I finished listening. Well done, everyone! Would you like to hear my thoughts? Wait, what am I asking? Of course you would!
I loved the reference to "WHAT ABOUT THE LASER?!" Also, mrnikon's pets just love the camera.
We got to see fighterpilot's face! Work that camera, fighterpilot!
dashy, that Kirk impression was precious.
Greedy Gamer was a great guest. 'DAT SIPPY CUP! I really enjoyed hearing his story, but was calling the Super Nintendo the "Super NES" ever a thing? That was the first time I heard that. He mentioned he wanted to see a pixel sequel to Chrono Trigger. Is he aware of Radical Dreamers? It never got released state-side, but it does get mentioned in Chrono Cross. Also, I know that Mitsuda-san crafted the OSTs for both CT and Xenogears, but who else from the Chrono Trigger team helped in Xenogears? In Lahan Village, Lucca gives you a tutorial on how to save but...that was the only time I thought "Chrono Trigger" while playing the game. I really liked how he showed love for my favorite Castlevania title. Isn't there a sequel available in Japan only on the Sega Saturn? I forgot that Sony, at least for a while, was anti-2D for whatever reason. That was why we didn't get the Arc the Lad games until much, much later in its life.
Finally, Let's Plays are still boring and I usually select women main characters as opposed to men, too. Of course, my reason is because I think women in games are usually F-I-E-R-C-E and need to represent! There was a bit of lag and some technical difficulties, but Retro Reload is still somewhat in its infancy so the kinks still need to be worked out.
All in all, a great show. I really enjoyed it.