I didn't even realize E3 was *that* close.

Last year I knew and was really hyped about it, because we had all the new hardware details that were coming out. This year I'm kinda "meh" about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some really cool games will get announced and there are some release dates I'd like to hear (mainly from Nintendo). But there are so many games that I'm looking forward to this year already that I'm kinda on overload, so I don't really NEED to hear about anything new.
Don't understand the "no games for PS4" talk - if you believe that, you're doing it wrong.

I've been playing mine almost non-stop since launch. Ditto for the Vita. And anyone I know who plays a Vita falls in love with it. The price is fine, The $200 bundle is about the same as what Nintendo is asking for the 3DS XL (which is the only 3DS worth buying IMO) and it comes w/ a game & 8gb memory card. It's well worth that. I got my wife one last week and haven't been able to pry it out of her hands since. I forsee us fighting over who gets to play Danganronpa 2 first this fall.