Author Topic: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly  (Read 6187 times)


Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« on: January 29, 2015, 10:48:30 am »
So the Super Mario Set of Amiibo was available for pre-order on Amazon yesterday. By the time I caught it, Toad was already sold out but now it seems that all of them are.

Why do you think Nintendo doesn't make a lot more for future waves seeing as how Smash Bros. Wave 3 has been sold out for a while now?

Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 04:51:53 pm »
So the Super Mario Set of Amiibo was available for pre-order on Amazon yesterday. By the time I caught it, Toad was already sold out but now it seems that all of them are.

Why do you think Nintendo doesn't make a lot more for future waves seeing as how Smash Bros. Wave 3 has been sold out for a while now?

Not sure.  I imagine they are more likely to make new stock of these pretty quickly though since unlike Smash, these will be around for longer since they can be the core amiibos to get.


Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2015, 04:27:51 pm »
urhh, I thought I'd be able to control myself, but the Amiibo have won me over.
I 'challenged my fate' but they were sold out. 

Meanwhile the Scalpers are making me mad.  I hate the fact that the new waves selling out so quickly are making me question whether I'll get the chance to buy one ever again. 


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Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2015, 01:12:34 pm »
I'm mildly interested in the amiibo but with the huge hassle it seems to be to acquire them, I haven't bothered with any of them.  I see they have a Mega Man one coming out now and I have a feeling that one will be hard to resist. Ugh :(.

Aren't most of the OOP amiibo just for the American market?  Had a buddy telling me he just imports them and the costs are fairly reasonable and the stock is much more plentiful?

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Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2015, 05:20:09 pm »
I don't think there are any exclusives amiibos in Europe, though ever since wave 3 went up for pre-order, I have yet to see King Dedede available outside of Japan.  Is Dedede really that popular???

Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2015, 10:43:19 pm »
Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but they must know they are losing tons of money with limited quantities selling out so I'm guessing they are either forcing market prices to go up and selling in online markets for gross markups or doing reprints eventually like gamestop has done with xenoblade, the calling, one piece, and probably others I didn't pick up on.


Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2015, 06:18:11 am »
Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but they must know they are losing tons of money with limited quantities selling out so I'm guessing they are either forcing market prices to go up and selling in online markets for gross markups or doing reprints eventually like gamestop has done with xenoblade, the calling, one piece, and probably others I didn't pick up on.

Is it all amiibos that are hard to find or only some? It's likely marketing made bad decisions to start with and then they probably were not prepared to manufacture enough to meet demand. If you ever collected action figures you know it can be a pain to find specific characters simply because there are never an equal number of each figure made. The hero or lead protagonist of a series always gets produced in the greatest quantities so I'd guess Mario figures get at least 25% of a case if not 50% or more. When I worked in a toy store way back in the '90s we'd get cases of Batman: The Animated Series figures. There would be 20 Batman in a case, 2 Robin, and 2 villains. Of course, demand for villains was high because kids wanted someone for Batman to fight and collectors loved the villains too, for value and because the show was great. You'd think they'd be smart enough to produce more villains but they never did. They simply assume if people are going to buy anything they'll buy Batman first so make the most Batman. There would also be full cases of just Batman, typically in a silly outfit like Lightning Strike Batman.

Power Rangers hit the scene at that time too, and they were not prepared at all for demand. Bandai was making the figures I believe and they didn't have enough factories. The figures were junky too so they'd break and people would want replacements leading to even less stock. Over time they expanded and increased production but it took some time. Power Rangers is also a good example of male characters being more widely available than female. I wouldn't really expect that for amiibo but this is the video game industry, and too many fools in marketing still believe most customers prefer male characters. So in Power Rangers you'd get lots of Red Ranger, plenty of Blue and Black, and then maybe one Pink and one Yellow per case.

Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2015, 06:30:19 am »
Low stock is not an unheard of thing with toys.  Nintendo has been struggling to get their footing this generation with the Wii U just finally starting to do well and I think they were being far too careful with their inventory amounts and were blown away by how hyped people were for figures, including less popular ones. That isn't something you can turn around either, so I feel like it'll hopefully be less of a problem with the next waves of figures after this as it sounds like they are definitely going to have more for their big Mario line.  And for those that can't get Shulk right now, it's clear they'll be make more for when Xenoblades Chronicles 3DS is released and probably when Xenoblades Chronicles X is out too.


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Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2015, 02:57:36 pm »
A lot of Amiibos will be easier to find (especially if they are going to be used in well selling games). The Super Mario series is still shipping and new pre-orders are showing up.

Now the more rare characters I think will be gone for good.

Rosalina will be an exception. We will probably see another release of her in a few months since she can be used in Mario Party. Might be when Mario is no longer exclusive to the Mario Party bundle.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2015, 03:32:42 pm »
A lot of Amiibos will be easier to find (especially if they are going to be used in well selling games). The Super Mario series is still shipping and new pre-orders are showing up.

Now the more rare characters I think will be gone for good.

Rosalina will be an exception. We will probably see another release of her in a few months since she can be used in Mario Party. Might be when Mario is no longer exclusive to the Mario Party bundle.

You called it on Rosalina lol

Glad we are getting a proper Wario.  I've always liked him, but I hated his motorcycle gimmick, which is what his Smash Bros one will be.


Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2015, 04:18:49 pm »
Just in case any of you missed it:

My bf says he's preordering two, lol.  I don't even know when I'd plan to play Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (I'd prefer to play the Wii version atm), but it'd be nice to have it just to have.
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Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2015, 05:30:18 pm »
Thanks for the news, but now I am kind of bummed. I was hoping the new figure would come with Luma. My daughter is going to be so sad. I guess I will have to get her the Japanese Amiibo.

I'm not surprised that Shulk is back again since Xenoblade will be a pretty popular release.

You called it on Rosalina lol

Glad we are getting a proper Wario.  I've always liked him, but I hated his motorcycle gimmick, which is what his Smash Bros one will be.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2015, 04:52:53 pm »
Quote from: kamikazekeeg
Glad we are getting a proper Wario.  I've always liked him, but I hated his motorcycle gimmick, which is what his Smash Bros one will be.

Urhh, I've had pretty rotten luck with this new wave of Amiibo,  I already blew my chances of pre-ordering Lucina, but I was able to put in a pre-order for everyone's not-so-favourite character Wario.  I've enjoyed a few Warioware games, but I do have a soft spot for Wario Land so I do prefer his original design.   :P

So to follow with my rotten luck, there just had to be an overall design Wario Amiibo shown off recently... uurghhh

Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2015, 09:16:21 pm »
Apparently that Gold Mario is gonna be exclusive to Walmart.

Silver I guess will be Target.


Re: Amiibo Selling Out So Quickly
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2015, 09:23:36 pm »
Apparently that Gold Mario is gonna be exclusive to Walmart.

Silver I guess will be Target.

Is that a subtle jab at Target? :P

I wonder if these gold and silver Amiibos will be more expensive than the usual ones... ???
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)