Author Topic: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?  (Read 9220 times)


I really enjoy looking through everyone's game collections here and was curious what you base your buying decisions on.  I've noticed that many here have a wide array of games from various systems and many times, they may have say, Mega Man 6 for the NES but no other Mega Man titles.  Others are more like myself and have runs of games and/or series that they enjoy.

So I ask, what basis do you use for collecting games?  Just buying whatever you come across?  Do you buy your games including disc-based titles as disc-only or do you only buy complete packages? 

Maybe it's my OCD that affects my buying habits, but I tend to focus on getting complete "runs" of whatever series I am looking for.  For example, I recently bought the complete 9-game collection of Silent Hill in a matter of about 3 days.  I've also completed runs of all the Tekken and Soul Blade/Calibur titles.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 10:41:31 am »
I have an "approved franchise" methodology that I like to use. If a game is part of a series I like as a whole, I'll get the entire series even if some entries aren't so great. For example, I love the Tales series. Not all of them are great such as Tales of Legendia or Tales of the World, but I have them anyway because they're part of an approved franchise. Another example is the Guilty Gear franchise. Guilty Gear Isuka was an awful -AWFUL- game but it's part of a series I like as a whole.

Those that aren't part of a franchise like Tsugunai or Mad Maestro, I just pick and choose after doing research on the game.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 10:47:16 am »
if I'm out looking for games and not looking for anything in particular (just browsing or whatever), I generally do a mix of franchises/companies I like as long as they're not crazy expensive or if I find a cheap game that I've never heard of that looks/sounds interesting (based on box art/name/back of the box). As I don't have a smart phone I'm not able to do research on the fly but I kind of like that aspect of it. Just taking a chance on certain games sometimes can be fun.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 11:10:52 am »
I use to have OCD issues as well where I would try to complete a certain game series, but as of late I haven't been buying or collecting retro anymore. Only if I stumble across some games where I can get at a decent price. As of now when I look at my retro games I am satisfied with my collection, I have all the titles which I mainly want.

I only get new games these days, my collecting habits have drastically changed over the years, have to prioritize certain things in life. So I just stick with new releases now. I feel my retro collection has a great selection and plenty of great titles for me to choose from when I feel like playing some older gems.
  l    l 


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 11:23:16 am »
I use to have OCD issues as well where I would try to complete a certain game series, but as of late I haven't been buying or collecting retro anymore. Only if I stumble across some games where I can get at a decent price. As of now when I look at my retro games I am satisfied with my collection, I have all the titles which I mainly want.

I only get new games these days, my collecting habits have drastically changed over the years, have to prioritize certain things in life. So I just stick with new releases now. I feel my retro collection has a great selection and plenty of great titles for me to choose from when I feel like playing some older gems.

I go through spurts myself where I won't buy anything old for months on end, then I just start grabbing stuff up.  I'm kinda on a PSP kick right now and my recent acquisition of a complete in box PSP 1000 (with headset controls, demo UMD, Spider-Man 2, manuals, memory card and PSP carrying case) has only intensified my urge to pick up PSP games.  I also have a PSP 2000 model that I changed the entire shell out on (check out my pics, I think it's pretty cool!) and I've been eyeing PSP Go's on eBay which seem to end for around $60-70 including shipping.  Right now, I'm looking at picking up Patapon 1-3, LocoRoco 1-2, ATV Offroad Fury Blazin' Trails, God of War Ghost of Sparta, Fat Princess, Darkstalkers, Dissidia and Dissidia 012 Duodecim and a few others.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2015, 11:39:07 am »
I started off buying just NES games.  Then, one day I found a Saturn for $10 at a Goodwill.  That opened the floodgates.  Now, I have a little bit of everything.  Some systems have more focus than others.  Some depends on how much I can get something for.  I love the feeling of getting a good deal.   :P

Now days though, I'm re-focused on NES.  I really want a complete collection.   


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 12:16:48 pm »
1. Do I want to play it?

2. Do I already own it?

3. Is it in working condition?

4. Is it reasonably priced?

And that's about it.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2015, 12:33:07 pm »
1. Do I want to play it?

2. Do I already own it?

3. Is it in working condition?

4. Is it reasonably priced?

And that's about it.

Thats about my list too. I won't buy just any game if I can't see myself playing it sometime.
I would also add to that list is it complete. This however tends to raise the price  :(

Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2015, 12:52:24 pm »
1. Do I want to play it?

2. Do I already own it?

3. Is it in working condition?

4. Is it reasonably priced?

And that's about it.

This is also valid for me, but only when it comes to collecting Sega stuff. When it comes to Commodore stuff, I just get my hands on anything I can :)

Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 01:49:13 pm »
I used to have something like 16 different systems & was collecting the games from top 10 lists and stuff probably 15 years ago, I had a lot of the games everyone wants.  One day I came to realize that the Gameboy, being my first real game obsession, would be the only console I would actually "collect" for, as in trying to get every game.  I only have maybe 30 minutes a day anymore to play games, so I grab a random handful of GB carts sometimes and play 'em on my SP. 

I kept the systems and games that I actually still played and enjoyed, and figured out what I really liked, had space/time for.  A lot of the high-priced games were just collecting dust, so I cashed 'em in & got more Gameboy stuff.  Haven't regretted selling any of them.  I figured I would get a lot further into collecting for one system than I could for 16, it's just too spread out.  I still follow the Nintendo handheld lineage, since it fits my lifestyle so well & carries on the tradition.  I still have plenty of systems though, I just kept my favorites.


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2015, 02:40:47 pm »
I'm pretty much looking to see if its in good condition and a reasonable price. I like having the options around. I've bought games for systems I don't own just because finding them in the wild for good prices was rediculous (SMS game, Doom for the 32X).


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2015, 03:36:55 pm »
I guess I have a few;

- Wnen buying online I wont buy loose cartridges as I don't like how they look on the shelf. I also wont buy disc-only games, whether it's online or in the wild.
- One exception to the above point... occasionally (but not that often) I'll buy loose NES games, but if it's a game I really want or know for sure that it's a great game, then I want it boxed.
- If I'm looking to buy a DS game, then unless there's a huge price difference I'll get the US version over PAL, as I greatly prefer the US game cases.

Other than those I can't really think of anything specific that I really stick to. I usually just see if it's a game that I either know I want to play, or looks like I might enjoy it. I don't buy games for the sake of it.

I don't really have any franchises where I feel like I've got to get the whole series. EG: I've got Castlevania 1 & 2, but I know that I probably wont get the third as it's really expensive. I'd like to have it, but I'm not particularly bothered by it.

Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2015, 05:12:27 pm »
1. Is it a game I'm interested in?

2. How much does it cost?

3. How complete is it?
3a. If it's a cart-based game it doesn't matter.
3b. If it's a CD-based game in a DVD case it needs the case and disk at least.
3c. If it's a CD-based game in a jewel case, it needs to be 100% complete.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2015, 06:02:09 pm »
My criteria is - Does it look like a cool game? -> Am I really interested in playing it? -> Is the price right for me? -> Is it in acceptable condition?

For methods, I buy loose carts, and make my own boxes/packaging for them, and try to stick with only complete games for discs and modern handheld. Acceptable condition to me just means it wasn't clearly abused. It doesn't have to be near mint. Also, I am cheap and on a budget and that impacts my methods quite a bit. I buy games as cheap as possible, and hold out as long as I can stand to for a good opportunity to buy them for less.

I create and research a wishlist for each console and then prioritize based on which game for each looks the most interesting, and that is the next game I will seek out. I also pick up lower priority ones if spotted for the right price. The only time I might buy blindly, is if it's the odd $1 per game kind of situation.

The reason I own something like just Mega Man 3 is because it's literally the only one I've ever found at the right price for me. I've played many of them before, but still not willing to spend between $40 - $170 each to have all of them in my collection. I'm probably just going to pick up the PS2 Mega Man collections instead because it doesn't look like I'm ever going to find any more just floating around.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2015, 07:12:30 pm »
I try to complete game sets like Get all NES Sunsoft Games or Konami. I also have countless wish lists to look at if I am in need of a game. I also never buy digital unless there is some version of a physical copy available. If not then it's debatable whether I buy it on PS4 or Steam depending on content. If no exclusive content, the Steam. Certain CD/DVD disc based consoles I only buy a 100% complete version.