Remember when Sega had a poll to see what console people would most like to see a port of the arcade game on? No? Well... they did a poll back in April, and now they've just announced that it's coming to the PS4 as
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone. So hyped.

It releases in Japan in 2016.
Lots of other news too today now that TGS2015 is underway.
Gravity Daze 2 has been announced for a 2016 release on the PS4 in Japan (nope, no Vita version).
New Danganronpa V3 has been announced for the PS4 and PS Vita, no details on a release date yet.
Toukiden 2 has been announced for release on the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita in Japan in 2016.
13 Sentinel: Aegis Rim was revealed to be the project that Vanillaware was teasing earlier this year. Other than the name and some art, not too many details have been given yet. The game will release on the PS4 and Vita.
Yakuza 6 was announced for a Fall 2016 release on the PS4 in Japan.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force was announced for release on the PS Vita.
The PS4 really seems to be doing well in terms of upcoming releases, and it seems that more developers are finally putting more effort into the system.
Lots more to be announced at TGS2015, I'll try to cover as much of it as I can on here. Hope you enjoy.

Here be a Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone trailer