This is why I don't trust the American media; every major news outlet is reporting about this guy selling his collection for $750,000 without even confirming that the highest bidder actually paid for the games. As many of us have already said, the two bidders that bid this collecting from around 90k to 750k were likely trolls since neither had any feedback, and seriously, who would pay what amounts to about $68 a game for stuff like Madden 98 on the PS1, or even something like Super Mario 64? No one!
But that doesn't stop our media from sensationalizing this story, making it look like this guys collection actually holds that kind of value, when nobody except the guy who owns this collection knows if the highest bidder actually paid! Report now, get information later, right? Sorry, this shit just pisses me off and makes me sad that you really, really have to dig deep to get to the bottom of a story because the media sure as hell won't give you the whole story, or even the real story most of the time. Rant over.