much better SNES controller, though not sure if I'd say I liked that more than the smaller 6 button one for the Genesis or not.
The sms controller 2 is much better man I got the model 1 controller and you're right it's terrible. I think I would go with the snes controller over the genesis controller it's d pad probably a little better. It always felt like the snes controller was the posher more elegant controller to me anyway.


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #67 on: April 17, 2014, 07:19:44 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #68 on: April 17, 2014, 08:09:56 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.
Yes very manly i'm sorry lol definitely not for kids. It should come with warning, and 18+ rating.

[youtube] [/youtube]

Seems legit.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 08:15:46 pm by dreama1 »


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #69 on: April 17, 2014, 08:16:36 pm »
Super Mario World is for babies? I stopped even reading at that point.
Yes very manly lol definitely not for kids. It should come 18+ rating

It should come with an 18+ rating he's using his unborn children as ammunition, and that baby cry can be used to torture people. not to mention theres a level where yoshi's fucking higher than a kite.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 08:18:29 pm by redblaze57 »


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Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #70 on: April 17, 2014, 08:32:41 pm »
You realize that those are all pictures of Yoshi's Island, and not Super Mario World, right? (Well, except for the Koopa Kids image, but that's artwork and not from any specific game).


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #71 on: April 17, 2014, 08:35:39 pm »
Seems like this is turning into the classic argument that you can clearly define what is an "adult thing" and what is a "child thing". Something that is lighthearted and carefree is labeled as a "child's" thing, and automatically assumed to be intended as such. You know it must clearly and always appeal in the interests of "mature" people if it's chalk full of violence, cursing and innuendo.  ::) That "Everyone" rating, really does mean something. Besides, what do little kids care about babies and cutesy stuff? Kids think so-called mature stuff is cooler, usually.

Was thinking about the comparing of old systems to new. I don't get that. It's not even apples to oranges, it's like comparing apples to things made out of apples, like like candy apples or apple pie. It's odd to suggest the refined product is "better" than the core ingredient from which it was derived. There's a bit of that core in the next progression. If you didn't like the NES, you probably shouldn't like the SNES. My theory anyway. It surprises me how much hate Nintendo gets online. I grew up on Nintendo, stuff that's near and dear and often hear people say it's complete crap and that baffles me.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 08:38:13 pm by Warmsignal »


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #72 on: April 17, 2014, 08:45:29 pm »
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #73 on: April 17, 2014, 08:55:46 pm »
Seems like this is turning into the classic argument that you can clearly define what is an "adult thing" and what is a "child thing". Something that is lighthearted and carefree is labeled as a "child's" thing, and automatically assumed to be intended as such. You know it must clearly and always appeal in the interests of "mature" people if it's chalk full of violence, cursing and innuendo.  ::) That "Everyone" rating, really does mean something. Besides, what do little kids care about babies and cutesy stuff? Kids think so-called mature stuff is cooler, usually.

Was thinking about the comparing of old systems to new. I don't get that. It's not even apples to oranges, it's like comparing apples to things made out of apples, like like candy apples or apple pie. It's odd to suggest the refined product is "better" than the core ingredient from which it was derived. There's a bit of that core in the next progression. If you didn't like the NES, you probably shouldn't like the SNES. My theory anyway. It surprises me how much hate Nintendo gets online. I grew up on Nintendo, stuff that's near and dear and often hear people say it's complete crap and that baffles me.
Well there's a target audience. I never liked nintendo's core franchises other than super smash bros. I like the SNES very much but mostly for it's superior 3rd party games like MK2,SF2 and the rpgs. For me if you wanted a console in 1991 it would be sega genesis if you wanted a console in 1994 it would be snes. I think anyone who's worth there salt would probably agree the super famicom to be one of the best consoles of all time because it got everything right. To me I never grew up with NES it's just like atari to me I wouldn't touch any atari 2600 game today as it doesn't hold up except maybe warlords of course I respect the historically impact of it even if I prefer intellivision. I did however grow up with the very late SMS,SNES generation then onto the playstation , and n64. Things were changing extremely fast. I didn't seem to notice 2d games were dying at a rapid rate to the 3d games. But on point if I had to pick between sms, or nes I would go with sms, if I had to go with snes or genesis it would be snes. There's something unique about it's box art, and games. NES games are butchered.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 09:00:51 pm by dreama1 »


Re: Do You Collect to Play, or Do You Collect to Collect?
« Reply #74 on: April 17, 2014, 09:02:29 pm »
I dont think Nintendo is crap (other than the N64) but some people are seriously blinded by their nostalgia of the NES/SNES. Reading a few days worth of threads on Nintendo age will show anyone that.

See, I loved the N64. Your opinion on it is very common, but also very foreign to me. I dunno, I did grow up on it before branching out to others things. As an adult I no longer carry biases and approach everything with an open mind. I'm still confident in saying that I like Nintendo consoles (and games) generally more than Sega. I can admit there are some Nintendo things I don't like. I never cared for the GameBoy (Color too), I found the Game Gear and Lynx to be a lot better. I thought the GameCube was lacking, I almost wanna say the Dreamcast was a better console. To me the only crap Nintendo ever let, was the Virtual Boy. Beyond that, I have a hard time accepting that others think the NES, or N64, or even the Wii is crap. I don't get it.

« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 09:06:49 pm by Warmsignal »