Author Topic: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?  (Read 4010 times)


What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:00:22 am »
I know we all like sealed in box games, but there's always that one game in your collection that's in really shitty shape. What game is it for you?

I have a copy of WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game for Genesis that has like, half a label. I also have a really shoddy Jurassic Park on Genesis, and an in-box Cool Spot on Genesis with some stickers on the paper on the case and a big rip in the label with someone's phone number written on it.
My collection doesn't include my Steam or PSN games, just physical games.

Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 10:18:23 am »
My copy of Brainlord on the SNES is in really rough shape; the label is 70% torn off.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 10:28:37 am »
My Battletoads and Double Dragon is one of those rentals where they cut the actual box apart and put it in a plastic case. It makes me sad they did that, but at the same time it's still the actual box, so I keep it around. I have a couple Genesis games where half the label is gone too. That seems like it happened a lot with Genesis games.
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Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 10:34:14 am »
I have a Little Ninja Brothers that's missing about 1/4 of the label, but I haven't seen it again to get an upgrade.

I also have Chubby Cherub with a tear in the end label.  The price was right though.

Those two are bugging the shit out of me.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 11:35:56 am »
I guess the worst game I own is a copy of Asteroids for the Atari 2600, the label is virtually non-existent. But I don't really consider that in my collection - I have some good condition 2600 games I'm selling and I'm just going to toss that one in for free for whoever buys them.

The worst that's in my actual collection tho? Hrm - I have some incomplete games that are bugging me.  A UMD-only copy of Phantasy Star Portable is one. I have a single disk-only game in my Wii collection, Data East Arcade Collection - but it's so rare & the disk was so cheap at Gamestop that I couldn't turn it down. It bothers me tho. ;)
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Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 11:42:03 am »
My cart for 6pak on the Genesis looks like a dog chewed on it.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 11:45:26 am »
I have a bunch of sports Gamecube games that I got from one of my brother's friends, where most of them have scratches everywhere on the disk, since this guy threw away his cases and manuals, and pretty much manhandled the games by scratching them with his fingernails, or kicking them across the room. I also have a copy of Virtual On, that when it arrived the entire top of the cd case was completely missing leaving only the disc and the back of the case.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2014, 12:27:29 pm »
Probably my copy of War of the Gems on SNES. Someone took an xacto knife or something and carved a checkerboard pattern into the front of the label... however, it is because of this that I got the cart in the first place. I was out shopping a game store here in town when I came across it, and it just so happens to be the EXACT cart I used to rent years ago from a video store. It even has the labels from the store on the sides, which I left on. I hadn't seen that cart in well over 10 years and it kinda blew my mind when I found it.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2014, 12:32:37 pm »
The worst that's in my actual collection tho? Hrm - I have some incomplete games that are bugging me.  A UMD-only copy of Phantasy Star Portable is one. I have a single disk-only game in my Wii collection, Data East Arcade Collection - but it's so rare & the disk was so cheap at Gamestop that I couldn't turn it down. It bothers me tho. ;)

I'm in the same spot.  My worst-condition items are just incomplete ones, though I think my mom (who owns a laundromat) found some DS games that had obviously gone through a washer for me.  I wouldn't include them in my "collection" per se, though.  Of the games that are in my collection, my copies of "My World, My Way" are just in those cheesy paper sleeves that they staple together from Gamestop.  I hate that I don't have boxes for them, but it's a difficult game to track down without paying a bunch of money.
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Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2014, 01:02:37 pm »
I have a copy of Donkey Kong Country on SNES that looks like It was hit with a baseball bat. The label is in torn away here and there and what is left is really faded. Plus the cartridge is physically cracked. It works fine but looks like death.

Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2014, 01:05:39 pm »
I have/had a copy of Wild Gunman I sawed in half. It was sacrificed to become a Famicom adaptor. The original PCB is fine.


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2014, 01:09:24 pm »
I just remembered my copy of Yoshi's Island I got from the scummiest box someone had brought up from an obviously neglected basement. Man is that label super crappy, but it still works!

This is the same box that had a copy of Top Gear for SNES that had a burn hole in the shell.... This was the first/last time I learned the lesson to not meet people from Craigslist at their home.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2014, 01:21:50 pm »
I have a cartridge only copy of Yoshi's Island on the GBA with a torn and faded label. It also looks like somebody chewed on it. It's pretty gross. I'm still not sure why I bought it. I guess I really wanted to play it at the time. ???
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2014, 02:55:08 pm »
Pokemon Gold with no label on it
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Re: What game do you have that's in the worst condition?
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2014, 10:09:56 pm »
My Megaman NES box has water damage on the upper left corner. I'm not sure where it came from either...really bothers me. It also has scotch tape marks on the upper flaps. My older brother convinced me that the boxes looked better if the flaps are tightly shut. This is the same brother that also told me Garbage Pail Kids looked better if you remove the outer portion of the sticker.