I've been terribly very busy the last week that I have not been on here, but I have had time to do thrift shopping and such the last week with also help from Bobster and Rentgirl. Here you go:

Bobster and Rentgirl were so nice to send me some stuff in the mail. They sent
* PunchOut, Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, Blades of STeel, Kirby Adventure and Soul Reaver for the Dreamcast! Thanks Bob!!

* Wario Land, Kirby Dream Land and Zelda Oracle of Ages (Game Boy) (All 3 bucks each)
* Tomb Raider II and III trapezoid box for PC (1 dollar each)
* Star Wars Episode 1 Racer still factory sealed (5$)
* WrestleMaina The Arcade Game (SEGA 32X) (8$)
* Luigi's Mansion, Mario Sunshine, Mario Party 4, Crash Nitro Cart, Pokemon Colossium, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and Crash of the Titans, Link Crossbow Training (wii) all were total of 9$ at a yard sale
* Bioshock (PC) (3$)
* FEAR (PC) (2$)
* Mario, Luigi, Peach and the Mario hat McDonalds happy meals toys. Trying to get all 8!
* Green N64 Controller (4$)
*Green Halo Original Xbox Working (12$)
* Watch Dogs for PC and a new Xbox 360 Wired controller for my gaming laptop (brand new normal price at Wal Mart)
But thanks so much again to Bobster to help with those NES Games!!!