Author Topic: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?  (Read 3106 times)


Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« on: February 19, 2015, 02:07:08 am »
...and also the most costly standard edition game? My closest retail option is a Walmart, over an hour's drive out of my way. Although, I would love the opportunity to buy it from them, seeing as the pre-owned copies are only $30. Probably isn't going to happen.  :-\

This game really slipped through the cracks. It was there for a minute, and now gone. Destine to become another Pikmin 2 in terms of scarcity and value. That's how it seems, at least.


Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2015, 10:31:40 am »
I played a demo late last year and liked it so I went on Amazon in early January to buy a copy, they only had a few for like 90 dollars each. The next day I was out and about at Wal-Mart and they still had a few at the original 60 dollar retail price and I picked it up, I don't think I've ever seen it anywhere else. Wal-Mart can't ship you one? You could always get it digitally too, but I don't have get ever get the digital games unless they are a Club Nintendo Reward, it just seems like a waste when you could have a physical copy of it.

Now the problem is, I want to play Pikmin 1 and 2 since I beat the third one, but it'll cost over 100 dollars just to get both of them (Even the Wii rereleases) Nintendo should release the older games on the Virtual Console.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2015, 01:28:06 pm »
Thanks for the heads up about Pikmin 3.  Kmart seems to still be selling them online, so that might be a good way to go.
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Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2015, 09:15:10 pm »
Thanks for the heads up about Pikmin 3.  Kmart seems to still be selling them online, so that might be a good way to go.

Actually Kmart is getting out of the video game selling market, and most of the listings on their website have become unavailable for shipping.


Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2015, 09:49:05 pm »
Thanks for the heads up about Pikmin 3.  Kmart seems to still be selling them online, so that might be a good way to go.

Actually Kmart is getting out of the video game selling market, and most of the listings on their website have become unavailable for shipping.

Aw, my bad. I thought I checked last night and it looked available at the time.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2015, 04:01:41 pm »
I've had trouble finding most of the Wii U games in retail stores. Target, BestBuy, Toys R Us, Frys etc. only seem to carry 5-6 games. Once the original run is released....Gone!!!

Here's the games I'm able to buy retail. Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong Country, Hyrule Warriors, Kirby (new release though), Nes Remix, and Mario Kart. Frys only had 4 of the games listed here last time I went.


Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2015, 07:01:24 pm »
I've had trouble finding most of the Wii U games in retail stores. Target, BestBuy, Toys R Us, Frys etc. only seem to carry 5-6 games. Once the original run is released....Gone!!!

Here's the games I'm able to buy retail. Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong Country, Hyrule Warriors, Kirby (new release though), Nes Remix, and Mario Kart. Frys only had 4 of the games listed here last time I went.

I noticed that as well, even all Gamestop/EB Games (which are games stores, for crying out loud) seem to only carry 6-7 different titles  :-\ I'm starting to worry I won't be able to get Wii U games if I don't buy them at launch.


Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2015, 09:37:05 pm »
I've had trouble finding most of the Wii U games in retail stores. Target, BestBuy, Toys R Us, Frys etc. only seem to carry 5-6 games. Once the original run is released....Gone!!!

Here's the games I'm able to buy retail. Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, Donkey Kong Country, Hyrule Warriors, Kirby (new release though), Nes Remix, and Mario Kart. Frys only had 4 of the games listed here last time I went.

I noticed that as well, even all Gamestop/EB Games (which are games stores, for crying out loud) seem to only carry 6-7 different titles  :-\ I'm starting to worry I won't be able to get Wii U games if I don't buy them at launch.

Unfortunately, this seems to be an issue with PS Vita games as well. Thankfully the online availability is much better than retail availability for Vita games, though I'm not sure if the same can be said in regards to WiiU games.
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Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2015, 05:57:21 pm »
I just sold a copy of Pikmin 3 earlier this year for $40-something so it's not impossible to get below MSRP.  Seems the spike in price has been fairly recent looking at camelcamelcamel and Ebay.

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PS4), Fire Emblem Fates, The Witness (PS4), Puzzle & Dragons (Mobile)

Re: Is Pikmin 3 already the hardest Wii U game to find?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2015, 07:02:08 pm »
I just sold a copy of Pikmin 3 earlier this year for $40-something so it's not impossible to get below MSRP.  Seems the spike in price has been fairly recent looking at camelcamelcamel and Ebay.

Yes you did, and I appreciate it. Just gotta be patient and/or fast with Ebay. Eventually the item you're looking for turns up for a reasonable price. I couldn't hit the Buy it now fast enough on a TG-16 bundle that just got away. Was planning on taking the 3 games I needed and re-listing.