Author Topic: Dreamcast Silencing  (Read 1429 times)


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Dreamcast Silencing
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:50:56 pm »
Has anyone tried doing any mods like what is described at this site?

I'm sometimes scared my Dreamcast is going to wake up my kids when they are sleeping because it is so noisy in my house.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Dreamcast Silencing
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 03:03:34 pm »
Never tried this mod. I am lucky enough to have one of the few Dreamcast that runs smoothly. However, my brother has a Dreamcast that sounds like a jet taking flight. I will be interested to see if this mod works. Maybe next time I am down visiting him I will give it a go.

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Re: Dreamcast Silencing
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2015, 03:56:49 pm »
But the best part about a loud dreamcast was the disc whirring up right before you were going to have a random encounter in skies of arcadia so you could pause and heal before the fight!


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Re: Dreamcast Silencing
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2015, 12:16:42 am »
But the best part about a loud dreamcast was the disc whirring up right before you were going to have a random encounter in skies of arcadia so you could pause and heal before the fight!

Too funny, and so true.

I just want to experience that upcoming fight instead of having to run in to my daughters room because she woke up to the chainsaw noise my Dreamcast makes. I've also grown to hate the ding noise my PS3 makes when it boots up because that seems to wake my daughter up too. She has super hearing. Every Sony product is designed to shine a blue light and ding at some point.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Dreamcast Silencing
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2015, 01:59:54 am »
Anyone actually follow through with the mod?

The link is dead, but I'll look around the net for a similar tutorial and try it on one of my dozen spare units just in case it goes down in literal flames.