Ok, I think I want to give this a go. My New Year's Resolution was to finish more games than I buy, just to say I've made a miniscule dent in my backlog. It's really encouraged me to finish up a few games, although I'm thinking I play too many long RPGs to get to 52.
Finished so far:
Witch and Hero (3DS) - I had picked this up years ago and had gotten annoyed with it, even though I liked it. Yes, it was quick and a one-trick pony, but it is still a great pick up and play for when I'm at a doctor's office or waiting on someone. I got it on sale and felt I got my money's worth, but your mileage may vary.
Crafting Mama (DS) - I play mindless games when my husband is playing games I want to watch on the TV. The Mama games are great for this. I pause during his cutscenes and then go right back to where I was. There's little thought to this one and it's not as good as the Cooking Mama main series, but it still fills that mindless game void.
Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (DS) - I finished this game but I didn't feel good about it. It felt like someone said "Hey, we can cash in on the popularity of Professor Layton" and used Agatha Christie as a vessel. Some lines were directly from the book, including some of Hercule Poirot's French without any translation or context. I'm glad I understand a little French, or I'd have felt more lost a couple of times. The puzzles were even worse, as they were almost entirely math problems of the "A train leaves the station and another one is traveling faster but left later. Which one arrives first?" variety.
Cooking Mama 2 (DS) - I don't know why I'd never finished this one, since I'd finished 1 and 3. Probably the best one in the series, honestly. It's got a ton to do but doesn't have the extra fluff 3 added. Good waste of time for a while.
James Noir's Hollywood Crimes (3DS) - Another game out of my Professor Layton clones collection that I'd never played. I used some coupons and clearance and had paid $4 for this one at a Toys 'R Us last year. Much better than The ABC Murders but still not a AAA title. The puzzles were much more enjoyable but they got a little repetitive by the end. The story was still pretty weak. It was fun at $4 but I feel bad for anyone who paid full price.
Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4) - One of my favorite games of all time, and I hadn't played it in its entirety since it was first released. I was pumped to play it again, and my husband got to watch the game I've talked about for years without fighting with wonky settings on a computer for days before the game would boot and have audio. If you like point and click adventures at all, I'd strongly recommend it. The new non-tank controls were absolutely an improvement over the old PC controls. Not sure if I'll ever go back and get the trophy for playing through the whole thing with the old tank controls just because the new ones are so much better.
Fantasy Life (3DS) - No, I haven't gotten the DLC for this one. I have to admit, by the time I played through all the lives, the game was getting a bit repetitive. But the story was great and the game, overall, solidified how much I love Level 5, even beyond their Layton games. (Wow, I've mentioned Layton a lot so far!) The lives were unique and I really liked how much stuff Level 5 managed to get in this game and have it still all be cohesive.
Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) - Another game I haven't played all the way through since it first released, and another game I've always enjoyed. I was amazed at how much I'd forgotten in the last 15 years, especially when it came to some of the lengthier fetch and deliver quests. Still, the N64 Zeldas remain my favorites and Majora's Mask added a ton to the Zelda lore, including Tingle, the Great Fairy Sword (used later in Soul Calibur II on the GameCube) and the Fierce Deity. I, of course, took the time to get all the masks and pummel Majora.

Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita) - Played this one on the PS TV and it worked out much better than I expected. Really, really good game, even if the end was just a bit over-written for my liking. Ronalopolis watched me play through it and this was his first experience with a game from that "visual novel" genre. I think he is starting to understand why I (as someone with an English degree) gravitate toward them so often. We've already picked up the sequel, so I'm pretty sure that'll be on the list soon too.