I bought P.N 03 on release day. The memory of that game that sticks out to me the most is that your character kept moving around like her butt was itchy. 
Haha. Having only recently discovered and played this game myself, I can confirm that's more or less how the whole game controls too. It's a bit....wonky.
On the note of Viewtiful Joe though, I'm fairly certain the only console release for Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble was on the gamecube. PS2 never got it.... On further investigation, wikipedia tells me it was also on the PSP. I guess that's not quite exclusive if you include portable systems.
Gotta say though, I wish more games were exclusive to a particular platform. I miss the days when consoles were distinguished by their unique games as much their hardware, especially now that the hardware is ubiquitous.
Agreed. These days it seems like most exclusive deals have a time limit baked in. Exclusive for the first year, or 6 months, or whatever it ends up being. It really just comes down to business. If you're the developers who have spent all the blood/sweat/tears/years-of-your-life making a good game, or you're the publisher who has invested money into getting said game to market, it's hard to blame them for wanting to cast as wide a net as they possibly can.
On the other hand though, I feel like consoles really need
good exclusives.....not just temporary 6-12 month exclusives, but we're talking Nintendo and Mario games kind of exclusives, they have one home and that's where they live. It's part of what helps drive people to your business's ecosystem.
The more everything starts going multi-platform, the less reason I have to want to shell out $500 for that shiny new console. I can get those games elsewhere without having to buy a new console, and don't forget the perpetual sale (
Get enough good exclusive games that interest me that I can't get anyplace else however, and suddenly that $500 is a lot easier to part with.