Author Topic: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?  (Read 4440 times)


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2014, 09:40:46 am »
but Nintendo seems to be playing it way too safe and is content chasing moms with fitness/music games rather than gamers who are the ones buying your consoles.

Moms are often the one buying the consoles, actually. Maybe not for adult gamers, but for the many kids who also own one, they rarely buy it themselves. Getting content for the moms is actually a good incentive for them to buy a console for their kid, because they themselves can have a reason to use it, too. For example, the sole reason my mother bought a PS2 at the time was for Dance Dance Revolution, which the whole family played. So I don't think at all that it's a waste to interest the moms :)


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2014, 09:48:54 am »
but Nintendo seems to be playing it way too safe and is content chasing moms with fitness/music games rather than gamers who are the ones buying your consoles.

Moms are often the one buying the consoles, actually. Maybe not for adult gamers, but for the many kids who also own one, they rarely buy it themselves. Getting content for the moms is actually a good incentive for them to buy a console for their kid, because they themselves can have a reason to use it, too. For example, the sole reason my mother bought a PS2 at the time was for Dance Dance Revolution, which the whole family played. So I don't think at all that it's a waste to interest the moms :)
This is a good point karyann. When I went yard saling this weekend, I found a mom with a couple DS games her son was selling and she was talking to me about playing Nintendogs on her son's DS. Definitely helps to give the people buying the systems for young ones some incentive.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2014, 10:04:40 am »
I didn't even realize E3 was *that* close.   :o

Last year I knew and was really hyped about it, because we had all the new hardware details that were coming out.  This year I'm kinda "meh" about it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some really cool games will get announced and there are some release dates I'd like to hear (mainly from Nintendo).  But there are so many games that I'm looking forward to this year already that I'm kinda on overload, so I don't really NEED to hear about anything new.  ;) 

Don't understand the "no games for PS4" talk - if you believe that, you're doing it wrong.  ;)  I've been playing mine almost non-stop since launch.  Ditto for the Vita.  And anyone I know who plays a Vita falls in love with it.  The price is fine, The $200 bundle is about the same as what Nintendo is asking for the 3DS XL (which is the only 3DS worth buying IMO) and it comes w/ a game & 8gb memory card.  It's well worth that.  I got my wife one last week and haven't been able to pry it out of her hands since.  I forsee us fighting over who gets to play Danganronpa 2 first this fall.  :D
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2014, 11:09:33 am »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.

The Xbox Division has not "lost" money since 2007. Also I like how you made no examples of what they try in business being negative for the industry.

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2014, 11:10:51 am »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.

This man is just as clueless lol.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2014, 05:02:44 pm »
The price is fine, The $200 bundle is about the same as what Nintendo is asking for the 3DS XL (which is the only 3DS worth buying IMO) and it comes w/ a game & 8gb memory card.  It's well worth that.  I got my wife one last week and haven't been able to pry it out of her hands since.  I forsee us fighting over who gets to play Danganronpa 2 first this fall.  :D

How could I forget about the new bundle? Yeah, the price is definitely right with it. I wish they would cut down prices on additional memory though, but it's a lot easier to buy a "starting kit" now  :)


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2014, 05:05:38 pm »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.

The Xbox Division has not "lost" money since 2007. Also I like how you made no examples of what they try in business being negative for the industry.
"we conclude that Xbox platform plus Windows phone and Skype lose about $2.5 billion per year, and we estimate that the Xbox platform may account for roughly $2 billion of this"

This article is from last November, and that seems to be the numbers yearly since a while. I like how you didn't back up your saying either.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2014, 05:09:38 pm »
The price is fine, The $200 bundle is about the same as what Nintendo is asking for the 3DS XL (which is the only 3DS worth buying IMO) and it comes w/ a game & 8gb memory card.  It's well worth that.  I got my wife one last week and haven't been able to pry it out of her hands since.  I forsee us fighting over who gets to play Danganronpa 2 first this fall.  :D

How could I forget about the new bundle? Yeah, the price is definitely right with it. I wish they would cut down prices on additional memory though, but it's a lot easier to buy a "starting kit" now  :)

You'll get no argument from me on that - going with proprietary memory sticks is the strangest decision they made regarding the system imo. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2014, 06:02:37 pm »
Nice completely unreliable and unofficial info by an analyst that was mostly ignored. Again, the Xbox has not been "losing" money since 2007. Your bad article does not even prove the year after year the person your defending posted. Good job lol.
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.

The Xbox Division has not "lost" money since 2007. Also I like how you made no examples of what they try in business being negative for the industry.
"we conclude that Xbox platform plus Windows phone and Skype lose about $2.5 billion per year, and we estimate that the Xbox platform may account for roughly $2 billion of this"

This article is from last November, and that seems to be the numbers yearly since a while. I like how you didn't back up your saying either.


PRO Supporter

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2014, 07:44:57 pm »
What did I tell you guys about this guy? I warned you. I said he's just a troll that followed me from the GameSpot boards. I told you he loves to pull people into circular arguments.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2014, 09:33:27 pm »
What did I tell you guys about this guy? I warned you. I said he's just a troll that followed me from the GameSpot boards. I told you he loves to pull people into circular arguments.

Oh, you already said so? Sorry, I must have missed that post. I'll just ignore it for real now.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #26 on: May 29, 2014, 09:07:13 am »
What did I tell you guys about this guy? I warned you. I said he's just a troll that followed me from the GameSpot boards. I told you he loves to pull people into circular arguments.
You totally called it.
Currently Playing: The Witcher

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #27 on: May 29, 2014, 10:13:29 am »
What did I tell you guys about this guy? I warned you. I said he's just a troll that followed me from the GameSpot boards. I told you he loves to pull people into circular arguments.

Into circular arguments when people post bad articles that are not referenced anywhere else? Ok good job with that. Did you tell everyone how you always put your foot in your mouth every argument and you stayed out of most debates because almost everything you said was pulled out your ass? I see you haven't done that here either.

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2014, 10:14:04 am »
What did I tell you guys about this guy? I warned you. I said he's just a troll that followed me from the GameSpot boards. I told you he loves to pull people into circular arguments.

Oh, you already said so? Sorry, I must have missed that post. I'll just ignore it for real now.

Still not going to answer for your mistake huh? it's cool.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2014, 11:23:00 am »
Keep it civil guys, you have been warned.
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