Author Topic: Best quality picture for retro games? Old TV or HD tv with converter?  (Read 2456 times)


Best quality picture for retro games? Old TV or HD TV with HDMI converter? What's superior?


 Good CRT's work the best for most games from Generation 1-5. Generation 6 works pretty well on CRT's as well too, although HD TV's aren't too bad.  RGB is the best picture quality for most retro consoles if offered( VGA for Dreamcast, and component for the other 6th gen consoles I believe).
Here's some good CRT moinitors :
Here's another good guide w/ upscaler info:

Also to note, the XRGB Framemiester is a very good upscaler, but unforuntately it goes for around $200-300 so its pretty expensive for your setup. There are some cheaper options out there that do a decent job; there's one list that has good comparsions ( I'll see if I can find it and edit it in here).


There's differing opinions on the subject, but I'm on the HDMI upscaler to HDTV side. Considering what professional upscalers and other video equipment typically goes for, XRGB Framemeisters are really pretty reasonably priced. And the results are as spectacular as everyone says.

Basically, every HDTV has an internal upscaler. Most of them aren't that good, because they're not geared for 240p which most old game consoles put out. Upscalers do all the work so that your TV doesn't have to, and XRGB ones are essentially made for game consoles in mind. Some people like scan lines that old TV's have, and XRGB models can simulate that as well. But an upscaler won't fix everything, so the better video input you give it, the better the result on screen.

Modifying your console to put out better video quality will greatly affect your picture. If you can get RGB or component video outputs, you'll be seeing essentially a perfect image on your TV with a Framemeister. S-Video also looks great.

The Genesis (Model 1) and the SNES (Model 1) can both get RGB signals with no mods necessary! Just get the appropriate cables from a guy on eBay and you're good to go.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 02:11:36 am by zenimus »

Unless it has an HDMI out it probably shouldn't be plugged into a HD TV.  ;)


If you have a TV with Euro SCART Connectors (mostly only Europe), or one of those high end monitors with BNC connectors, that's the best way to go. Besides that, XRGB Framemeister upscaler to an HDTV is the best, most realistic method. It's what all the youtubers use in their sweet videos if they're not using emulators.

Getting RGB out of your old consoles is night and day difference. SNES1 and Genesis model 1 output RGB without modding. N64 and SNES Mini I just modded myself and they were super easy. This was only my 3rd time soldering and it worked perfectly. I think Saturn doesn't need any mods. I really want to tackle the NES next. That's a way bigger undertaking so far though and more expensive.

This video really explains the basics well, and was what got my girlfriend on board to spend all my frequent flyer miles on Amazon gift cards to get a Framemeister lol.

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For me nothing beats a good CRT but I thought of getting a Framemeister especially for the Wii console since it's not really suitable for my SD 4:3 Trinitron CRT, being more the EDTV 480p generation. Then I could play the Wii games on 16:9 on my HDTV without the muddy upscaling.

Thing is here in Europe I can get a 30' 16:9 EDTV Trinitron with RGB SCART & component inputs for like $5, where the Framemeister costs 60 times more and wouldn't offer as good results. So the choice is easy, plus I have enough room for 2 CRTs, It's so damn cheap I don't mind having a 100+ pounds extra TV just for one console.


For me nothing beats a good CRT but I thought of getting a Framemeister especially for the Wii console since it's not really suitable for my SD 4:3 Trinitron CRT, being more the EDTV 480p generation. Then I could play the Wii games on 16:9 on my HDTV without the muddy upscaling.

Thing is here in Europe I can get a 30' 16:9 EDTV Trinitron with RGB SCART & component inputs for like $5, where the Framemeister costs 60 times more and wouldn't offer as good results. So the choice is easy, plus I have enough room for 2 CRTs, It's so damn cheap I don't mind having a 100+ pounds extra TV just for one console.
Yeah Europe usually got screwed out of all things retro gaming, but when it comes to TVs with the best inputs, you guys won leaps and bounds above the US  ;D
Currently Playing: The Witcher


I use an RGB start to HDMI converter. It works really well. Way cheaper than Framemeister. I forget the name of it. It is in an Adam Koranic youtube video though.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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I use a Sanyo 25" Stereo TV.  I would wager that this thing has had more games played on it than 99% of the TVs in the world.  I've had it since the early 90's.  It has a great picture.