Author Topic: Gaming CONVENTION(s)  (Read 704 times)


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« on: July 12, 2014, 03:54:39 pm »
So, I was doing some game-related reading -and- one of those "KEY" words (words that are consistently thrown around like crazy) in just about any & all game reviews, articles, interviews, etc. popped-up and caught my attention.

EX.  If you're reading a review (by someone who *liked* the game that they're reviewing:) & there were any kinds of forests/jungles in the don't need me to tell you that the word/adjective that's going to be used to describe the graphics/tone/look of said forests & jungles is going to be _ _ _ _; right?!

Just in case you DO need me to tell you...the answer is (HAS* to be) "lush".


I dunno...maybe the writers are lushes w/ limited vocabularies & aren't paid enough to buy themselves a thesaurus.

At any rate ==> on to the word/subject of this thread:


Innovation & trying new things in gaming is (IMO) wonderful.

But, the words conventional & unconventional get thrown around so much & so loosely that (I think) they lose the meaning/emphasis that they could/should otherwise convey.

So...what does a game need to have or do to earn the label of "unconventional" from you?

What are some games that you consider unconventional (and awesome) and/or unconventional (but in a meaningless & insignificant way) that's not really "doing" anything new and/or special for you?
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Gaming CONVENTION(s)
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2014, 04:26:05 pm »
At this point, there is very little that has not been done when it comes to video games. I guess because of that a game being unconventional is sort of a rarity. Still, I don't think because a game is conventional it is bad or even mediocre, in fact depending on how it is being conventional it may be very good.

Take New Super Mario Bros; it could e considered a conventional 2D-platformer, but it does the 2D-platform thing so well that it does't matter. The same can be said of a ton of other games as well that are great representatives of their respective genres. Even games labeled "generic" can be very fun in my opinion, and just because they didn't break ground in any way does not make them bad games. My 2-cents.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 04:28:54 pm by bikingjahuty »