February was good to me with the 3 for $10 from Gamestop that they had a week or so ago, and elsewhere. Just picked up a Super Slim PS3 (Am I only the that prefers this model design ascetically over any of the others?) a week into the GS sale, and thankfully everything wasn't picked over as much as I figured it would be. Hit up the 5 or so GS stores in my area, and only got Bait & Switched twice, but it worked out in my favor both times with them swapping out a Greatest Hits L.A. Noire for the regular version, and switched a regular no manual copy of Uncharted 2 for a CIB GH version. Everything CIB (unless noted on one game). I take back about half of all the mean things I've personally said about Gamestop over the years.
Superslim PS3: $75 from Cowboom. excellent condition, still has plastic coverings on all glossy parts. Came with hookups too but didn't include them in picture.
Assassin's Creed Revelations $3.33
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift $3.33
Dynasty Warriors 6 disc only $3.33 (nothing else interesting at that particular store for a qualifying third game)
Dynasty Warriors 6 $3.33
Fallout: New Vegas $3.33
L.A. Noire $4.99
Lost Planet $3.99
Lost Planet 2 $3.33
Mass Effect 2 $3.33
Mass Effect 3 $3.33 (what's up with no physical release of ME:1 on PS3 other than the Trilogy Pack?)
Motorstorm 99 cents lol
Nail'd (unpictured) $3.33
Ratchet and Clank All 4 One $3.33
Uncharted $3.99
Uncharted 2 $3.33
Uncharted 3 $3.33
Also picket up the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Wii Arcade Stick from Goodwill for $20, works great except for what I assume are supposed to be LEDs in the upperleft corner, which do not turn on. Probably an easy fix.