Author Topic: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members  (Read 4447 times)


Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:13:27 pm »
Just got an email from Atlus that Dragon's Crown will be a freebie for the month of August, for PS+ members.

If you like scrolling beat 'em up action rpgs, then hop on it if you haven't bought a physical copy yet. It's a super fun game.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 07:03:08 pm »
You'll actually get cross-buy with this PS+ promotion, so you get it for both PS3 and Vita!  This applies to some of the other PS+ titles this month :D
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 10:57:58 pm »
Maybe I'll have to get a time card and get in on the deal then. So I'll be all set if I ever get a Vita.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 01:42:01 am »
I was VERY close to buying this today so I am glad that I waited after all :) If I enjoy it then I will still buy a copy in the future but I haven't liked side scrolling beat'em up RPGs in the past so it's nice to at least try it for free.


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 03:03:08 pm »
Is it possible for someone to gift me a copy of this? I dont know how it works but I dont have PS+ and really want to play this game.


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 03:17:44 pm »
Is it possible for someone to gift me a copy of this? I dont know how it works but I dont have PS+ and really want to play this game.

I'm pretty sure you can't do that with the stuff you get through PS+. Speaking from experience, you need the PS+ subscription to play them for free. Even if you downloaded it for free when you had a subscription, you can't play them after your PS+ subscription runs out either.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: Dragon's Crown Free on PSN for PS+ Members
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2014, 03:53:14 pm »
Yeah, essentially PS+ free games are basically free licenses for the time of your subscription.  You "purchase" it for your acct but you lose access to your license to play it if your sub runs out.  I believe you get the license back if you re-sub, but to put it simply, you need an active PS+ acct to access/play the free game (and you only have a limited time to "purchase" the license for free).
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)