Author Topic: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition  (Read 49164 times)

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #75 on: March 19, 2015, 03:00:11 am »
Game 11 - Battlefield: Hardline (PC) - Playing
So far, the singleplayer is okay.  Better than the usual Battlefield singleplayer modes, but still not showing it's worth it really.  It's not bad, but like the first half of it is rather standard good cop/bad cop stuff, and though it's getting more interesting in the second half, I can't say I'm totally drawn in.  I feel some of this comes from how easy it is to not get into combat.  Telling people to freeze, of which they'll do at any time you aren't in an active firefight, means you can really breeze through the sections with stealth.  Combined with the taser and it's a real easy mode.  Combat is your usual stuff to and it's all fine, Battlefield is good for that, but you can ignore a lot of it unless you are forced into it lol  I feel once I'm done, I'm going to still wonder what is the point of it.

Multiplayer I've played a good bit of before with the beta and I like it.  It's a more stripped down Battlefield game which is nice after Battlefield 4 being kind of a clusterfuck with all the gadgets, explosives, and other stuff.  I love large scale vehicle combat, but it's nice not having to worry about geting shot by tons of rockets lol


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #76 on: March 19, 2015, 06:46:26 pm »
I replayed an old game and found the old review for it.

Mad Maestro:

Ye gods...I can't believe I wrote that piece of garbage. Ah well.

Tail Concerto:

One more...

Dark Cloud:


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #77 on: March 20, 2015, 10:05:09 am »
07. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Cury God - I have to say I really enjoyed this game. Very light-hearted breezy rogue-like. Great characters, very funny and the dungeon crawling gameplay was fun except for a few nit-picks. My main issue is that Kuu, your companion that follows you around the dungeons, learns his abilities randomly after the first dungeon. Being a rogue-like, he of course forgets them all when you leave a dungeon which would be ok except for the random part. Since only a few of his abilities are actually useful (he's generally useless as a fighting companion since he does minimal damage and really just gets in the way more than anything) you end up getting pointless abilities far more often than the ones you really need. What you want is his ability to carry 8 items, which is the only way to expand your inventory, his ability to identify items you pickup & his ability to let you combine items while in a dungeon (otherwise, you can only do this in town). I never got the combine ability after the first tutorial dungeon and I rarely got the other two.

The only other minor negative I'll point out is that the goals for the plat are absolutely ridiculous. Not in a "wow, that's hard" kind of way, but in a "that's an insane amount of time to invest in this game" way. As an example, after I beat the game (not having played the bonus dungeon that opens up after the credits roll) I had killed just shy of 1,500 monsters according to the in-game records. There is a trophy for killing 10,000 monsters. :o :P
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #78 on: March 20, 2015, 11:39:30 am »
07. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Cury God -
The only other minor negative I'll point out is that the goals for the plat are absolutely ridiculous. Not in a "wow, that's hard" kind of way, but in a "that's an insane amount of time to invest in this game" way. As an example, after I beat the game (not having played the bonus dungeon that opens up after the credits roll) I had killed just shy of 1,500 monsters according to the in-game records. There is a trophy for killing 10,000 monsters. :o :P

That's what I initially thought, but earning the platinum only took me about 40 to 50 hours if memory serves. You'll notice that some of the trophies require you to complete your sword, staff, shield, etc. list. Since the only way to level up your gear is to kill enemies, you get the kill 10,000 monsters trophy sooner than you think.

But, I understand that it looks intimidating. If you do decide to go back, let me know. ^^ I gave a buddy of mine some tips that I can just copy and paste for you to make the road to platinum less harrowing.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #79 on: March 20, 2015, 09:42:28 pm »
07. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Cury God - I have to say I really enjoyed this game. Very light-hearted breezy rogue-like. Great characters, very funny and the dungeon crawling gameplay was fun except for a few nit-picks. My main issue is that Kuu, your companion that follows you around the dungeons, learns his abilities randomly after the first dungeon. Being a rogue-like, he of course forgets them all when you leave a dungeon which would be ok except for the random part. Since only a few of his abilities are actually useful (he's generally useless as a fighting companion since he does minimal damage and really just gets in the way more than anything) you end up getting pointless abilities far more often than the ones you really need. What you want is his ability to carry 8 items, which is the only way to expand your inventory, his ability to identify items you pickup & his ability to let you combine items while in a dungeon (otherwise, you can only do this in town). I never got the combine ability after the first tutorial dungeon and I rarely got the other two.

The only other minor negative I'll point out is that the goals for the plat are absolutely ridiculous. Not in a "wow, that's hard" kind of way, but in a "that's an insane amount of time to invest in this game" way. As an example, after I beat the game (not having played the bonus dungeon that opens up after the credits roll) I had killed just shy of 1,500 monsters according to the in-game records. There is a trophy for killing 10,000 monsters. :o :P

That's ... pretty insane grinding  :o  Maybe someday when I have enough games off my backlog, I'll start platinum-ing some RPGs. Maybe :P

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #80 on: March 21, 2015, 02:14:55 am »
Game 8 - Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (PC) - Around 10 Hours FINISHED
Turned out to be a better game than I expected and more interesting than the last Revelations for sure.  It's not a mainline entry for the series, so it's not one I feel you can compare as well to having the depth and quality of RE4 and RE5, but it's just a generally good game.  They finally figured out how to do co-op for these games (Though I am begging them to make RE7 singleplayer and have the two player be optional.  It's getting kinda ridiculous that the last four games have had it) that was actually GOOD and wasn't just giving another gun to fight with.  I also liked that there were no guys with guns.  It's a lot more familiar to kinda the first half of RE4 in that regard.  Story is goofy and ridiculous of course, it's an RE game, though I felt like there was a pretty huge plothole involving one of the characters at the end, not that it bothers me a ton.  The story is b-movie shlock lol It's just a nice return to kinda what RE4 was doing, rather than continuing the big scale action we saw in RE5 and RE6.

Raid mode is pretty cool to.  I'll poke around that for abit.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #81 on: March 21, 2015, 02:45:40 am »
Game #13: Super Mario Land (3DS VC) Beaten on 3-20-15
Although this game was pretty short, it was really fun!


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #82 on: March 22, 2015, 12:45:56 pm »
Some reading for your Sunday, in case anyone is interested. ^^

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #83 on: March 22, 2015, 03:39:50 pm »
Game #14: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (PS3) Beaten on 3-22-15
Finally beat this game after a few retries of the last level. It was a pretty decent 3rd person shooter although very repetitive at times.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #84 on: March 22, 2015, 03:41:10 pm »
EDIT: Accidental double-post.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2015, 03:44:48 pm by kevininja »

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #85 on: March 23, 2015, 09:18:53 am »
Latest installments:

14. Super Mario World 3D - Wii U (~20-hours): I'm actually not sure how to feel about this game; on one hand it was a real good game, and I found the last fourth of the game to be quite the challenge, but at the same time I felt bored with this game, like I had played it before. For a 3D Mario game it was good, although I still prefer Galaxy and 64 over this one.

15. Guilty Gear XRD -SEED- - PS3 (~2-hours): I have never been the biggest ArcSYS fighting game fan and this game really felt no different then the other Guilty Gear and Blazblue installments. I hear these games have incredible depth, but all I really did was button mash and flew through the game. It's worth getting on the cheap, unless you're a big fan of Guilty Gear then you'll love it since it is more of the same this series is known for. Beautiful graphics however.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #86 on: March 23, 2015, 12:45:35 pm »
Game #15: Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (3DS VC) Beaten on 3-23-15
Got the Birdhouse ending. Probably going for the Planetoid ending next for completion.

Game #16: 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (3DS eShop) Beaten on 3-24-15
This game was freaking amazing, it really made me feel like a real ninja!
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 03:50:27 am by kevininja »


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #87 on: March 26, 2015, 11:01:05 pm »
2015 Completed:

1) Sunset Overdrive  - (XB One - Complete) - My favourite XBOne game to date. It starts off A little slow and confusing but once your passed the 2 hour mark the game is amazing. It's the first time In a long time a game has pulled me in and kept me entertained until the end.

2) Etrian Odyssey Untold - (3DS - Complete) - I started this game in 2014 and it took me almost a year to beat after playing here and there. Finally finished it up and was extremely happy with it. The ending was a little bit of a let down, as well as some points in the game are very hard!

3) Persona 4 Golden - (Vita - Currently Playing) - Almost finished this. Around 60 hours in now. Going to the golden ending so I have a couple more dungeons to finish up. Amazing game so far and not what I had expected at all.

4) Code Name S.T.E.A.M - (3DS - Currently Playing) - Only put 3 to 4 hours into this but it's great. I'm not sure if anyone else on here has play heroclix but its extremely similar to that. Very strategic and fast paced.

5)Star Ocean Till The End Of Time (Ps2 - Currently Playing) - Started playing this with my younger brother. It not nearly as good as I remember it being back when I first got the Ps2. I don't know why but during the cut scene the characters dialog is SOO slow! It takes 3-5 seconds from the ending of one characters sentence until the next character begins to talk. Still a decent game so far and beings back the nostalgia
« Last Edit: March 27, 2015, 12:36:30 am by devancowan »

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #88 on: March 27, 2015, 03:40:45 am »
Game 4 - Majora's Mask 3DS - 20 hours FINISHED
Well I can finally say that I beat Majora's Mask.  I think I made it as far as the western ocean area in my original playthrough years ago on the N64, but I didn't like the time mechanic.  And I sadly still don't.  I feel like in concept, it is a kinda cool idea, I just don't find it very fun.  Having to restock with every restart, having to do specific things on specific days and at generally specific times...Couldn't really get into that very much.  Personally, it just makes me groan thinking about completion as I only got about half the masks in the game or having to get the heart pieces.  Not something you ever want to feel in a Zelda game.  I do think the game does some good things, being darker and weirder and having more characters than Zelda usually does and I feel like it's something Nintendo should consider for the open world Wii U game coming up.  Varied sidequests, odd characters, stuff that makes you interested in wanting to see where the little plots go.  It's a solid Zelda title, but of the 3D releases, it's still on the lower end for me.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #89 on: March 27, 2015, 11:18:48 am »
Btw, I don't know if I mentioned but I'm only putting games I've finished. ;)

08. Tennis in the Face - This was a surprisingly fun little puzzle game! I picked it up in the PSN Flash Sale last weekend for under a buck, and I definitely got my money's worth. You & the enemies are in fixed positions on a one-screen board. Your goal is to knock out all of the enemies w/ tennis balls, using as few as possible. To do so you have to angle the ball & use a fair bit of brains to figure out how to get the job done. There were a ton of levels - probably in the neighborhood of 100 - but the game still went relatively fast. I'd say I put in around 5 hours this week to gold all of the levels & get all of the trophies.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis