Author Topic: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them  (Read 8794 times)


Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« on: February 05, 2015, 01:47:04 pm »
Ever play a game or games that everyone raved about, but you just couldn't stand it?  Games that won Game of the Year awards, scored at the top of the charts, sold millions of copies and were praised by reviewers endlessly?  I can name a couple.

Super Mario 64.  I hate this game.  It started with the obnoxious controller that the left "handle" dug painfully into the back of my hand and I could only play for an hour at a time tops.  Then there was the crap camera that everyone seems to praise, assigned to the "C" buttons.  Next was that they took the huge diversity in the levels from past Mario titles, and now you kept repeating the same levels to find stupid stars.  Ugh.  I hate Hate HATE this game.  Not a Mario hater here.  Loved Super Mario World and thought Super Mario Sunshine was pretty cool. 

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.  Oh, how I loathe this game.  Stood in line at Walmart, making myself late for work to snag the gold covered special edition that was ridiculously priced at $79.99.  Oh, what a treasure I held in my hands!  I felt like a king all that night at work, with the Zelda theme buzzing through my mind and dreams of the moment I get home, carefully slice the plastic open with an exacto knife and put that gold baby in my N64!  And that's what I did.  But instead of being greeted by that familiar Zelda tune I loved so much, I heard music that sounded like "Beep, boop, beep, boop...boop boop boop!  Beep boop, be-be boop boop boop boop!" and this annoying as hell fairy that just kept repeating "Hey!  Listen!  Hey!  Listen!"  After an hour, I shut it off, my heart in my stomach and vowed to pick it up after I got a few hours of sleep.  It had to get better.  Right?  Well, nope.  It didn't get better.  More Hey Listens and Beep-Boops and annoying chickens.  And a stupid Deku tree.  To this day, I loathe that game.  And it's not that I'm a Zelda hater.  I loved Link to the Past and Wind Waker.  Ocarina though...ugh.  It made me despise Zelda games so bad that I wouldn't even play Majora's Mask because I was so pissed.

How about you guys?
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2015, 01:55:34 pm »
^ I am so glad I am not the only one with Ocarina of Time. I've tried, I've really tried to enjoy that game because I freaking ADORE the 2D Zelda titles. But I just couldn't get into it. The touchy thumbstick made some maneuvers hard to pull off, the game was really big and empty so it seemed like you were doing a lot more walking than gaming. And what in the hell is up with the stealth parts in a Zelda game?!


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2015, 02:11:07 pm »
Mine's gotta be Mario, in general. I loved the Mario games when I was a kid, all the way through Super Mario 64 and I loved Super Mario Sunshine. Some time after that though, it just felt so repetitive. I can't get into the New Super Mario Bros. games at all. I have Galaxy and I found it OK but I didn't bother with the second one.

I don't hate Mario. Love the Mario & Luigi games. But the Mario platformers just don't do it for me at all.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2015, 02:18:53 pm »
Mine's gotta be Mario, in general. I loved the Mario games when I was a kid, all the way through Super Mario 64 and I loved Super Mario Sunshine. Some time after that though, it just felt so repetitive. I can't get into the New Super Mario Bros. games at all. I have Galaxy and I found it OK but I didn't bother with the second one.

I don't hate Mario. Love the Mario & Luigi games. But the Mario platformers just don't do it for me at all.

I thought Galaxy was boring and I quickly quit playing it.  Never bothered with Galaxy 2.  On the other hand, I found the New Super Mario Bros. games to be a breath of fresh air.  Yeah, it's the same "save the princess" gameplay, but the levels are fun and imaginative and the controls are spot-on.  My youngest daughter and I played all the way through Super Mario 3D World together and I thought it was the best 3D Mario game made.
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2015, 02:19:30 pm »
^ I am so glad I am not the only one with Ocarina of Time. I've tried, I've really tried to enjoy that game because I freaking ADORE the 2D Zelda titles. But I just couldn't get into it. The touchy thumbstick made some maneuvers hard to pull off, the game was really big and empty so it seemed like you were doing a lot more walking than gaming. And what in the hell is up with the stealth parts in a Zelda game?!

You are not the only one.   ;)
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2015, 02:26:29 pm »
I wouldn't say "hate" for any video game but I have a strong dislike for the following:

Final Fantasy X. An annoying cast, a boring battle system, and cut scenes that cannot be skipped. Also, the Sphere Grid is redundant and stupid. I couldn't stand this game and it's the only numbered FF that I look at with some disgust. I only made it about 10 to 15 hours in FFXII, but at least that game had a great cast and story, plus fantastic music.

I'm also another person who doesn't like modern, 3D Zelda titles. Ocarina of Time is overrated. I never tried MM. Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess looked gimmicky and dull.

I don't care for Street Fighter. Capcom, unfortunately, dominates the fighting game market. I think SF titles are dry.

The next couple of games/series are ones that I don't necessarily dislike. I say this because I only played but a few of them and know that the rest of the games I haven't tried wouldn't adhere to my taste. So, sure, I dislike them but it's nothing compared to the amount of loathing I have for their fans.

God of War. The entire series has been made with the dude-bro in mind. "BLOOD! B00BS!" There are a few fun boss fights but most of the time there are shoddy controls with a protagonist I cannot stand. Oh, and getting to have sex with women and getting paid for it is ridiculously chauvinistic to me.

Call of Duty/Medal of Honor. See God of War, sans b00bs and boss fights.

Madden/NHL/Baseball/Any other sport Everything. See above again, only without the blood. I'd rather play a sport in real life, anyway. I guess my dislike for these games stems from my disdain of spectating sports.

Candy Crush. "You're a gamer?! OMG ME TOO! I play Candy Crush!"


I'm sure that there are more since my taste in games is so fabulous esoteric, but those are the ones that come to mind off the top of my head. As you can see, my dislike is for the fans and not the actual games.


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2015, 02:26:47 pm »
Another game/series that for the life of me I can't fathom why it gets so much love is Half-Life.  People just revere that game and to even speak negatively about them or their creator Gabe Newell is to invite the wrath of internet fanboys.

I keep hearing people talk about how great the story and atmosphere is and what a great protagonist Gordon Freeman is.  Here's my take.  Gordon doesn't talk.  I have no way to relate to him as a character.  He looks like a computer geek who is only missing his pocket protector.  His mainstay weapon is a crowbar.  The game starts out with a reactor accident that opens a tear into another dimension.  Through this dimension, little crabs come through and attach themselves to people's heads.  The graphics suck.  The storyline sucks.  I felt no relation to Gordon Freeman nor did I feel like I was Gordon Freeman.  I had little interest in Half-Life 2, but reluctantly played it at a friends behest.  I finished it.  It was ok.  But it wasn't anything special.  Again with crappy graphics and a character I couldn't relate to.  More crab-head zombies. 

Basically to me, Half-Life as a series did nothing to add to and/or expand the 1st person shooter genre.  They are ok to average games.
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2015, 02:45:53 pm »
I'm probably to get hate on for this but everyone seems to love FF7 and FF13 and I hate them..
I just could never get into either one of them!
As well as the halo series. Granted I'v never played the original halo games since I never had an xbox. However now that I have an Xbone I got the master chief collection and don't see what all the hype is about. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is horrible but it just seems like another shooter with an average campaign.

Bring on the hate!  ;)


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2015, 02:59:15 pm »
I'm probably to get hate on for this but everyone seems to love FF7 and FF13 and I hate them..
I just could never get into either one of them!
As well as the halo series. Granted I'v never played the original halo games since I never had an xbox. However now that I have an Xbone I got the master chief collection and don't see what all the hype is about. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is horrible but it just seems like another shooter with an average campaign.

Bring on the hate!  ;)

No hate from me.  Everyone has an opinion and we are just voicing them.   :)  The draw for me with Halo was the lore they created and the universe full of all these interesting alien races.  Finding out that humans had spread across the stars millions of years ago, encountered and defeated the Flood.  Then, weakened from their war on the Flood, the Forerunners de-evolved the human race and deposited those who were left as savages on Earth.  Pretty cool if you delve into the history.

Just now playing Final Fantasy XIII so I'll reserve my judgement.  I've been having fun with it, but it's nothing mindblowing either.  Final Fantasy VII on the other hand?  Them's fightin' words!   8)
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2015, 03:26:00 pm »
I'm probably to get hate on for this but everyone seems to love FF7 and FF13 and I hate them..
I just could never get into either one of them!
As well as the halo series. Granted I'v never played the original halo games since I never had an xbox. However now that I have an Xbone I got the master chief collection and don't see what all the hype is about. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is horrible but it just seems like another shooter with an average campaign.

Bring on the hate!  ;)

No hate from me.  Everyone has an opinion and we are just voicing them.   :)  The draw for me with Halo was the lore they created and the universe full of all these interesting alien races.  Finding out that humans had spread across the stars millions of years ago, encountered and defeated the Flood.  Then, weakened from their war on the Flood, the Forerunners de-evolved the human race and deposited those who were left as savages on Earth.  Pretty cool if you delve into the history.

Just now playing Final Fantasy XIII so I'll reserve my judgement.  I've been having fun with it, but it's nothing mindblowing either.  Final Fantasy VII on the other hand?  Them's fightin' words!   8)

I figured you enjoyed it since its your avatar! aha  ;)


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2015, 03:29:57 pm »


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2015, 03:36:49 pm »

Another overrated Valve game.
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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2015, 04:03:23 pm »
Half Life 2: Talk about overrated. This is one of the most boring games I've ever played, and that's coming from someone who has played Wii Music. PC elitists proudly tout this as the holiest of holy PC games, all hail gaben, messiah of video games. If that's the case, I'm glad I'm a console peasant.

Super Mario Galaxy: Both of them. Okay, I don't hate them - they're good games! Objectively it's hard to say they're not. But the amount of sheer blind praise these two games get (mostly the second one) annoys me to the point I never want to play them again. They're both so linear, yet they get praised for their "openness". Well guess what? Just because Mario gets shot through space from one tiny planet to another doesn't make the game open. You're still following a very intended path. It's called an illusion. What makes this worse is Sunshine and 64 before it. They both had large open hubs connecting all of the game worlds together allowing you to largely do things in the order you want. But then the Galaxy games decide to restrict that largely. There's still a hub, but it's very small and there's no reason to explore it. You still have the ability to mostly choose what order you want to do things, but that's restricted some too. Fun right?! And yet people clamor for Super Mario Galaxy 3 instead of a better - original - Mario game. The music is fantastic, though.

Xenoblade Chronicles: I love RPGs but I hate MMOs. Actually, I'm finding lately that I don't like many modern RPGs, but that's another story. Xenoblade plays essentially like an offline MMO. Sorta. I really just can't get into it. Also the music is probably the most overrated part about the game. Yeah, deal with it.

Final Fantasy X: Speaking of modern RPGs... I absolutely loathe this game. Annoying characters, stupid plot full of large holes, subpar music, and the Sphere Grid is SquareEnix's beginning of introducing the illusion of freedom in "customizing" your characters in the Final Fantasy series. But hey, at least the battle system is good. So let's never do that again except in the spinoff!

Final Fantasy XIII: Not universally loved, but strangely this game is getting more support these days than it used to. And it really shouldn't. It deserves all the hate it gets and then some. This has all the complaints I have from FFX except multiplied by 1,000. Every time Snow appears on screen and talks it just makes me want to jam a screwdriver through my ear to end the pain. This is quite literally the worst game I've ever played. At least the graphics are nice.

Pokemon: I kind of get it, but c'mon. Everyone goes on about how every Call of Duty game is just a rehash (which they are, and Call of Duty sucks too) but if you say that about Pokemon then it's suddenly HOW DARE YOU SLANDER THE NAME OF OUR BELOVED! In fact, it's more of a rehash than Call of Duty and it's worse because they release 2 games at once and people actually buy both of them. But okay, that's your choice if you do that. I'll be the first to admit I have bought and enjoyed blatant cash grabs and rehashes. That doesn't change the fact that the Pokemon series is dull and not fun in any way at all, though.

And then these games/series, because I'm tired of explaining why I hate all of this: LittleBigPlanet, Grand Theft Auto, LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, Mass Effect, Halo, Monster Hunter.

Oh yeah, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2! It isn't a bad game, and really most of the classic Sonic games aren't, but it also isn't very good. I suppose I just have a problem with games that encourage you to go as fast as possible but also to expect you to also collect rings, power ups, and to not run into walls every 3 seconds. Really it's just a mediocre game.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 04:09:10 pm by haloofthesun »


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2015, 06:39:31 pm »
I haven't played any other games in the Star Ocean series, but I picked up 'Till the end of time' a while back.  The game gets off to a very slow start, before you get to do anything.  Navigating through the menus with the battle segments takes some getting used to, meanwhile I felt like the attack input is imprecise.  After a while, I was able to somewhat efficiently using just a small portion of the dauntingly complex battle system. 

But then an AI character joined the party and all of my abilities went to hell out of sheer confusion. 

Then just a few asinine field controls later, I shut off the game and have yet to return, it really did leave a bad taste in my mouth. 


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2015, 07:38:04 pm »
I haven't played any other games in the Star Ocean series, but I picked up 'Till the end of time' a while back.  The game gets off to a very slow start, before you get to do anything.  Navigating through the menus with the battle segments takes some getting used to, meanwhile I felt like the attack input is imprecise.  After a while, I was able to somewhat efficiently using just a small portion of the dauntingly complex battle system. 

But then an AI character joined the party and all of my abilities went to hell out of sheer confusion. 

Then just a few asinine field controls later, I shut off the game and have yet to return, it really did leave a bad taste in my mouth.

I could see that - I played a short bit of TTEOT (I love Second Story) and was pretty off-put by just the look and movement of the game to start with.

I also wonder how much of differences in opinion time plays into it... I loved Second Story and Tales of Symphonia and Abyss when I was younger, but part of me wonders if I won't like them as much now that I'm older...  Will I still have the same patience for some things?  Will I still love them as much (or more) than I did back then?
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