Author Topic: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?  (Read 4452 times)

Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« on: May 27, 2014, 06:48:04 pm »
E3 is... Like end of next week. Potentially, this can be the worst or best E3 for years.

We got Sony most likely making up for all these game delays.

We have Microsoft promising even more games than last E3 without anything negative overthrowing them.

Then we have Nintendo trying to keep wii u a float along with iwata panicking and wanting to change the company to be the next Bally.

Its anybody's game! Who do you think will win?


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Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 07:17:38 pm »
I don't even know what is coming down the pipe.   The only one I'm really concerned about is Nintendo.  I'm hoping they do more than just hype Smash Bros. 

Maybe Microsoft will renege on some of the stuff that's made them fall behind this time around.  I've seen more than 1 Xbone for sale on Craigslist because the seller didn't have an internet connection anymore for one reason or another, and their shiny new console was a paperweight.

Sony might do something to interest me.  I hope so.  I need a good reason to buy another console like I need a hole in the head.

I'm just not getting excited about new games these days.  Everything is just too adult and complicated.  I need a few games without F-bombs so I can play with The Boy around.


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Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 07:30:30 pm »
The answer is easy...Nintendo! 8)    Nuff said

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2014, 07:33:03 pm »
Nintendo wins by default for not playing the game lol They are doing their own thing on their own time, and it works out really well for them, though I do sorta miss the whole live event thing.  The possibility for failure or glorious moments is lost when its an edited event lol

As for between Sony and Microsoft, I don't think there will be much different between them.  they both need to announce their exclusives to show they have ANYTHING worth playing on their new systems aside from muti-platforms, and I think with Microsoft knowing how bad they fucked up last year, they aren't going to screw around this year.  They are already going in with the goodwill of a cheaper Xbone without the Kinect.

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2014, 08:11:25 pm »
Nintendo wins by default for not playing the game lol They are doing their own thing on their own time, and it works out really well for them, though I do sorta miss the whole live event thing.  The possibility for failure or glorious moments is lost when its an edited event lol

As for between Sony and Microsoft, I don't think there will be much different between them.  they both need to announce their exclusives to show they have ANYTHING worth playing on their new systems aside from muti-platforms, and I think with Microsoft knowing how bad they fucked up last year, they aren't going to screw around this year.  They are already going in with the goodwill of a cheaper Xbone without the Kinect.

It doesn't really seem to be working oufor them at all actually. Why do you think so.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2014, 08:15:32 pm »
I don't even know what is coming down the pipe.   The only one I'm really concerned about is Nintendo.  I'm hoping they do more than just hype Smash Bros. 

Well we already know they're officially announcing the new Zelda on Wii U, and since the 3DS' current release schedule is really bad they kinda have to announce more stuff for that. And they'll be giving release dates for Bayonetta 2 and probably X and of course Smash. Nintendo needs to put a bit more effort on both their platforms right now. They're still in better shape than the other 2 as far as game selection goes, but on the upcoming side it's still pretty subpar on both Wii U and 3DS, and I think they can change that pretty easily.

Sony currently has a lame console out with no games and also the Vita which, you know... so they really need to show something really cool for both. And after seeing that 2 minutes of gameplay this week, The Order 1886 is not that. They really need to bring out a ton of stuff for both and I really hope they deliver. They have to have some exclusives in the work for the PS4, right? Can't sell a console solely on multiplats when you can get better versions on PC (except for Wolfenstein apparently, should've bought the PS4 version of that it seems).

MS... I couldn't care at all what they do, the only thing that would get any applause from me would be if they finally quit the industry as they should have long ago. I'm not expecting much from them, as usual. I just hope to see more Sunset Overdrive, that game looks fun.

Like last year Nintendo will likely "win" just because they'll be focusing more on games, but either MS or Sony will do something that will give them a big marketing push like Sony did last year and people will consider them the "winner" (hard to argue against the PS4 sales numbers, regardless of the game selection so far).

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2014, 08:42:47 pm »
Nintendo wins by default for not playing the game lol They are doing their own thing on their own time, and it works out really well for them, though I do sorta miss the whole live event thing.  The possibility for failure or glorious moments is lost when its an edited event lol

As for between Sony and Microsoft, I don't think there will be much different between them.  they both need to announce their exclusives to show they have ANYTHING worth playing on their new systems aside from muti-platforms, and I think with Microsoft knowing how bad they fucked up last year, they aren't going to screw around this year.  They are already going in with the goodwill of a cheaper Xbone without the Kinect.

It doesn't really seem to be working oufor them at all actually. Why do you think so.

Because it has nothing to do with actually "winning".  I've rarely ever considered a company "winning" E3, it's usually just an arbitrary thing given at the end for who revealed cool stuff.  The Wii U may be doing poorly, but I'm far more excited to get released dates for Wii U games and some confirmations on other games coming out more than seeing more of the already confirmed to be delayed again The Order or the next Halo, where the next big one isn't out till next year.  Nintendo has a bunch of exclusives coming, a lot of which are coming out this year, so I'm very excited to get more on them than I am to hear what I might eventually get a few years down the road when I buy an Xbone or PS4.

The only time I felt a company "won" these things, was last year with Sony.  They set everything up so perfectly with their cheaper price and used games thing that it was hard to see that with them lol  Plus, Nintendo really does have the most to gain this year I think in terms of pushing games and gamepad functionality.  The PS4 is the dominant one right now by a long shot, so they just need to talk up a few games.  Microsoft is having to play catch up with the PS4 and just have to make sure to not say anything dumb this year.  Nintendo isn't trying to directly compete with them and just needs to make their system look exciting and fun to draw folks in.

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2014, 09:33:47 pm »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

I don't even know what is coming down the pipe.   The only one I'm really concerned about is Nintendo.  I'm hoping they do more than just hype Smash Bros. 

Well we already know they're officially announcing the new Zelda on Wii U, and since the 3DS' current release schedule is really bad they kinda have to announce more stuff for that. And they'll be giving release dates for Bayonetta 2 and probably X and of course Smash. Nintendo needs to put a bit more effort on both their platforms right now. They're still in better shape than the other 2 as far as game selection goes, but on the upcoming side it's still pretty subpar on both Wii U and 3DS, and I think they can change that pretty easily.

Sony currently has a lame console out with no games and also the Vita which, you know... so they really need to show something really cool for both. And after seeing that 2 minutes of gameplay this week, The Order 1886 is not that. They really need to bring out a ton of stuff for both and I really hope they deliver. They have to have some exclusives in the work for the PS4, right? Can't sell a console solely on multiplats when you can get better versions on PC (except for Wolfenstein apparently, should've bought the PS4 version of that it seems).

MS... I couldn't care at all what they do, the only thing that would get any applause from me would be if they finally quit the industry as they should have long ago. I'm not expecting much from them, as usual. I just hope to see more Sunset Overdrive, that game looks fun.

Like last year Nintendo will likely "win" just because they'll be focusing more on games, but either MS or Sony will do something that will give them a big marketing push like Sony did last year and people will consider them the "winner" (hard to argue against the PS4 sales numbers, regardless of the game selection so far).

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2014, 09:38:10 pm »
The issue however is public reception and consumer+Media interest. Nintendo avoiding E3 and other shows have screwed them and have never benefited them. Otherwise, I WOULD have partially agreed with you.
Nintendo wins by default for not playing the game lol They are doing their own thing on their own time, and it works out really well for them, though I do sorta miss the whole live event thing.  The possibility for failure or glorious moments is lost when its an edited event lol

As for between Sony and Microsoft, I don't think there will be much different between them.  they both need to announce their exclusives to show they have ANYTHING worth playing on their new systems aside from muti-platforms, and I think with Microsoft knowing how bad they fucked up last year, they aren't going to screw around this year.  They are already going in with the goodwill of a cheaper Xbone without the Kinect.

It doesn't really seem to be working oufor them at all actually. Why do you think so.

Because it has nothing to do with actually "winning".  I've rarely ever considered a company "winning" E3, it's usually just an arbitrary thing given at the end for who revealed cool stuff.  The Wii U may be doing poorly, but I'm far more excited to get released dates for Wii U games and some confirmations on other games coming out more than seeing more of the already confirmed to be delayed again The Order or the next Halo, where the next big one isn't out till next year.  Nintendo has a bunch of exclusives coming, a lot of which are coming out this year, so I'm very excited to get more on them than I am to hear what I might eventually get a few years down the road when I buy an Xbone or PS4.

The only time I felt a company "won" these things, was last year with Sony.  They set everything up so perfectly with their cheaper price and used games thing that it was hard to see that with them lol  Plus, Nintendo really does have the most to gain this year I think in terms of pushing games and gamepad functionality.  The PS4 is the dominant one right now by a long shot, so they just need to talk up a few games.  Microsoft is having to play catch up with the PS4 and just have to make sure to not say anything dumb this year.  Nintendo isn't trying to directly compete with them and just needs to make their system look exciting and fun to draw folks in.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2014, 09:52:37 pm »
Sony currently has a lame console out with no games and also the Vita which, you know... so they really need to show something really cool for both.

MS... I couldn't care at all what they do, the only thing that would get any applause from me would be if they finally quit the industry as they should have long ago. I'm not expecting much from them, as usual. I just hope to see more Sunset Overdrive, that game looks fun.

I really hope Sony shows something awesome for the Vita, and what I hope most is that this awesome thing is a price drop on both the console and the memory cards. The Vita is one amazing piece of hardware, but it's way too pricey. I'm not the only one who still doesn't own a Vita only because of the price.  :(  Also, while I can't personally talk for this, I've heard that the software is... sloppy to say the least. So maybe some improvement there could be an incentive too!

As for MS, I don't think they should leave the video games industry, but I couldn't really care less if they did. I've never had any interest in their consoles or games, especially since the Xbox One. But that's my opinion  :P

We have Microsoft promising even more games than last E3 without anything negative overthrowing them.

I don't remember MS showing many games last year, but then again I didn't care so I probably forgot.  :P I think it would help them to show some new great games at E3 if they want to help their XbOne sales, though. I hope for them that they will.


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Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2014, 10:39:29 pm »
the winner will be US the gamers, because we will know what is coming out and what we will want


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2014, 11:26:18 pm »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.


Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2014, 12:50:10 am »
Please share why you think ms should leave the industry.

The Xbox division loses them over a billion a year, so on their side they legitimately have no reason to remain (their stockholders keep trying to push to get rid of the Xbox division, since it's not doing them any good). And nearly everything they try in the business is a negative to the industry as a whole.

Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2014, 02:58:15 am »
I'll copy and paste this predictions thing I wrote about a month ago. Somewhat serious but also a little exaggerated for fun. Excited for E3 because last year was nuts watching the Sony press conference live.


  • Microsoft will have thrown all of their money to get timed exclusivity on one big important game. Maybe Fallout 4 or something, if it's Halo or Gears then they've dropped the ball big time and shows how out of touch and slow they are to make the games people want. They'll show some other small interesting things, a chunk of it will be weird indie games because they want to seem relevant in that area and get a piece of all this console indie game talk.. They will mention some sort of Xbox Gold bonuses that are comparable to PS+ because Gold right now is garbage in comparison. Forza Horizon 2 trailer. But all anyone will be talking and screaming about is Fallout 4 because people are crazy.
  • Sony.. hmm. Definitely PlayStation Now details. They'll roll out some footage or info on some middle of the road titles like the Mad Max thing or The Order. Probably some new MGS Phantom Pain footage. Another trailer for Final Fantasy 15 which makes it look even less like a standard (i.e. loved) FF game and further cements my disinterest in it. There will be some general PlayStation game montage at some point and it will include some brief clips of Gran Turismo 7. Project "Beast" will be announced as a new Souls game exclusive to the PS4 with a trailer. This will almost single handedly allow Sony to run away as the lead platform for this generation and Microsoft will have no chance against this unless they do announce the timed exclusive Fallout 4. Sony will have a monstrous indie showing, even larger than last year, because they've received such praise for doing so and this is an area where they can strike Microsoft again while its down and trying to catch up. We'll see some cool new indie games and we'll see even more very popular existing indie games announced as coming to the PS4. Vita will barely be mentioned, maybe a game or two that are meh looking, which is a shame because it's an amazing piece of hardware. Sony will hopefully also announce a couple of classic IPs they are resurrecting via that crowd submitted stuff whoever was doing. Things like Parapa and Crash Bandicoot.
  • Nintendo. They will talk about Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Other weird small Nintendo titles. They'll announce something they think is big but its not. Everyone is left staring at each other thinking "What the **** did I just watch?" Nintendo appears to be asleep at the wheel. Are they digging their own grave? Things will look super grim for the future. But that's just because the Nintendo war machine has only recently begun to gather it's forces over the past 6 months. E3 2015 they will return with big names like Zelda, Metroid, Mario Galaxy, and Starfox. They'll announce an F-Zero game but it will be exclusive to the 3DS. I, among many other people, will curse Nintendo to no end. Everyone will fall in love with Nintendo again and the Wii-U will return from the sales dead. People will be quick to forget those dark times. After a few years and toward the end of the generation we'll all be left thinking.. "So aside from the same old three games they make over and over.. why do I even care about Nintendo? How long are they going to milk this?". The Nintendo cycle will repeat itself.

What do I want to see there? I want a new Banjo-Kazooie game to be announced. I want a full trailer for Gran Turismo 7. I want another Souls game and for it to be PS4 exclusive. I want a new LittleBigPlanet. I want a Final Fantasy 14 trailer to show a new job and announce the first expansion. I want Fallout 4 announced but not a timed exclusive. I want a new Ecco the Dolphin game announced, preferably for PS4, and it looks absolutely stunning as an underwater showpiece for the hardware. Throw in a new Stuntman game that doesn't suck and shows off awesome destruction modelling. A new Splashdown (jetski racing) to show off some insane water physics on the PS4. A new Ape Escape game exclusive to the PS4. Nintendo will announce a Metroid that isn't necessarily a first-person shooter. A new F-Zero for Wii-U that looks brick shittingly good at 60 FPS with lots of colors, great music, and wild tracks. The trailer for it will open with blaring Big Blue music. Nintendo will announce their Pokemon RPG for the Wii-U, which will single handedly turn people's frowns upside down. Wii-Us sold out everywhere. Genki will return from the grave of making pachinko or washing machines or whatever the company does now and will announce a new Shutoku Battle/Tokyo Xtreme Racer or Kaido Battle for the PS4, my bowels will simultaneously release from my body. A new Bomberman game somewhere.

I don't know, I could go on and on.

TL;DR - Microsoft will be all peaks and valleys. One big hit and a bunch of other junk people don't really care about. Sony might be much more even across the board, lots of good looking stuff. Nintendo will further disappoint with nothing anyone wants announced.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 03:59:46 am by Seikenfreak »


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Re: Predictions r us: Who will win E3?
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2014, 09:34:56 am »
Sony and MS will announce a whole bunch of stuff, mostly sequels to existing franchises, that will be coming 6-12 months from E3.  Sony will continue to do what they're doing; MS will focus entirely on games and not mention Kinect or the garbage TV features they led with last year.

Nintendo will probably show off Smash Bros., X, Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta.  They'll tease at least 1 big core franchise for 2015, most likely Metroid or Zelda.  Maybe Starfox.  But they're not going to show us anything surprising.  They'll trot out familiar faces and dump at least one "why are they wasting time discussing this" into the presentation, like more fitness or karaoke stuff that NOBODY watching cares about.  I would love to see something creative, like a console Wii U Professor Layton game, Pokemon MMO, a Fire Emblem action game, etc. but Nintendo seems to be playing it way too safe and is content chasing moms with fitness/music games rather than gamers who are the ones buying your consoles.