Author Topic: Final Fantasy XV!  (Read 1488 times)

Final Fantasy XV!
« on: September 17, 2014, 09:48:44 pm »
As much hate I slap onto Final Fantasy XIII that I feel it rightly deserves, I've been excited for Final Fantasy XV for a while now, back when it had the terrible title of Versus XIII.  New footage of it has come out of TGS and it's looking nice.

I love this modern/fantasy mixed setting.  It looks to be a much more open game than we've had before with the series, at least I hope so.  The combat looks to be a more serious take on what we got in Kingdom Hearts and I like a good action game.  It's probably why I don't like Final Fantasy XIII's combat, because it is trying to be more actiony and exciting, but it never actually becomes that.

If this turns out right, this could be the game that pushes me into finally getting a PS4.  I'm waiting for a build up of games and within the next year, maybe two, they might all come out.  Bloodborne, Deep Down, Final Fantasy XV, maybe even Kingdom Hearts 3. Some pretty serious Japanese game releases.


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Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 09:58:33 pm »
    When it comes to final fantasy... I prefer the spin-offs. However This one intrest me


Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 10:45:38 pm »
I'm defenitely looking forward to this one ever since I saw the trailer where it got rebranded from Versus XIII to XV. I'm gonna have to get a PS4 for this, and  I hope that its success create more rpgs for the PS4 library.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2014, 11:00:26 pm by maximo310 »

Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 10:54:35 pm »
    When it comes to final fantasy... I prefer the spin-offs. However This one intrest me

While it is called 15, it originally was called Versus 13 and was going to be a spinoff game. Now the spinoff game has become the main game lol

I'm defenitely looking forward to this one ever since I saw the trailer where it got rebranded from Versus XIII to XV. I'm gonna have to get a PS4 for this, and hope that its success create more rpgs for the PS4 library.

Seeing that the Xbox One is a non-existent entity in Japan, that's pretty much where all the RPG's will likely end up if they don't go multi-platform lol


Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2014, 11:07:34 pm »
    When it comes to final fantasy... I prefer the spin-offs. However This one intrest me

While it is called 15, it originally was called Versus 13 and was going to be a spinoff game. Now the spinoff game has become the main game lol

I'm defenitely looking forward to this one ever since I saw the trailer where it got rebranded from Versus XIII to XV. I'm gonna have to get a PS4 for this, and hope that its success create more rpgs for the PS4 library.

Seeing that the Xbox One is a non-existent entity in Japan, that's pretty much where all the RPG's will likely end up if they don't go multi-platform lol
Oh, I think that's mostly liking going to happen given the terrible launch of the xbox one in japan, and the lack of games currently announced or being developed  by japanese developers. Given how XV is probably not coming out until 2016, it's going to set the tone of rpgs to come for the generation, and I haven't seen microsoft making any big pushes to get jrpgs in the last 4 or so years( they'll probably get some rpgs) on their new system, considering how last gen they managed to get tales of vesperia as a north america 360 exclusive, blue dragon, and the original version of star ocean: the last hope as exclusives. 

Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2014, 11:10:42 pm »
I have to say that I am pretty hyped about this installment, however it is going to have to be really, REALLY good for me to break down and buy a PS4 to play it.


Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2014, 12:33:28 am »
Yeah, I think the PS4 being an RPG machine is already pretty much set.  Already we have announced:

Natural Doctrine
Persona 5
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Final Fantasy XV
Disgaea 5
A new Y's game
Bladestorm: The Hundred Years’ War & Nightmare

And there are probably more I'm forgetting.  And then of course we have the Western RPGs.... yeah, it's looking really good to me.  Especially considering what the PS3's RPG outlook was like at this point in its life. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Final Fantasy XV!
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 01:31:27 am »
I have to say that I am pretty hyped about this installment, however it is going to have to be really, REALLY good for me to break down and buy a PS4 to play it.

Yeah. I'm not jumping on PS4 until I find out for sure if Kingdom Hearts 3 and FF XV are worth it. :)

Also I'm waiting for the price to come down and the initial bugs to be ironed out.