Author Topic: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox  (Read 13204 times)


My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:34:09 pm »
Please note, this is an opinion piece by me about my feelings toward Microsoft and Xbox.  Thank you.  And please note:  I keep my systems and games in a clean environment, running through expensive surge suppressor systems and my games are dust & scratch free in their original cases when not in use.

I bought an original Xbox from EB games at the beginning of 2002.  I picked up Halo, Dead or Alive 3, Project Gotham Racing and Oddworld Munch's Oddysee as well as an extended warranty which I had never done before, but since my "purchase" was based on a trade-in for my N64 and 24 pristine in box complete games, I had the extra dough and no other games interested me at that time.  Within one week, Oddworld started making the system throw "dirty disc error" messages.  I exchanged the game for another sealed copy which did the same but less frequently.  Within a month, music I had ripped to my custom soundtracks would randomly skip while playing Project Gotham Racing.  I exchanged the system under the extended warranty for a brand-new one within four months  of my original purchase.  BTW...the system was brand new when I purchased it as well.  Microsoft further decided that only 3 years and 9 months (give or take) after I bought this brand-new system near launch, they were discontinuing it in favor of the Xbox 360.  Grr....

I waited until October 2006 to buy an Xbox 360.  I was pretty pissed that Sony was making the PS3 cost $600 or $500 for the "gimped" model and I liked the original Xbox, so I figured what the heck.  I picked up the Xbox One 20-gig model, the HD-DVD add-on and a couple of games.  Not long after, occasional grumblings about system failures began to snowball into outrage as the phenomenon known as the RRoD began to become widespread.  I kept my system in a completely open space and even put plastic spacers under it that raised it about 1/3" without touching anything other than the feet of the system.  You know, for extra ventilation.  Well, HD-DVD went down the tubes which was no real fault on Microsoft's part.  But then in the middle of playing one of my personal favorite games ever-Bioshock, my system started glitching and freezing up.  Nice.  Shorty thereafter, the dreaded RRoD reared it's ugly head.  Well poo, what's an invested gamer to do?  I got another system!  Microsoft in short order began talking about this fantastic new system that would completely change the way we play our games!  Project Natal!!!  This ended up being Kinect and in short order, Microsoft ceased making games (with one or two exceptions) for the core gaming crowd and focused on schlock for this slow tracking POS that never really seemed to work as it should.  This was also the beginning of the lovely DLC era where you no longer were buying a complete game.  This was also the beginning of digital-only titles.  As well, most online functions were hidden behind a paywall.  Wanna watch Netflix?  Gotta have Xbox Live Gold for that one.  Microsoft also decided to grace us with the "metro" interface update where your game was no longer the main thing on the screen.  Your game in the drive was relegated to a top left little corner box and adds were blasting you in the face.  Adds...even though I am paying a premium for Xbox Live Gold?

Fast forward to 2014 and Microsoft introduces us to Xbox One.  It has mandatory Kinect now!  No options!  Mandatory online!  Don't like it?  Don Mattrick says "We have a system for you!  It's called Xbox 360!"  TV, TV, TV!  The backlash was insane.  Microsoft backpedaled on every bad decision, even eventually removing the Kinect and Don Mattrick "took" another position at Zynga. 

But for me, the damage had been done.  Not only had Microsoft screwed gamers with the length of time the original Xbox was available, I had problems with the system from day one.  Xbox 360 showed Microsoft didn't care one lick about gamers by focusing and forcing Kinect down everyone's throats.  The system was a rushed, buggy mess that overheated and crapped out.  Adds!  Adds!  Adds in your FACE!!!  Then the sheer hubris of their Xbone announcement and their complete attitude where they basically thought they ruled the world and if you didn't like it, you could go F yourself. 

So that was it for me.  I refuse to support a company that has sheer contempt for their customers.  Phil Spencer seems like an ok guy, but at this point, my PS4, Wii U and Vita are giving me more than enough games as well as my backlog for the PS3.  I am not entertaining any thoughts on buying an Xbox One.  I'm a huge Halo guy, but Halo 4 disappointed me, the Master Chief Collection launch was a complete disaster and watching videos of "Dude!  Bro!" high-fiving Spartans in Halo 5 makes me cringe.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 03:23:51 pm »


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2015, 03:29:32 pm »
Not sure why this topic popped up today but I approve of this message.

Ive been the driver of the fuck Microshaft bus for years. Glad to see another passenger climb aboard.


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2015, 03:40:49 pm »
This instantly made me think of the Game Launch Rock. Don't you ever buy a console at launch! Although you didn't, you still sound like what I consider an early adopter. My philosophy is - buy it once you know it's ready to go and it has something worth your while. Just being available, or being new doesn't necessary mean you should get one and that goes for any console.

I also think 4 to 5 years is still the average life span of a console, last gen being the exception, and I think people are already forgetting that. There are still plenty of games, and you can continue playing the games that exist for a discontinued platform.

I guess I've always bought at the right time, but I've never had any issue with Xbox, or 360. Not even a red ring. I like em'.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 03:43:50 pm by Warmsignal »


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Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2015, 03:59:18 pm »
XBox was my favorite console during the PS2/GameCube era. Best console of that generation, IMO. At least hardware-wise, you can't deny it. It was the powerhouse of that generation, and had a built-in harddrive and built-in internet access. I also like the game library. It was geared towards action-RPGS, FPSes, and action-games. All genres I really like.

Xbox 360 was the common-man console of this last generation. And as a result has one helluva game library. If you can't find any games you enjoy on the 360, you definitely aren't looking hard enough. The launch models are a valid complaint, for sure. Quality control really sucked on that one. I got lucky, my launch-era model still runs like a champ.


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2015, 04:20:52 pm »
I was never a fan of the Xbox. Their games might have been shinier, but the quality of titles was lacking for a person like myself that plays RPGs. Also, playing something like Soul Calibur II was a pain due to the controller being the size of a whopper. Nowadays, the only thing good about any form of Xbox is that Tales of Vesperia was released on one of them. It figures that the PlayStation 3 would get the superior version of it.

Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2015, 04:31:04 pm »
I was never a fan of the Xbox. Their games might have been shinier, but the quality of titles was lacking for a person like myself that plays RPGs. Also, playing something like Soul Calibur II was a pain due to the controller being the size of a whopper. Nowadays, the only thing good about any form of Xbox is that Tales of Vesperia was released on one of them. It figures that the PlayStation 3 would get the superior version of it.

You mean Jrpgs right>?


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Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2015, 04:37:23 pm »
I was never a fan of the Xbox. Their games might have been shinier, but the quality of titles was lacking for a person like myself that plays RPGs. Also, playing something like Soul Calibur II was a pain due to the controller being the size of a whopper. Nowadays, the only thing good about any form of Xbox is that Tales of Vesperia was released on one of them. It figures that the PlayStation 3 would get the superior version of it.

Yeah, JRPGs were very lacking on that console. But it does have a plethora of action-RPGs:

-Arx Fatalis
-Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 1 & 2
-Demon Stone
-Dungeons & Dragon: Heroes
-Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
-Jade Empire
-Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
-Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2
-X-Men Legends 1 & 2

BTW, if you like JRPGs, Lost Odyssey is another one you should check out 360.

Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2015, 05:10:30 pm »
I have no problems with Xbox or Xbox 360.  Me and my friends constantly played Halo 1 and 2 with regular LAN parties and was some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.  I only had my 360 break down once after a couple years due to a failed disk drive, but I've had that one still for about 4 years now I believe, though I haven't used it much in the last year or two a whole lot, moving to my PS3 more to play games.

This in comparison to the PS2, where I had more issues with the PS2 fatty than I did with my Xbox or 360, of which I never had an issue with the Xbox.

No go on the Xbox One.  They've pulled back on most everything that bugged me with it, but right now, it has no games for it.  Just none and so few on the horizon.  I'm just hoping they eventually bring Killer Instinct to PC lol Would be a smart way to combat the Street Fighter V strategy by introducing cross-play for it lol


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2015, 05:25:21 pm »
Personally I'm cool with the original Xbox. It has some nice features, controller is decent, and some nice games on the system( especially with some of the best multiplats), although I like the Gamecube ,PS2, and Dreamcast more for game libraries since they're more to my tastes. Most of the games I've gotten so far have been system exclusives, and they've been pretty good for the most part. It's a good console for collecting at the moment, and I pick up games for the system if I can get them for a cheap price.

For the Xbox 360, I got one of the revised 4gb models to avoid the early motherboard problems( have a launch model with ongoing RROD problems but was cheap) and there is a surprising amount of interesting games on the console, and most are from the first 5 years of the console's life. As a result, its the best system for shmups, and has quite a few jrpgs, along with other rpgs. The library is also good for most multiplats and is pretty cheap at the moment as well if you know where to look. I've decided not to bother with online features and Kinect( even though I have one) since they're not much of a concern. The other problem is that some games are region-locked for importing which is really inconscientent on some games, and forces you to buy a Japanese console just to play the game. I'm not a huge fan of the 360 controller, especially the d-pad.  The 360 is a decent console overall.

As for the Xbox One, I really don't know if I'm going to get one in the future. There just doesn't seem to be enough games to warrant a purchase whether physical/digital. I also don't care for the Windows 8 interface( hopefully that changes) and that the library simply needs more genres, because at this point, there's not enough variety, especially when a bunch of games are on PC/ other platforms, even stuff that was supposed to be Xbox One exclusive.

Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2015, 05:58:21 pm »
My own thoughts

XBOX(original): This system has grown on me more and more over the years. When it first came out and up until the end of its life I thought the only thing really worth playing on it was Halo and a handful of other games (mostly FPS games). It wasn't until years later when I started collecting that I realized how amazing of a library it had, both in terms of exclusives and games that just ran/looked way better that were also on other consoles. I'm not sure what was up with your original XBOXes, but the only hardware issue I have ever experience is the sticky disk tray which is the result of the drive belt getting dirty and is a simple fix. Save a handful of other disk-based systems, the original XBOX is definitely one of the most reliable disk based consoles I've owned. It is definitely the best console MS has ever released.

XBOX 360: The pre-slim 360s are quite possibly the most poorly engineered pieces of garbage I have ever owned or seen released. I bought an Elite in early 2007 and about a year later the disk drive stopped working, had that fixed, and then it went RRoD on me about 6-months later. I was so pissed off about it I didn't end up buying another until 9-months ago when I bought a used slim. As far at the Slims and the other model (I think the E, but I can't remember), they are far more reliable and I have not had any hardware issues, nor have I heard of widespread issues with these models. This is a huge contrast to nearly every pre-slim 360 I knew of friends, family and strangers owning having severe hardware failures. In regards to its library it has some really good exclusive titles, but unlike its predecessor it is outperformed for the most part its competition, the PS3. It's definitely my least favorite of the 7th gen console, but it's worth owning imo, at least the slim model and later.

XBOX One: Unless things dramatically change in regards to both games, content and policies regarding this console I am confident I will never own one, much less want one.


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2015, 06:12:33 pm »
Im okay with the xbox.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2015, 06:48:15 pm »
I'm fine with Xbox and Xbox 360 but the Xbox One can burn in a..... err never mind. My main problem with Microsoft is that they take something people love and destroy it. Rare Ware comes to mind. I'm not alone on saying this but probably the best game company ever only to be bought out by Microsoft and never to make a good game again. I'm afraid that Minecraft and Mojang will suffer the same fate. Also the Xbox reputation is ruined. To most parents the name "Xbox" gets commonly associated with 360 No Scopes and Doritos. Overall it leaves a bad tastes in my mouth.


Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2015, 09:49:51 pm »
I always had a Sony console growing up starting with the Ps1, Ps2 and then the Ps3. However with this new generation I decided on the xbox one for the sole reason most of my friends decided they were getting that and I wanted to play with them. I was a huge supported of the ps3 and loved the verity of games it support. At the same time hating on the 360 because I had friends who had up to 6 different ones because they kept getting the RRoD.

However I'm actually very satisfied with the XBone. Its hard for my to say I prefer it over the ps4 because I don't have one however I do miss playing the RPgs i could on the ps3 :(

Re: My Personal Opinion: After 14 years & 3 consoles, I hate Xbox
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2015, 11:37:53 pm »
I always had a Sony console growing up starting with the Ps1, Ps2 and then the Ps3. However with this new generation I decided on the xbox one for the sole reason most of my friends decided they were getting that and I wanted to play with them. I was a huge supported of the ps3 and loved the verity of games it support. At the same time hating on the 360 because I had friends who had up to 6 different ones because they kept getting the RRoD.

However I'm actually very satisfied with the XBone. Its hard for my to say I prefer it over the ps4 because I don't have one however I do miss playing the RPgs i could on the ps3 :(

I have a feeling we're too early in on the generation to really see the major differences that will come to define both systems. I imagine there'll start being great exclusives on both systems with enough time, but the current differentiating features seem to be either aesthetic or of minimal importance. Might rethink the PS4 once Persona 5 comes out? Though you could always make do with the PS3 version haha.

In response to the thread as a whole, I totally agree that the Xbox brand has taken a turn for the worse, starting somewhere mid-360 lifespan. Maybe the Kinect was the beginning of the end... But in any case, it's a shame because the original Xbox was fabulous, albeit ugly as sin. The KotOR games remain my favorite games of all time, and it's a very nice system to collect for considering most of its games are available for pretty cheap, and it has a hell of a lot of hidden gems. It is a shame there's no way to transfer data between systems, though. No Xbox One for me in the foreseeable future, but I don't put a turnaround past Microsoft. I'm too invested in PlayStation these days to ever fully switch over should its situation improve, but if enough solid titles show up on it I'm not against it down the line. (KoTOR HD remake, perhaps?) Love following news about it though, its tumultuous beginning has been very, very interesting thus far.
Bayleef Forever.