Author Topic: amiibo  (Read 54590 times)


Re: amiibo
« Reply #270 on: April 03, 2015, 10:11:19 am »
Yeah they went live sometime yesterday. Reddit said they sold out in 6 minutes. So nuts.

In store didn't pan out for me. They even called another one at another city. Doesnt appear you can order in store.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: amiibo
« Reply #271 on: April 03, 2015, 10:39:01 am »
This Amiibo shit is ridiculous man. I was home on lunch at 2pm, didn't know you wouldn't be able to preorder online and needed to go in store. But literally at 2:01 I hit refresh on Gamestop's home page and the site had crashed. My friend actually went to a store, he waited for like 2 hours because their system at the store was down and took them forever to get it back up and running... I had asked if he wouldn't mind trying to get a Ness preordered for me (literally the only one I've wanted since Amiibos were announced) since I had to work and couldn't spend all day hanging around for it... Well by the time they got the system back up and he was able to preorder his, they told him they were limiting it to one of each amiibo per customer... so fucking great, let's let all the asshole resellers buy up 100 with the first order and then once they become scarce and the other people who had been waiting in line to buy them for themselves, let's limit them instead. good system. My friend literally only wanted 2. one for me, one for him.

And I go to ebay today and am just met with a sea of 50+ dollar preorders. I'm officially fucking done with this. It's way more frustration than it's worth. 
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 10:47:36 am by Bwigdahl »

Re: amiibo
« Reply #272 on: April 03, 2015, 11:08:43 am »
I'm officially fucking done with this. It's way more frustration than it's worth.

You summed it up perfectly right here.

I was able to get Ness yesterday, but the 6-pack I was originally trying to get literally sold out while the GS employee was processing my order. That irritated me, but what really gets me is that Target randomly puts Jiglypuff up during the day it it sells out in under 5-minutes. Then there is the shit with Greninja who was supposedly going up for preorder around 7am EST, but ended up going up around 3am instead. It's as if everything that could go wrong will go wrong with trying to get these things.

It's lie unless you put your entire life on hold and commit to either refreshing retail websites all day or camp out for hours you have virtually no chance of getting like half of these things, at least here in NA. It is because of this I am done for the most part. I will pick these up with minimal effort and checking in occasionally to see if preorders are up, but there will be no more standing in line, lurking in Amiibo forums, or participating in the insanity that Nintendo has created with these.

I'm out as well.


Re: amiibo
« Reply #273 on: April 03, 2015, 11:26:57 am »
I'm officially fucking done with this. It's way more frustration than it's worth.

You summed it up perfectly right here.

I was able to get Ness yesterday, but the 6-pack I was originally trying to get literally sold out while the GS employee was processing my order. That irritated me, but what really gets me is that Target randomly puts Jiglypuff up during the day it it sells out in under 5-minutes. Then there is the shit with Greninja who was supposedly going up for preorder around 7am EST, but ended up going up around 3am instead. It's as if everything that could go wrong will go wrong with trying to get these things.

It's lie unless you put your entire life on hold and commit to either refreshing retail websites all day or camp out for hours you have virtually no chance of getting like half of these things, at least here in NA. It is because of this I am done for the most part. I will pick these up with minimal effort and checking in occasionally to see if preorders are up, but there will be no more standing in line, lurking in Amiibo forums, or participating in the insanity that Nintendo has created with these.

I'm out as well.

Same here. I want Wario & Pac-Man from this wave, which I expect to be common once the dust settles. If I come across any of the others randomly, I'll decide then. It's not worth the headache and frustration.  According to what I just read, Target and TRU have both said they won't be putting up another round of preorders for Jigglypuff & Greninja, so that means camping out to try to get one - nope. Also, they're saying it looks like GS may not put any preorders up online at all for this wave, which means you can forget Ness because if by some miracle stores DO get a couple in that aren't preordered, the employees will snatch them before they even see the shelf.

I don't even see the point in making a product that will only be available for sale for about 15 mins and that's it. What do they gain out of it? I know the money from the sales, but I mean they're throwing away way more than their making by not making enough to cover demand. They get bad press out of it. Heck, I'm not even sure why the stores are paying for the exclusivity - they get a slammed website for a few mins & whatever their profit is on a $13 item. It's not like it's driving customers to these stores to buy anything else. Seriously, where is the business logic in this?  ???
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: amiibo
« Reply #274 on: April 03, 2015, 12:13:30 pm »
I'm not a business man by any means, but I'm assuming a company that has been around as long as them in this industry they're not as stupid as it at least appears they are being from the outside looking in... There are probably some lines crossing we aren't privy to that make the way they're doing this a smart business decision I guess... But even if that is the case it's a double edged sword because it pisses off your fanbase. However, I think it has been proven over and over again pissed off fanbases rarely take their level of pissed offedness to the point of not buying products. All these people (myself included) who are pissed off about this would still plop the 13 bucks if a Ness became available to them in a heartbeat. So maybe Nintendo is just like "fuck y'all, this limited number of amiibos is all we NEED to sell and we know ALL of them will sell immediately whether or not you get them or not. But don't act like you're not gonna love us when we drop Zelda Wii U." Which it appears may not be far from the truth.


PRO Supporter

Re: amiibo
« Reply #275 on: April 03, 2015, 02:39:40 pm »
This Amiibo shit is ridiculous man. I was home on lunch at 2pm, didn't know you wouldn't be able to preorder online and needed to go in store. But literally at 2:01 I hit refresh on Gamestop's home page and the site had crashed. My friend actually went to a store, he waited for like 2 hours because their system at the store was down and took them forever to get it back up and running... I had asked if he wouldn't mind trying to get a Ness preordered for me (literally the only one I've wanted since Amiibos were announced) since I had to work and couldn't spend all day hanging around for it... Well by the time they got the system back up and he was able to preorder his, they told him they were limiting it to one of each amiibo per customer... so fucking great, let's let all the asshole resellers buy up 100 with the first order and then once they become scarce and the other people who had been waiting in line to buy them for themselves, let's limit them instead. good system. My friend literally only wanted 2. one for me, one for him.

And I go to ebay today and am just met with a sea of 50+ dollar preorders. I'm officially fucking done with this. It's way more frustration than it's worth.
I can probably get you one from europe if you want?
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: amiibo
« Reply #276 on: April 04, 2015, 11:09:34 am »
I managed to preorder Ness, Robin and Lucina. I might also have an extra ness if someone needs one!


Re: amiibo
« Reply #277 on: April 05, 2015, 02:35:07 am »
I understand everyone's frustrations and I am just as such. I really want Villager, Captain Falcon and Marth. I wish Nintendo would get their shit together because scalpers are making money that they won't get a dime of.


Re: amiibo
« Reply #278 on: April 05, 2015, 03:51:55 pm »
This Amiibo shit is ridiculous man. I was home on lunch at 2pm, didn't know you wouldn't be able to preorder online and needed to go in store. But literally at 2:01 I hit refresh on Gamestop's home page and the site had crashed. My friend actually went to a store, he waited for like 2 hours because their system at the store was down and took them forever to get it back up and running... I had asked if he wouldn't mind trying to get a Ness preordered for me (literally the only one I've wanted since Amiibos were announced) since I had to work and couldn't spend all day hanging around for it... Well by the time they got the system back up and he was able to preorder his, they told him they were limiting it to one of each amiibo per customer... so fucking great, let's let all the asshole resellers buy up 100 with the first order and then once they become scarce and the other people who had been waiting in line to buy them for themselves, let's limit them instead. good system. My friend literally only wanted 2. one for me, one for him.

And I go to ebay today and am just met with a sea of 50+ dollar preorders. I'm officially fucking done with this. It's way more frustration than it's worth.
I can probably get you one from europe if you want?

Appreciate the offer but it's fine. I'm kind of in a "screw them i don't want one anyway" mood right now lol.


Re: amiibo
« Reply #279 on: April 06, 2015, 12:26:29 am »
Can you get Robin and Lucina?


Re: amiibo
« Reply #280 on: April 06, 2015, 01:41:48 am »
Can you get Robin and Lucina?

I preorder them at EB :)


Re: amiibo
« Reply #281 on: April 06, 2015, 09:06:27 pm »
With all the crap going on with amiibo since the very first launch, it feels like there are more people angry about them than there are who are happy with them now, which feels like a terrible terrible marketing plan  :-\ Heck, that wave 4 you're all talking about, we ain't seen nor heard anything at all about it in Canada, as far as I know. And we're probably going to be screwed as much as you southern comrades, as in they will probably sell out in under 10 minutes without no prior notice  ???

I wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the world was pissed at us in North America for buying all of their stock to compensate for our lack of them  ::)


Re: amiibo
« Reply #282 on: April 06, 2015, 09:18:27 pm »
With all the crap going on with amiibo since the very first launch, it feels like there are more people angry about them than there are who are happy with them now, which feels like a terrible terrible marketing plan  :-\ Heck, that wave 4 you're all talking about, we ain't seen nor heard anything at all about it in Canada, as far as I know. And we're probably going to be screwed as much as you southern comrades, as in they will probably sell out in under 10 minutes without no prior notice  ???

I wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the world was pissed at us in North America for buying all of their stock to compensate for our lack of them  ::)

Actually, Canada has already gotten Wave 4. Unsurprisingly, most are sold out already. Ness sold out at EB Games a few days ago, Robin and Lucina are sold out at EB and, and none have gone up for preorder anywhere else that I'm aware of. I managed to get a couple Ness Amiibo (one for myself and a friend), but it took more than an hour to order them with EB's website overloaded from other people trying to preorder Wave 4. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten preorders for Lucina or Robin. :'(
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: amiibo
« Reply #283 on: April 07, 2015, 07:03:43 pm »
With all the crap going on with amiibo since the very first launch, it feels like there are more people angry about them than there are who are happy with them now, which feels like a terrible terrible marketing plan  :-\ Heck, that wave 4 you're all talking about, we ain't seen nor heard anything at all about it in Canada, as far as I know. And we're probably going to be screwed as much as you southern comrades, as in they will probably sell out in under 10 minutes without no prior notice  ???

I wouldn't even be surprised if the rest of the world was pissed at us in North America for buying all of their stock to compensate for our lack of them  ::)

Actually, Canada has already gotten Wave 4. Unsurprisingly, most are sold out already. Ness sold out at EB Games a few days ago, Robin and Lucina are sold out at EB and, and none have gone up for preorder anywhere else that I'm aware of. I managed to get a couple Ness Amiibo (one for myself and a friend), but it took more than an hour to order them with EB's website overloaded from other people trying to preorder Wave 4. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten preorders for Lucina or Robin. :'(

What?! I've been screwed then  :( EBGames all told me last Thursday that they didn't know when it would happen, and I didn't see them at all on Amazon even though I checked every day for the last 2 weeks. I guess I missed something super obvious  :-\ Oh well. Glad that you could at least get a Ness, though!  :)

Also, I really love your avatar! I had the same for a while on another forum, I just love Rin  ;D
« Last Edit: April 07, 2015, 07:06:44 pm by karyann »


« Reply #284 on: April 23, 2015, 05:58:47 pm »


that is all. thank you.