Right! I knew I forgot something with Grimgar. That's good cause I was getting bummed about no new anime for awhile lol Think I'm an episode or two behind on that.
Finished Grimgar and just really liked it. I might like this one more than I do Erased for the season. Erased was more intense and plot driven, while Grimgar had more chill moments and was slower, but as an experience, Grimgar is just nice to watch, especially with its soft art style.
All that is left is to finish Dimension W, which started out good and got kinda..."Eh" as it went, though still watchable to me and Iron Blooded Orphans, which has already been confirmed for a second season in the Fall. It's an alright show, though the Gundam part is very small, which is why I know some people have issues with, but I think its still kinda interesting drama and action.
Thinking I might go back and see about catching up on a show till the next months new stuff starts. I stopped watching Fairy Tail a long time ago around episode 32 of Series 2. I figured I'd let it go on for awhile and then binge on it again down the road. I kinda like the show, but it suffers from the problems most of these long running shows do, such as Naruto and One Piece, where they are trying to adapt every single scene and then adding other pointless crap, so it drags on forever. I abandoned Naruto awhile back, because screw suffering through that dragging garbage any longer. Plus it stopped being an entertaining ninja show when Naruto went Super Saiyan lol. I only keep up with One Piece, because it's such a ridiculous show, it keeps me somewhat entertained, even if it also drags on like no other. Makes me wish there was a One Piece Kai lol
Man, I'm lost on what is going in Fairy Tail anymore though...Something about those key spirits of Lucy causing trouble from the looks of it. Oh well, it gives me like 70 episodes I can binge if I don't skip any lol