Author Topic: New option after searcing for a game  (Read 1501 times)


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New option after searcing for a game
« on: April 17, 2014, 04:53:08 am »
If the game is not found with a search, would it be possible to add an link to submit the game on that "No results found"-page?
As of now I first have to search the database, and if not found I need to pop open the other menu to submit it.

Maybe it seems like a minor thing to bitch about, but since I'm aiming at adding the whole PAL library of Ps1-games it sure would make my life a hell lot of easier :)

EDIT: Or, is it reliable enough to only search for the games directly under "Submit games" section, where you enter the title and platform/region?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2014, 05:13:36 am by rberggren »

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2014, 09:31:38 am »
If the game is not found with a search, would it be possible to add an link to submit the game on that "No results found"-page?
As of now I first have to search the database, and if not found I need to pop open the other menu to submit it.

Maybe it seems like a minor thing to bitch about, but since I'm aiming at adding the whole PAL library of Ps1-games it sure would make my life a hell lot of easier :)

EDIT: Or, is it reliable enough to only search for the games directly under "Submit games" section, where you enter the title and platform/region?

I like the idea but my only concern is that it may add to more duplicates being added. As I'm sure you've noticed, our search system is a big...fragile to say the least. It often takes a few searches (or a detailed understanding of our naming conventions) to find the game you are looking for.

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2014, 09:46:33 am »
Matt have you looked into Elasticsearch or Lucene? They're basically free/open source full-text search engines. From what I've been told they're pretty good. I'm no expert so I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate it into your site.


PRO Supporter

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 11:51:26 pm »
If the game is not found with a search, would it be possible to add an link to submit the game on that "No results found"-page?
As of now I first have to search the database, and if not found I need to pop open the other menu to submit it.

Maybe it seems like a minor thing to bitch about, but since I'm aiming at adding the whole PAL library of Ps1-games it sure would make my life a hell lot of easier :)

EDIT: Or, is it reliable enough to only search for the games directly under "Submit games" section, where you enter the title and platform/region?

I like the idea but my only concern is that it may add to more duplicates being added. As I'm sure you've noticed, our search system is a big...fragile to say the least. It often takes a few searches (or a detailed understanding of our naming conventions) to find the game you are looking for.

I agree with this concern....  I think most dupes are the result of users not knowing how to properly search for a title as oppose to not knowing an exact title....


PRO Supporter

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2014, 05:08:57 am »
I dont know if this possible for the search, but maybe you need to eliminate the special signs like : (). Use them on the site, but not in the search engine.

I hope this makes sense.


PRO Supporter

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2014, 05:36:35 am »
Matt, I'd be happy to help you develop a more flexible "fuzzy" search for ya if you pm me the existing query code. Not the whole site just the actual part that takes the text box input and plunks it into a SQL statement.

Just offering. :-)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2014, 05:38:14 am by dashv »

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2014, 02:00:11 am »
Matt have you looked into Elasticsearch or Lucene? They're basically free/open source full-text search engines. From what I've been told they're pretty good. I'm no expert so I'm not sure how hard it would be to integrate it into your site.

I second that. We're using Lucene at work and so far it's been working well.

Re: New option after searcing for a game
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2014, 10:08:47 pm »
If the game is not found with a search, would it be possible to add an link to submit the game on that "No results found"-page?
As of now I first have to search the database, and if not found I need to pop open the other menu to submit it.

Maybe it seems like a minor thing to bitch about, but since I'm aiming at adding the whole PAL library of Ps1-games it sure would make my life a hell lot of easier :)

EDIT: Or, is it reliable enough to only search for the games directly under "Submit games" section, where you enter the title and platform/region?
I am also in agreement.

I like the idea but my only concern is that it may add to more duplicates being added. As I'm sure you've noticed, our search system is a big...fragile to say the least. It often takes a few searches (or a detailed understanding of our naming conventions) to find the game you are looking for.

I agree with this concern....  I think most dupes are the result of users not knowing how to properly search for a title as oppose to not knowing an exact title....
Colton Kelsey