Author Topic: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)  (Read 2462 times)


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Decided to power on my wii (after about a year of not using it). Hit the power button and the drive flashed blue then darkness.

If I unplug it then plug it back in it does the same thing.

It's one of the year one launch models back when they had built in Game Cube backward compatibility.

I'm currently working on a way to revive it.

Update 10/7/2014

Picked up a *brand new* complete in box Wii at Goodwill for $70. It was definitely opened before but I'm not complaining because inside the box it had all the original stuff (except the power brick. That was missing). Plus it had the USB to ethernet adapter. 3 extra wii remotes and two nunchucks still in the wrapping.

The only downsides...

1) I have learned I cannot re-download my wii store purchases. They are locked to your console not your club nintendo account. So all those digital purchases on my dead wii are still gone.

Like with my PS3 I'll document it all here so hopefully others can benefit from my ordeal.

Step 1:

Verified it wasn't the power supply in three ways:

Used a voltage meter to test the output of the power supply. It is the expected 12 volts.

I went to a local game shop and tried a different power supply. My will still did not work.

I tried my power supply on another wii and the other wii worked with my power supply.

The problem is definitely with the system.

It could be:

* Blue Tooth
* Wifi adapter
* Motherboard

Update: 10/10/2014
Following this guide:

I needed a tri-point screwdriver which I bought on Amazon.

Upon opening the Wii I discovered it had a game still in the drive. Not just a shovelware title either... Oh no.

Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. One of my favorite wii games of all time (second only to Metroid Prime Trilogy).

With patience (it took 10 full minutes) I was able to manually turn the pulley that drives the motorized insert and loading mechanics of the wii dvd drive and remove my (mint) disc without damaging it.

Next I tested the two fuses on the Wii DVD drives circuit board using a voltage meter in continuity mode. If the fuses were bad the meter would read 1. It read 0 meaning the fuse is closed (complete).

Next I need to get to the wifi and blue tooth adapters and inspect those...

Update: 10/11/2014
I bought a complete in box like new wii from Goodwill for $70. While not a bargain it came with 4 like new wii-motes and 2 new (still in original packaging) controllers.

I have dissembled a fully working Wii and used it to test the DVD Drive, Blue Tooth, and Wifi modules from the non-functioning unit. They all seem to work.

I have also learned the following:

* A working wii can be powered on without the DVD drive attached.
* A working wii will show the green light but not power on with the wifi module removed.
* A working wii will show the green light but not power on with the blue tooth module removed.
* A working wii will show the red light but not power on with both the wifi module and blue tooth removed.

I tried using the blue tooth, DVD, and Wifi modules from the working wii in the non-functional wii and it continues to lose all power (light goes out) when I try to power it on.

At this point it seems clear the problem is (unfortunately for me) on the motherboard.

The only option left at this point would be to call Nintendo. A motherboard swap would restore the wii to working condition but all purchases and saves (anything on the embedded NAND) would be lost.

They can at least attempt to recover the NAND contents and transfer licenses to the replacement/restored system.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 10:40:15 pm by dashv »


It could be a fan problem mostly likely, or a component issue that arises from the usb/bluetooth modules of the console.  The fan may not be working properly and you will probably need to replace the stock fan with a better fan.

Dumb question have you unplugged from the outlet and the Wii so that the wire is not connected to anything? If not try that... Then plug it back in ... I read that it will reset the adapter


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Dumb question have you unplugged from the outlet and the Wii so that the wire is not connected to anything? If not try that... Then plug it back in ... I read that it will reset the adapter

The ac adapter reset. Yup tried it several times. First for the 2 minutes suggested. Just now for 2 hours.

Also tested the power supply with a voltage meter. It's putting out the expected 12 volts.


PRO Supporter

Did you unplug everything? Try that if you didnt, for 2 minutes, and then try again.


Quick question: weren't all the white wii's GC compatible? Did it lose it after the black and red ones?
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


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Quick question: weren't all the white wii's GC compatible? Did it lose it after the black and red ones?

Nope.  All the ones with the GC ports on top are.  I have 2 red ones that play GameCube games.


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Quick question: weren't all the white wii's GC compatible? Did it lose it after the black and red ones?

Any made after 2008 were not backward compatible.


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Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2014, 03:25:54 pm »
Motherboard is the problem. :( unfortunately the NAND (where all my savegames live) is soldered onto the board and paired to the GPU/CPU of the wii. I can't simply replace it if I want to keep my purchases and save games.

Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2014, 02:00:00 am »
Is it possible to reflow the board? If you try and reflow something might click you never know... Not sure if it is anything like xbox 360 or ps3 but I have reflowed them before ..  :)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2014, 02:03:09 am by critter7405 »


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Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2014, 02:40:15 am »
Is it possible to reflow the board? If you try and reflow something might click you never know... Not sure if it is anything like xbox 360 or ps3 but I have reflowed them before ..  :)

Dunno. But I don't want to take any chances and toast the NAND. Nintendo has tools that might be able to recover my data. :/


Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2014, 02:46:13 am »
Is it possible to reflow the board? If you try and reflow something might click you never know... Not sure if it is anything like xbox 360 or ps3 but I have reflowed them before ..  :)

Dunno. But I don't want to take any chances and toast the NAND. Nintendo has tools that might be able to recover my data. :/
That's the best option at this point. You don't want to run the risk of losing data through the reset since that could probably wipe the system data due to how delicate the system can be at times. Good luck with the NAND recovery, and hope that it gets fixed!

Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2014, 09:33:11 pm »
Hope it works out for you keep us posted :D


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Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2014, 08:40:29 pm »
Got my replacement Wii console from Nintendo today.

They didn't provide any detail and they didn't attempt to save any data.

They just straight up swapped it for a refurb unit and activated all my old wii shop purchases on the new console.

So my saves and miis are all gone.

My wife is especially heartbroken that we lost the Mii for one of our cats that passed away a few years ago.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 08:49:32 pm by dashv »


Re: Wii would not like to play! (aka my adventure in resurrecting my wii)
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2014, 10:11:07 pm »
Got my replacement Wii console from Nintendo today.

They didn't provide any detail and they didn't attempt to save any data.

They just straight up swapped it for a refurb unit and activated all my old wii shop purchases on the new console.

So my saves and miis are all gone.

My wife is especially heartbroken that we lost the Mii for one of our cats that passed away a few years ago.

Sorry to hear that you lost all your data. It's pretty lame that they didn't make any attempt to transfer your Miis and saves. :-\ They could've at least given you some kind of reason as to why they went the lazy route and gave you a refurbished Wii.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)