Author Topic: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)  (Read 3755 times)


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2012, 10:04:46 am »
I'm also looking forwards to Diablo3 and heart of the swarm. The latter probably won't come out soon, knowing Blizzard.


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2012, 12:01:34 am »
Hyper Deminsion Neptunia mkII
Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland
Record of Agarest War 2
Phantom Breaker
Xenoblade Chronicles

I forgot about Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2, that should be pretty fun. Heck, I was surprised to see it was coming out in February.
Not sure about Atelier Meruru yet though... partly because I have yet to play Rorona and Totori, even though I really liked all the Atelier games I played before. Maybe I'll just skip those and go straight to Meruru.

I have yet to play a bad game from NISA.  I'm quite the Atelier fan.


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2012, 03:50:55 pm »
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time

One of the three games I bought a PSP for. I've already got it preordered. x3


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2012, 01:11:40 pm »
Nothing...   Maybe if I had a 3DS I'd be excited for new games.
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Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2012, 01:39:59 pm »
I'm actually looking forward to Lego Batman 2. I really enjoyed the first one and hopefully they will just do more of the same for this one.

Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2012, 01:11:07 am »
my list?
Wii U and Wii U news
luigis mansion 2
kid icarus: uprising
metal gear solid: snake eater 3d
paper mario 3ds


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2012, 05:53:49 am »
Now that I have a 3DS, I'm actually really stoked for Snake Eater 3D and Resident Evil: Revelations. Also I pray that they release the upcoming Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime sequel in the States, I loved that game on DS and am almost tempted to import the original on on GBA, except it's text heavy and I still haven't learned to read Japanese.
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Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2012, 06:19:26 pm »
Radiant Historia IS getting reprinted in March. You can add it to your cart at Amazon now and they'll ship it to you when it comes out.

If you want it I wouldn't mess around and wait for it. It will likely be a very limited reprint.


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2012, 12:25:56 pm »
I pray that they release the upcoming Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime sequel in the States, I loved that game on DS and am almost tempted to import the original on on GBA, except it's text heavy and I still haven't learned to read Japanese.

The first one is so good!  I didn't understand why no one I knew had heard of it or played it.  A little kid-like but so addictive and fun.

And I have Radiant Historia, @darko, but wondering if I should buy an extra sealed copy just because...
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Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #24 on: February 13, 2012, 12:33:46 pm »

I would say it depends on the number of copies that are printed. It's an excellent game that will more than likely be sought after in several years. BUT...most of the reprints from Atlus end up being pretty easy to get a hold of (Disgaea on PS2 for example).


Re: Upcoming Releases (That I'm excited about)
« Reply #25 on: February 13, 2012, 12:36:28 pm »

I would say it depends on the number of copies that are printed. It's an excellent game that will more than likely be sought after in several years. BUT...most of the reprints from Atlus end up being pretty easy to get a hold of (Disgaea on PS2 for example).

Ah, good point.  And I don't think they change much (if anything) between the prints, right?  I wonder if it'd be obvious if mine was printed before this month or not.  Would be more obvious if I had the launch bundle with the soundtrack :(
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