Picked up Tornado Outbreak for the PS3 yesterday for $4.50. It's a game I used to have, and remember having fun with it, but got rid of it for whatever reason. It's not expensive but is somewhat scarce - the disk the guy gave me last night was trashed (paint scraped off the top

) but luckily they had 2 copies so I got it swapped out at lunch today for a flawless one - which matches the case & manual. Nice to see that someone else in the wild takes care of their games.

Anyway, glad they had 2 copies - the next closest Gamestop to me that has it is 90 miles away...
I also swung by Best Buy at lunch today, and through a deal they're running online picked up used copies of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag & inFamous: Second Son (both for PS4) for $50 + tax. I already had the LE extra stuff for Black Flag from when I caught the PS3 version on clearance, so now I have the complete LE set.