Author Topic: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition  (Read 49521 times)


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52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« on: February 15, 2015, 04:08:41 pm »
Hey, would anyone be interested in doing a thread like this for our forum here? It really helps promote working on your backlog and writing little blurbs/reviews for multiple games? I've thought about posting on the gaf thread but there are just so many people there and a lot gets lost in the crowd and I would love to share my thoughts with VGC where I have more of an investment in the community. Anyone else wanna do this with me?

Also, as to not clog up the thread each time you make a new post, you should either link your OP with your new review/games played or edit your OP and just quote the changes. :)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 11:52:15 am by tafk »


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 04:51:59 pm »
Let's get this party started! :D


Game #1: LEGO Knight's Kingdom (GBA) Completed on 01-04-15
First game I completed in 2015! For some reason I always stopped playing when I was on the last level on earlier playtroughs.

Game #2: Undead Storm (DSiWare) Beaten on 01-06-15
Fun, little arcade game. Great game to play in short bursts.

Game #3: Gunman Clive (3DS eShop) Beaten on 01-06-15, Completed on 1-14-15
This game turned from a Western-styled platformer to a full-on Megaman game! Well worth the 2 euros!

Game #4: Rayman 3 (GBA) Completed on 1-18-15
Finally got all Lums and Cages. It's a decent platformer that takes a lot of elements from Rayman 2 with a bit of Hoodlum Havoc added to the mix.

Game #5: Shovel Knight (3DS eShop) Beaten on 1-18-15
One of my favorite eShop games. A great 8-bit platformer with a kick-ass soundtrack!


Game #6: Rayman Origins (3DS) Completed on 2-04-15
Man, Land of the Livid Dead was a bitch to go trough...

Game #7: Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS3) Beaten on 2-19-15
This was a great game! The final boss was a bit of a letdown though.

Game #8: Gunman Clive 2 (3DS eShop) Beaten on 2-21-15
Beaten with Clive. Much better and harder than the original!

Game #9: Cave Story (3DS eShop) Beaten on 2-22-15
This game was amazing! Great story, challenging but fun gameplay and an awesome soundtrack!

Game #10: Gargoyle's Quest II: The Demon Darkness (3DS VC) Beaten on 2-24-15
Very enjoyable game! Bosses were a bit unfair at times, especially Doppelganger.


Game #11: Resident Evil: Revelations (3DS) Beaten on 3-1-15
Pretty enjoyable game but the final boss was too easy.

Game #12: Earthworm Jim (DSiWare) Beaten on 3-16-15
Pretty great port, although I experienced a few frame drops here and there and I didn't like the fact that the bottom screen was used to tell you how to beat a boss.

Game #13: Super Mario Land (3DS VC) Beaten on 3-20-15
Although this game was pretty short, it was really fun!

Game #14: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (PS3) Beaten on 3-22-15
Finally beat this game after a few retries of the last level. It was a pretty decent 3rd person shooter although very repetitive at times.

Game #15: Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (3DS VC) Beaten on 3-23-15
Got the Birdhouse ending. Probably going for the Planetoid ending next for completion.

Game #16: 3D Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (3DS eShop) Beaten on 3-24-15
This game was freaking amazing, it really made me feel like a real ninja!

Game #17: Rayman 3 HD (PS3 PSN) Beaten on 3-25-15
Played this game as a kid but unfortunately I had to throw it away since it didn't work anymore. Now that I've bought this version I could finally play it again and I absolutely loved it!


Game #18: Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - Essentials (PS3) Beaten on 4-03-15
Pretty decent game, but very repetitive.

Game #19: Far Cry Classic (PS3 PSN) Beaten on 4-09-15
It was nice to see how this franchise started but goddamn was it frustrating at times.

Game #20: Sleeping Dogs - Digital Edition (PS3 PSN) Beaten on 4-23-15

Game #21: Saints Row 2 (PS3) Beaten on 4-29-15

Game #22: The Legend of Kage 2 Beaten on 4-30-15

Currently playing:
Sleeping Dogs - Digital Edition
Pokémon Rumble World
Metroid II: Return of Samus
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 04:46:39 pm by kevininja »

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 05:06:50 pm »
Might be cool.  Pretty positive I've never played 52 games in a year, but it might be interesting to see how many I actually do in total.  Guess it couldn't hurt to start if I can remember what I've played so far this year.

GAME 1 - Dying Light (PC) - 38 Hours FINISHED

GAME 2 - Grey Goo (PC) - 3 Hours UNFINISHED

GAME 3 - Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor (PC) - 13 Hours FINISHED

GAME 4 - Majora's Mask 3DS - 20 hours FINISHED


GAME 6 - Valkyria Chronicles (PC) - 33 Hours FINISHED

GAME 7 - Alien: Isolation (PC) - 2 Hours UNFINISHED

GAME 8 - Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (PC) - Around 10 Hours FINISHED

GAME 9 - Ori and The Blind Forest (PC) - 7 Hours FINISHED

GAME 10 - Cities: Skylines - 7 Hours So Far, UNFINISHED

GAME 11 - Battlefield: Hardline (PC) - FINISHED

GAME 12 - Animal Crossing: New Leaf - UNFINISHED

GAME 13 - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D - 7 hours UNFINISHED

GAME 14 - Grand Theft Auto V (PC) - 30 Hours FINISHED

GAME 15 - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - 6 Hours FINISHED

GAME 16 - Splatoon - 13 Hours FINISHED

GAME 17 - South Park: The Stick of Truth (PC) - 13 hours FINISHED

GAME 18 - Batman: Arkham Knight (PC) - 30 hours FINISHED

GAME 19 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PC) - 20 Hours FINISHED

GAME 20 - How To Survive: Third Person Standalone (PC) - 11 Hours FINISHED

GAME 21 - Saints Row: Gat out of Hell - 8 Hours FINISHED

GAME 22 - Action Henk (PC) - 3 to 4 hours FINISHED

GAME 23 - Witcher 3 (PC) - 74 Hours FINISHED

GAME 24 - Zombi (PC) - 7 Hours FINISHED

GAME 25 - Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PC) - 80 Hours FINISHED

GAME 26 - Mad Max (PC) - 32 Hours FINISHED

GAME 27 - Halo 4 (360) - 5 to 10 Hours FINISHED

GAME 28 - Undertale (PC) - 6 Hours FINISHED

GAME 29 - Fallout 4 (PC) - 96 hours FINISHED

GAME 30 - Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 (PC) - 7 Hours UNFINISHED

GAME 31 - Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U ) - PLAYING
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 03:49:21 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2015, 05:35:52 pm »
6 Complete | 15 Played

1. Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) - Complete
2. Suikoden 1 (PS1) - Complete
3. Gunman Clive (3DS) - Complete
4. Mighty Switch Force (3DS) - Complete
5. Steamworld Dig (3DS) - Complete
6. Hearthstone (PC) - Complete

Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2 (DS) - Finishing
Just need to finish unlocking everything. Little tedious.

Jump Ultimate Stars [JP] (DS) - Finishing
Need to unlock a bunch of stuff and finish story mode.

Shining Force - Main Console Game
Trying to get through it when I'm on business calls.

Radiant Historia - Main Handheld Game
Played a lot on airplanes and trips. Haven't played in a while though.

Project X Zone - Co-Main Time waster
Can't play this in one go, need to just do a mission at a time.

Picross 3D (DS) - Co-Main time waster
Little bit each day.

Pokemon Y (3DS) - On Hold
Lost interest.

Bayonetta (Wii U) - On Hold
Waiting until I can find time to invest into it as my #1 game

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX(3DS VC) - On Hold
Waiting until I can make it my main mobile game
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 09:10:24 pm by tafk »


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2015, 05:50:34 pm »

(Posts 4 and 5 look wrong because Tumblr staff messed with the default post settings.)


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2015, 01:30:44 am »
I can definitely do this. Here's what I've played since January 1st.

January 1st - February 28th

1) Night Trap (3DO) - This game surprised me. It's actually pretty fun and entertaining. I'm convinced a lot of the haters have never actually played the game.

2) Super Mario kart 8 (WiiU) - I just recently started playing this game with my son. It's easy to pick up and a the tracks offer a lot of variety. I can see why so many other people like it. I wish they had made separate tracks for battle mode though. completed

3) Cluedo (Phillips CDI) - My wife doesn't like this game but I think it's pretty cool. Full-motion video is pretty good quality. The acting is corny but in an entertaining way. I find the board game version of Clue very boring. My wife loves the board game. :P

4) Wonder Boy (Sega Master System) - This game is more commonly known as Hudson's Adventure Island for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The Sega Master System version has better graphics and sound but is otherwise the exact same game.

5) Montezumas Revenge (Sega Master System) - More commonly known on the Atari 2600, Commodore 64, and Colecovision. The Master System version boasts the best graphics sound and gameplay options.

6) Super Mario 2 (famicom - Wii/WiiU Virtual Console) - This is the real Super Mario Brothers 2 that was released in Japan it's harder than the first and has better graphics and lots of bonus levels once you've beaten it. competed

7) Blaster Master Enemy Below (GBC) - The NES sequel we all wanted. Returning the game to its roots and adding more power ups and totally changed up levels. There are some slight deviations from the original but all in all it's the best Blaster Master sequel we've gotten yet.

8) Metroid Zero Mission (GBA) - This game takes the original Metroid and gives it a massive upgrade. This is how you properly re-master a classic. completed

9) Double Switch (Sega CD) - If you're like me and you've become addicted to full-motion video games this game is just as much fun as Night Trap but a bit more complex. Rather than just press a button at the right time you actually have to choose the right trap to set first. THEN press a button at the right time. ;)

10) Brain Dead 13 (3DO) - This is without exaggeration the worst "video game" that I've ever "played". Imagine Dragons Lair only without any kind of hints about what you're supposed to do. That's this game. If you enjoy watching beautiful full-motion video while desperately randomly banging on buttons in a vain attempt to see the next clip this might be your game. All normal gamers should steer clear. Part of me wonders if Brain Dead 13 is a reference to the people who thought up this game.

11) Demolition Man (3DO) - Awesome light gun shooter sections. Passable 3-D Wolfenstein like sections. Horrible driving sections. And ridiculously bad Mortal Kombat style beat them up sections. Plus lots of footage from the actual movie surprisingly make for a game I can't stop playing. The entire game even features footage of Stallone and Snipes that was shot specifically for the game. completed

12) APB (PS3 Midway Arcade Origins) - lots of people remember Spy Hunter. Fewer people remember this game. That's a pity because this game is way better. For starters it's free roam and the screen scrolls in multiple directions. When you catch the bad guys you get to choke (yes I said choke) their confessions out of them.

13) Joust 2 (PS3 Midway Arcade Origins) - How the hell did I never know until now that there was a arcade sequel to the arcade game Joust? This game is everything that made the first game awesome and then some.

14) Pit Fighter (PS3 Midway Arcade Origins) - I don't understand how this game ever got popular. I mean yeah I get it there are digitized people fighting. Honestly Mortal Kombat is better than this game in every possible way. Not worth saying much more about this game.

15) Super Off Road (PS3 Midway Arcade Origins) - This game is still just as fun as it was in the arcades.

16) Rayman Raving Rabbids (wii) - My wife and I have tons of fun playing this game.

17) Rayman Rabbids TV Party (wii) - see 16.

18) Kirby's Block Ball (SGB) - Kirby provides interesting twist on the original "Break Out" game.

19) Panky the Panda (Atari 2600 Home brew) - Stop reading this right now. Go buy a harmony cartridge. Download the ROM and play this game. Or emulate it in Stella!

20) Pac Man (Atari 2600 Home Brew) - Once you're done playing Panky the Panda play this.

21) Tempest (arcade) - Believe it or not I never played this until last weekend. Which is a real shame because this game is a lot of fun.

22) Black Ice (PC Indie Game) - this game is your typical loot grind but I got the steam key direct from the developer for only five bucks. It's a cyber punk first person shooter with Tron style graphics.

23) Shock Troopers (Neo Geo) - After playing this game for less than five minutes it instantly made my wish list. Guerrilla war/Ikari Warriors style gameplay but way better graphics and enough power ups to make Contra jealous. completed

24) Attack From Mars (pinball machine) - In my opinion the greatest pinball machine ever created. The end.

25) Midevil Madness (pinball machine) - The second greatest pinball machine ever created. Actually this pinball machine was designed by the same genius that designed Attack from Mars.

26) Star Trek into Darkness (pinball machine) - not a bad pinball machine.

27) Tales of the Arabian Nights (pinball machine) - A decent pinball machine.

28) Jurassic Park (pinball machine) - I'm not sure if I like this pinball machine or not. Maybe it's because I got very little playtime out of the actual table. It's one of those ones that likes to drop the ball directly between the flippers as soon as you launch it. Booo.

29) Dig Dug (arcade game) - Dig Dug. Do I really need to say more?

30) Road Runner (arcade game) - This game is simple but very fun. Good graphics. Good sound. I never realized the Tengen game for NES was based on this arcade game.

31) Point Blank (arcade) - Fun light gun shooter with lots of diverse gameplay.

32) Lethal Enforcers (playstation) - This game plays awesome with the cobra light gun. The PlayStation version is arcade perfect. Beat it first play through. completed

33) Lethal Enforcers 2 (playstation) - see 32. Beat it first play through. completed

34) Mortal Kombat Trilogy (iPhone) - It's a pity EA games no longer sells this because it is surprisingly awesome for an iPhone game. completed

35) the Need for Speed (3DO) - The gameplay is slow but surprisingly satisfying. The graphics are impressive when you remember this was two years before the Play Station existed.

36) Bonks Adventure (TG-16) - This game is made by the same folks that made Hudson's Adventure Island. If you like Mario Brothers and Adventure Island you'll like this game.

37) Doc's Punch Out (Wii) - I got this just before Club Nintendo shutdown. You basically get to box against little Mac's trainer Doc. It's pretty good. Much more of a challenge than I expected.

38) Mega Force (Atari 2600) - You ride a motor bike that can transform into a flying jet ski and you blow stuff up! :) I had this game as a kid. It's still great as an adult. I've read it's (very loosely) based on a movie by the same name.

39) Duke Nukem the Manhattan Project (PC) - While 3D Realms was researching strippers and booze for Duke Nukem Forever's development Sunstorm Interactive developed and released this game licensing the Duke Nukem IP. It's a side scroller but everything is 3D rendered. It's an excellent game and worth much more than the $6 you can snag it for now on ebay (sealed). If you want it cheaper I think it's $3 on Steam.

40) Ninja Gaiden (TG-16) - Only released in Japan but playable in English if you hold I and II at the title screen then press Select. The graphics are excellent (better than Ninja Gaiden Trilogy on the SNES). Some of the music (boss fights for example) is different. The remixed music and sounds are better. But music they completely changed is not as good as the NES version. The backgrounds also scroll in a very jarring way compared to the foreground.

41) King of the Monsters (SNK Classics Wii - Neo Geo) - this game has an awesome premise. You pick a giant monster then fight other giant monsters while trampling cities beneath your feet. Unfortunately slow & clunky controls, pitiful attacks, and generic monsters make this game way less fun than it should be.

42) The King of Fighters 94 (SNK Classics Wii - Neo Geo) - Great graphics. Mai's assets are hypnotizing. I think she was the inspiration for ever Dead or Alive game ever made. The sound is also top notch. I just really suck at fighting games.

43) Samurai Showdown (SNK Classics Wii - Neo Geo) great graphics, sound, and control doesn't change the fact that I suck at fighting games.

44) Metal Slug SNK Classics Wii - Neo Geo) awesome side scroller a la Contra. Puzzling inability to shoot diagonally!? Other than that, great graphics, sound, and gameplay! completed

45) Sonic Pinbal party (GBA) - surprisingly disappointing game. The tables are pretty boring and there's not much variety to the play modes. Glad I only paid $3 for it.

46) Street Fighter II (GB) - Surprisingly passable game! It plays slower than dirt and the hit detection is questionable but in a way that works in your favor. The graphics are pretty good. The music and sound is the best you can hope for on the original gameboy and very very faithful to the arcade game. I played this to get it done and over with and found myself beating the game with Chun Li on my first playthrough. Vega, E. Honda, and Dalsim are missing but Balrog and M. Bison are playable. This game is not a bad distraction at all and remember I suck at fighting games! It's not as good as the GB Mortal Kombat II but not as bad as Mortal Kombat 1.

47) Samurai Showdown (GB) - A decent fighting game but be ready for a lot of squinting! The graphics and sound effects reproduce the Neo Geo originals as best they can. Overall it's a respectable attempt but damn the characters are SMALL!

March 1st-???

48) Magical Chase (TG-16) - A really fun side scrolling shmup (shoot-em-up). You are a witch and you fly around on a broomstick through fantasy worlds trying to save something or other from something else. I'm not really sure because I don't read Japanese. But the game is very very fun. You have a life bar so you can take quite a few hits and you collect gems that you can use in shops to buy weapon, health, and speed power ups. I was blown away by how much fun I had with this game. Starts out easy but they turn up the heat in stage 3

49) Parodius Da (TG-16) - Another shmup that aims to be a parody of Gradius. You ship is a cute animal and you shoot other cute animals. But in this game one hit kills you. I couldn't get to the end of the first stage. It's a good game I just suck at it.

50) Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (TG-16) - A great port of the arcade game. All the bosses are playable. The music and sound are great. The controls are interesting. Run (start), II, I are weak punch, med punch, high punch. tap select and they become weak kick, med kick, high kick. I knew this going in and thought it would make game play a disaster but it actually works remarkably well. This is a great port for a unloved system.

51) Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu (TG-16) - Great graphics and good game play. This is a solid game. You can punch, kick, jump kick, shoot fireballs, and control gravity while jumping! I plan to play this one to completion!

52) Night Rider (TG-16) Based on the television show. It's like Spy Hunter but played from a Rad Racer perspective. Maybe it's just me but I never thought the Rad Racer style 8 & 16 bit racers held up well today. This is an okay game but I just can't power through it. The graphics make me want to have a seizure.

52) Chase HQ (TG-16) Read what I said about Night Rider. Next.

53) Bubble Gum Chrash (TG-16) A point and click adventure game. Good graphics. I'll probably play through this some more when I am in the mood for an anime Shadowgate experience.

54) Don Doku Don!! (TG-16) imagine Bubble Bobble except you have hammer.

55) New Adventure Island (TG-16) this game is amazing. The animation and graphics are the best I've seen yet. The characters are large, colorful and detailed. This is the best version of Adventure Island without a doubt. Wonder Boy looked good but there is just no comparison between that and this.

Update May 9/2015
56) Super Bonk 2 (Super Famicom) I need to find a translation patch for this game. I couldn't make it to the end of the tutorial. :P

57) Ehrgeiz (PS1) An okay fighting game featuring some of the cast of FF7. I'll play this when I have an itching to button mash.

58) Rumble Roses (PS2) All female wrestling with stories that sound like they came straight from a bad porn flick. I have to admit this game is a guilty pleasure and I have played it far more than I should have. I will most likely play it until I've unlocked every character.

59) Okami HD (PS3) Fantastic graphics and pretty good gameplay. Once you get through the 20 minute opening story that is. I'm not kidding. This game is heavy on story. But it's fascinating and beautiful to play. I bought the Japanese version in physical copy and can confirm that like the Asian version it plays in English on America PS3s. I'm 2 hours in now and will for sure be playing this one to completion.

60) Star Wars Episode One Racer (N64) I played this on May 5th (Revenge of the Fifth day). The first and last time I played. :)

61) Metroid Prime Pinball (DS) Killed a few hours with this game. It's a solid pinball game. Harder than piss to beat. I doubt I will ever beat it without cheating.

62) Attack from Mars (iPhone) My favorite pinball game of all time!

63) Need for Speed Most Wanted (PS3) a.k.a Burnout 5. :)

64) Super Off Road the Baja (SNES) Forgettable. Only played it to show my father in law what NFS for 3DO was competing with back in the day.


65) Super Mario Maker (WiiU) The dream of every child of the 80's.

66) Bravely Default (3DS) Currently the BEST RPG I have ever played. Good voice acting with quirky but lovable characters made for many laugh out loud moments. completed

67) Dead or Alive Dimensions (3DS) The fantasy of every teenage boy for all time. The 3DS version of this game is surprisingly solid as a fighter and jiggly where it's supposed to be. Unlockable characters, costumes, and stages provide plenty of replay value. Story mode sometimes goes the easy route of frozen scenes with just voice acting. It's weird the first few times because you think the game is broken. At the end of the day the 3DS does the best job so far of pulling all the characters into a cohesive story.

68) Rise of the Tomb Raider (Xbox One) I've only completed 30% of the game. Was it worth $450? (Special edition +Xbox On Console)... You bet your bippy!

69) Sunset Overdrive (Xbox One) It's derivative, self-indulgent, and mindless. Which in this case makes it a LOT of fun to play. Insomniac games basically took a single trophy from Sucker Punches Infamous (get 40 kills while grinding) and turned it into an entire game. Did I mention it's a hell of a lot of fun? :) It is.

70) Never Alone (WiiU) A basic platformer with beautiful graphics and an interesting story. Rather unique is the live action documentary about eskimo's that unlocks piece  by piece as you progress through the game.

71) Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (PS4) Set physics to NR. Best physics yet.

72) Back to the Future the Game (PS4) My whole family has already beaten this on PS3. But we're playing the Anniversary edition to enjoy the addition of Tom Wilson as the voice of Biff Tannen.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 11:36:27 pm by dashv »

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2015, 01:42:17 am »
Let's see here:

1. Grand Theft Auto 5 - PS3: I didn't like it as much as GTA4, but it was an incredible game and the characters really made the game for me.

2. The Misadventures of Tron Bonne - PS1: I pretty fun, diverse game with a lot of funny anime-like humor, however I found it to be on the easy side and lacked the substance I was hoping would justify its price tag. Cool overall, but it's definitely not worth more than $100 in terms of content.

3. Minecraft - PS3: Wow, definitely can see what all the hype is about with this title! I've lost whole afternoon and evenings playing this game and just building my world. I guess you technically can't beat this game, but given my investment in playing it, it is probably the best game I've played this year.

4. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F - PS3: I am a big fan of rhythm games and games featuring cute, anime girls singing ultra j-poppy music lol. So yeah, I enjoyed this game a ton, don't judge me! Oh, and it gets pretty hard. . .THE GAME PERVERTS!!

5. Warpath: Jurassic Park - PS1: A mindless button masher with below average hit detection and overall borderline broken controls. The only redeeming qualities of this game are that it carries the Jurassic Park license, some pretty cool dinosaurs make up the roster, and there are unlockables. Unless you find this game in a bargain bin or just adore anything Jurassic Park, it's best avoided.

6. Tall Infinity - PS1: A highly addictive puzzle game that involve moving blocks with different colored sides and matching them with the same color on other blocks while the ground beneath you is vanishing. Definitely a hidden gem.

7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time - SNES: This game is definitely an exceptional beat-em up, however I found myself losing interest as the game progressed, which definitely told me that unless you are a hardcore TMNT fan (which I am not), this game has very little replay value. A fun game, yes, but not one that I can see myself wanting to play again for a while.

8. Final Fight 3 - SNES: Not as good as the first imo, but it is a decent 16-bit beat-em up.

9. Phalanx - SNES: I fairly generic SHMUP with nothing really special about it; bland levels, bland enemies, generic power ups, yeah, pretty underwhelming all around. This game has probably been saved from obscurity because of the console it is exclusive for and for having possibly the most bizarre cover art in the history of gaming (look it up if you don't know what I am talking about lol)

10. Sin and Punishment - N64: WOW!!!! It is a crime this game was never released outside Japan, at least outside the Wii VC! One of the best rail shooters I have ever played and probably a top 10 N64 game for me, which is saying a lot! The gameplay in this game is just insane, combining SHMUP-style gameplay at times with platforming and non-stop action. After two play throughs the story still barely makes sense, but I could care less; this game is AWESOME!!! And dat soundtrack!!!! PLAY THIS GAME!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

11. Jikkyou Ishaberi Parodius - Super Famicom: Gradius + LSD = this game.

12. Castlevania Dracula X - SNES: HOLY HELL this game is hard! Particularly the final boss which might be the hardest boss I've ever played it a video game. Great entry in the Castlevania series, even if it is a bastardized port of the original Rondo of Blood.

13. Virtua Fighter - 32X: Aside from the gameplay mechanics being mostly in tact, including the horrifically unbalanced character roster that plagues all version of this game (I'm looking at you Pai), this game is gross to listen to and look at, but I guess what do you expect for a game like this running on Genesis/32X hardware.

14. Super Mario World 3D - Wii U: I'm actually not sure how to feel about this game; on one hand it was a real good game, and I found the last fourth of the game to be quite the challenge, but at the same time I felt bored with this game, like I had played it before. For a 3D Mario game it was good, although I still prefer Galaxy and 64 over this one.

15. Guilty Gear XRD -SEED- - PS3: I have never been the biggest ArcSYS fighting game fan and this game really felt no different then the other Guilty Gear and Blazblue installments. I hear these games have incredible depth, but all I really did was button mash and flew through the game. It's worth getting on the cheap, unless you're a big fan of Guilty Gear then you'll love it since it is more of the same this series is known for. Beautiful graphics however.

16. Star Wars: Dark Forces - PC: An above average FPS and a must play for any Star Wars fan. The story and feel of the game fit very well into the Star Wars extended universe, and the soundtrack is incredibly retro and awesome! My biggest gripe with this game is the cumbersome and sometimes tedious level design of most stages. Other issues with this game were the spotty auto aim for enemies that were on a different level than you, but I guess there is a decent mod that corrects this. Overall though, a very enjoyable game :)

17. Time Killers - Genesis: Not the worst fighting game I've ever played, but definitely one of the worst. Gameplay is trash, hit detection sucks. Probably the only thing this game has going for it is you can dismember your opponent. But if that is your only reason for wanting to play it, just play Mortal Kombat, it's a much better game.

18. Custer's Revenge - Atari 2600: There is really not much to this game; avoid arrows, f$@& girl. A really shallow and tasteless game, but one to be experienced on the 2600.

19. Virtual Bart - SNES: I series of mini games (mostly of the platforming variety) that happen to be Simpsons themed. Truth be told, they are all pretty terrible, which isn't helped by the bad controls, phantom platforms, and poor hit detection. This game is bad and I can't even imagine a hardcore Simpsons fan being able to overlook this game's flaws.

20. Burnout 3 Takedown - PS2: Essentially this game rewards you for being an asshole and causing as much damage to your opponents and to innocent drivers as possible. This mechanic drives your success throughout the game, but honestly the novelty wore off pretty quick for me. I didn't like the lack of licensed cars either. Can see why some people love this game though, it's pretty original for a racing game.

21. Motorstorm: Arctic Edge - PS2: I was genuinely impressed by how well this game captured the gameplay and chaos of the PS3 Motorstorm games and crammed it onto the vastly inferior PS2 hardware. The damage and environmental effects aren't as impressive (which is understandable), but the core gameplay is there, making this game an awesome racing game on the PS2.

22. Sega Classics Collection - PS2: I very good remaster of some awesome Sega arcade classics. the gameplay is the same, but the graphics have received a very good overhaul from their retro counterparts. A must for 80s/early 90s Sega arcade fans.

23. Star Wars Demolition - Dreamcast: The worst car-combat game I've ever played. Horrible controls, bugs galore, bad level design, and clunky combat, this game is one of the worst I've played on the Dreamcast.

24. Quake III Arena - Dreamcast: A solid port of the PC version, however the controller support for this game is a blaring example of why certain games are just meant to be played with a keyboard and mouse. This game is significantly more difficult if you're using a controller, but even if you are it is still a good FPS game on the Dreamcast.

25. Virtua Fighter 2 - Saturn: Definitely looks prettier than the first one and the soundtrack is stellar, but the gameplay is where this game suffers the most. Not bd, but not that great either. This one has horribly imbalanced characters just like the first one as well. A decent game overall though.

26. Street Fighter: The Movie - PS1: If Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter had a baby, this would be it. In all seriousness though, the game is digitized actors and backgrounds over the excellent Street Fighter 2 engine, essentially making it a re-skin of Street Fighter 2. It does come across as a little awkward, but it all honesty I enjoyed it just as much as normal Street Fighter 2, maybe even more for different reasons.

27. Star Fox Assault - Gamecube: I found this game to be quite boring all around; the combat is boring (both on foot and vehicle), the story is boring, and just is mediocre in every way it can be. If you've played Star Fox 64 you'll quickly realize how much this game sucks in comparison.

28. Front Mission 3 - PS1: definitely a game I wanted to like a lot, but in the end I found the almost everything about this game mediocre and bland. The combat was unimaginative and repetitive, the story was uninspiring and generic, and the equipment system of confusing and cumbersome. I was also not a fan of the cut scenes which boiled down to "yay, we beat the enemy! But wait, we're being attacked again by these other guys. . .something, something we need to go here now!" I know this game receives heavy praise, but I just can't see why. On the plus side, this game has a great soundtrack and that awesome late 90s Squaresoft vibe that I'm a big fan of.

29. Parappa the Rapper - PS1: I could not for the life of me figure this game out! I went with the rhythm, failed. I tried hitting the buttons right before you were supposed to, failed, After you are supposed to, failed. looked up how to do it right, failed. I have heard countless people say how amazing this game is and have seen people complete it, but I can't for the life of me even beat the first stage, which is technically the training stage. Maybe something will click eventually, but I am so frustrated right now with this damn game!

30. Gitaroo Man - PS2: This game has a ton of heart, quirky humor, and it an excellent rhythm game to boot! I thoroughly enjoyed playing through it despite how short it is. The soundtrack is awesome as well; I found myself replaying several stages over and over again just to listen to the music while enjoying the awesome gameplay. Highly recommend this one :)

31. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Genesis: Definitely an above average 2D platformed and a worthy successor to the first, however Sonic 3 is better than it in nearly every way. Still, a shining example of how to do a Sonic game right.

32. Pokemon Omega Ruby - 3DS: This game was awesome! As far as I'm concerned it's currently the definitive Pokemon game out right now as you're able to get every known Pokemon, along with a bunch of Legendaries without trading. Also, the Ruby/Sapphire story is pretty good and is the Hoenne region. Definitely one of my favorite Pokemon titles, which is saying a lot.

33. Panzer Dragoon - Saturn: When it comes to style, music and overall fun, this game definitely gets an A+. However, my main gripe with this game is the controls and feeling like you cannot avoid being hit during many parts throughout the game. It just comes off a cheap and discouraging. Still, an excellent game and a really fun rail shooter.

34. Marvel vs Capcom 2 - PS2: This game essentially the same across all sixth Gen systems and boils down to what controller you want to play it with. I still prefer the Dreamcast port the most, but this port is still just as awesome!

35. Super Smash Bros. on Wii U - Wii U: I can say without a shadow of a doubt this is by far my favorite game is the Smash series.  It's the perfect combination of competitive gameplay for those looking to get into the meat of this game, and also just a fun game that most people can just pick up and enjoy. Really enjoyed playing through this and unlocking all of the trophies.

36. Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams - XBOX: I can definitely say that I liked this game a lot; it's story is very interesting and unsettling. In fact, the unsettling part alone has stuck with me for the hour or so after I finished the game and am writing this. I think a game's ability to make you feel something that sticks with you like this is the hallmark of an excellently excited and written game. Highly recommend to survival horror fans and fans of psychological horror.

37. Mirrors Edge - PS3: While the gameplay can be frustrating at times and it sometimes is hard to figure out where you need to go next, I found this game fun overall and definitely an original take on the first person genre. The art direction is also pretty cool.

38. Star Gladiator  - PS1: As a fighting game Star Gladiator is nothing special, in fact I'd say it's somewhat below average for a 3D fighter in that department. However the game has cool enough music and level design, as well as that late 90s fighting game aesthetic to make it enjoyable despite this. If even as a quick distraction, it's worth playing.

39. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 - PS2: Being part of the original Pro Skater series, I had high hopes for this title seeing how the previous 3 were amazing. Well, this game definitely disappointed; while the smooth, awesome gameplay was there, the fact that you had to get you objectives from people in each level by talking to them instead of just having all of your objectives available to you to achieve however you wanted, when you wanted was a huge mistake by Neversoft. I felt bored most of the time seeing how I felt like me gaining points or exploring the level meant nothing unless I was talking with people and doing specifically what they wanted me to do. What a huge disappointment this game was :/

40. Persona 4: Dancing All Night - Vita: Essentially this game is another take on the Project Diva F staring Persona 4 characters. That alone makes this game awesome and highly addictive. And the soundtrack is awesome!

41. Star Wars Battlefront (Beta) - PC: I am of the popular belief that this game is essentially Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. However, with that said I really enjoy this game, but am sad by the obvious emphasis on online multiplayer. But an excellent and awesome demo nonetheless.

42. Border Down - Dreamcast: This is an excellent example of a game I REALLY wanted to like, but was mostly unable to get into, mostly because of its stupid level of difficulty; you have three lives, use them all, start all the way back at the beginning of the game. The music is awesome, graphics are excellent, and it has everything a good shooter should have, but those three lives only really ruined the game for me.

43. Gun Nac - NES: Being a huge fan of the Aleste series I knew that I would end up liking this one. It reminded me of a much more cooky, less series version of MUSHA, one of my favorite SHMUPs of all time. Only gripe about this game is that if you die and lose your power-ups you are pretty much f$#%ed. But that is a downside to most Aleste games.

44. Superman 64 -N64: So I dare say that this game was not as bad as I thought it would be. Yes, the controls are bad, yes, the graphics suck, yes it's boring, but I found all these things to be not as blaring as many say it is. The part that I found most annoying about this game are the short action levels between flying through rings that offer almost no direction and at times they are near impossible. These killed the game for me way more than any of the other issues people usually gripe about with this game.

45. Claymore: Gingan no Majo - DS: Between the Manga, Anime and this game, this game is definitely the least entertaining of the three. It follows the story pretty faithfully (at least the Anime) which is nice, but the gameplay is mostly boring as you will continually be cutting down three basic enemy types the entire game with a few bosses hear and there. The great music and background graphics are definitely not enough either to make this game worth a play through.

46. Alien vs Predator - Arcade: One of the coolest beat em' ups I've ever played! Excellent pacing, controls, enemy types, and pretty much everything else you'd want from a 2D 90s beat em' up.

47. The Simpsons - Arcade: One of the must play arcade games of the 90s for a variety of reasons, this game is very nostalgic and definitely captures the theme and feel of the show. For a beat em' up this game is good, but also like most beat em' ups it gets old and repetitive quickly. Because of its 90s appeal and how short it is, it's definitely worth playing through.

48. Yoshi's Yarn World - Wii U: I ended up liking this game a lot more than I thought I would! It definitely has a diverse array of challenges and things to do, and enough extras to make you want to go back and replay levels. One of the best Wii U titles I've played and definitely worth picking up.

49. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival - Wii U: Admittedly I bought this game for the bundled Amiibos, but I thought I'd give the game itself a shot since I purchased it after all. The game is a fairly uninteresting digital board game that uses the Amiibos as player pieces. There are good pieces and bad pieces with nothing really all that interesting happening in between. he game is admittedly adorable, but beyond that this game is rather boring with little appeal.

50. Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth - N64: As one of the only SHMUPs on the N64, I must say that this game is about as good as it gets, however in the grand scheme of SHMUPs that is not saying a lot. The scope of which things are happening on the screen is at least half, if not a third the size of your average SHMUP, even for the time, which means that projectiles come at you fast and you barely have any time to react, before they hit you or have vanished. Overall, this game is poorly designed for a SHMUP, but it is still mildly fun to play.

51. Seaman - Dreamcast: One of the most odd yet original games I've ever played. While this game is interesting in that you'll wonder what will happen next in your Seaman ecosystem, the game's primary gameplay interface, the voice controls, are poorly implemented and your Seaman will frequently ask you the same questions over and over again or won't understand you at all sometimes. Overall, this game is fun to try out as a curiosity, but beyond that it is definitely a below average game overall.

52. Black Mesa - PC: I actually liked this just as much as the original Half Life, but for different reasons, the obvious is the better graphics, but also how the gameplay and pacing was changed enough to distinguish itself as its own game while retaining most of what made the original so special. Sadly, the final chapter of the game is not part of this release, but covering 90% of the game, I was more than please with this faithful, yet original remake :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 01:25:29 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2015, 11:26:59 am »
How does this work? We just post what we've played since the start of 2015?


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2015, 11:48:28 am »
How does this work? We just post what we've played since the start of 2015?

Yeah, just kinda like a mini-challenge. You can really do whatever you want, its your definition. Some people write mini reviews and some just write a score or a few thoughts. Really just a way to get into playing more games and promoting discussion if you notice someone else playing the same game(s) as you this year.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2015, 11:49:12 am »
01. Peggle 2 - PS4 - Story Mode finished on 1/2/15
I am a Peggle fiend, it's one of my guilty pleasures. There's just something mesmerizing about watching that little ball bounce around on the pegs. :P

02. Far Cry 4 - PS4 - Platinum'd on 1/18/15
My GOTY for last year, and after thoroughly finishing it I stand by that. Great game. :)

03. New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 3DS - Finished on 1/23/15
Eh, it's a 2D Mario. Fun, but the latest Rayman games are the kings of 2D platformers as far as I'm concerned.

04. Deathsmiles - 360 - 1/29/15
SHMUP w/ a ridiculously insane story. Was pretty short to blow through w/ unlimited lives - without them I wouldn't have had a prayer, some of the later levels are insanely difficult.

05. Rogue Legacy - PS4
Fantastic game, I enjoyed every minute of it! Finished with a time of 24:22, but I may mess around with it a little more - we'll see. Perfect difficulty curve balanced with a great feeling of progression. NOT A ROGUE-LIKE THO!!! :P

Currently Playing:

Tales of Xillia 2 - PS3
Slow going here, I've been busy around the house lately so not a lot of time to get invested in a RPG. Hope to make some good progress this week tho.

Final Fantasy XIV - PS4
This game has no end, sooo..... :P

I'm kinda between games on my handheld right now - I've been dabbling with a lot but nothing has "stuck" yet. Hopefully I'll settle on one this week. I also have a few games I stopped playing really close to the end - off the top of my head there's Killzone: Shadow Fall, Diablo III (just need to finish up the Reaper of Souls content) and I'm about half-way through both The Evil Within & Shadow of Mordor.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 06:35:35 pm by argyle »
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2015, 06:17:37 pm »
There is a Peggle 2? How did my wife not see this?


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2015, 10:45:35 pm »
There is a Peggle 2? How did my wife not see this?

XBone launch title I believe.


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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2015, 12:58:36 am »
Updated my post with writing and this!  8)

5. Jump Ultimate Stars [JP] (DS) - 1 hour
Someone help me, I don't speak any Japanese and this game is like 100% Japanese. As scary as playing my first ever true import is I'm quite enjoying it a lot. Granted a lot is lost in translation but I have a basic FAQ to get by, I kinda wish I understood better and REALLY wished this was in English. Probably would be my #1 NDS game so far if it was. Lets see how quick this one goes. Really easy to just jump into.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2015, 11:17:46 am »

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2015, 11:10:21 pm »
1) super smash bros - (Wii U) love this game. wish the amiibos added a little extra. cant get enough of the tour mode.

2) Thief - (PS4)  i started this but struggled to get into it, i will come back to it some day

3) Lego Marvel - (PS4)  loved this game. lego games are my guilty pleasure and this one did not disappoint. only game i have completed the story to this year.

4) World of Warcraft - (PC) why oh why did i start playing this addictive game. giving it a break as i free membership has ran out. i will be back to slay the horde someday soon.

5) Sonic - (Gen) its a great game. its been a while since i beat this, i need to beat it again,

6) Ren and Stimpys invention - (Gen)  just bought this and had to give it ago. got stuck on the level where they inflate themselves.

7) Commando - (NES) i just got this as i played the arcade as a kid. damn this game is hard. starting to think my old age is getting the better of my reactions. not past stage 1-2 yet (without continues)

8) Killer is dead (PS3) wanted to hack and slash, seems fun so far. combos are a little limited to one button. if he says killer is dead again im going to kill him. story makes little or no sense what so ever.

9) Knack - (PS4) started this with a friend, seems like a really fun platformer game. my only issue with it so far is this. if player one dies the game is over. player two can die as much as he wants. so just keep player one back and send player 2 on kamikaze missions

10) Far Cry 4 - (PS4) saved the best till last this game is amazing, i cant put it down. weather it hunting animals with a sniper rifle or bow (or in my case a truck) or doing the missions or simply exploring the world its breath taking.