I've always been interested in the Astrocade since I'm a big fan of Bally Midway. However, the system does not seem like a system for fans of Midway. Especially since Midway became big years later. Different eras.
What are you going to do for systems you don't own such as the Adventurevision?
The systems I don't own will be skipped til I can get one. Not going to have an experience with it, so its kinda unfair to review it.
I just recently picked up another system i was missing and it will now have a review when I get to it.
I suppose I could have a "temp" review just on the history, with pictures from online, but I'd rather hold off til I own one and have played it myself.
can the next one be on the laser active
Hmm I kinda like the order I'm going. Seeing the consoles grow.
What do the rest of you guys think? break the order or keep on going as I have?
If you have any questions on the Laseractive I'm happy to answer them.
I personally like that you're going in chronological order (as far as I can tell).
Me too. Are you keeping it just to 1st and 2nd gen systems? Or are you planning on keeping this going?
I plan on going til I hit the PS4 & XBone. lol
Cool, looking forward to them. I was wondering because of the name, "My 8-bits".
I call it My 8-Bits instead of My 2-cents. Kinda make it sound Video Game related. Also there's 8 categories (not counting final thoughts)