Almost done listening to this episode and I have a few thoughts.
First, what was the moaning in the background? O_o It sounded like a hungry puppy or a female having an orgasm. <__< It was hard to pay attention to the TMNT talk with all of that.
I told this to mrnikon already, but the back and forth introduction-song-thing between him and dashv was GENIUS. I loved it. I just wish the others got to participate.
I wanted to hear more talk about the video game topics. I understand you wanted to get to the TMNT stuff, though. There was plenty to cover, after all.
mrnikon, you are a gentleman. Thus, eating a deliciously greasy burger should be done off camera so you don't make the viewers and listeners hungry. Seriously, that looked tasty as hell.
dashv, you're damn right a certain user/host that starts with "kash" and ends in "ell" is looking forward to a musical number.
Great job, as per usual. Tomorrow should be fun!