Went into my favorite game store today and some guy was trading in a bunch of stuff along with a CIB copy of Steel Battalion for the original XBOX. As soon as the guy got his money and left, I asked the person at the counter, who also happens to be the owner of the game store how much he was going to charge for it. He told me to make an offer on it, which I did. I offered him $50 and he took it! Oh no, he wasn't finished though!
They had ANOTHER almost CIB Steel Battalion in the back of the store that was only missing the foot pedals and asked if I wanted it. At first I thought he was asking if I wanted to buy that one too, but I still expressed interest. He then said I could have it! No extra charge!
So I picked up two Steel Battalions, one complete, the other almost complete for only $50! I am still on a high from this pickup. I've wanted one of these for such a long time, didn't realize I'd end up getting two the same day :p