Author Topic: The Nintendo "NX"  (Read 32034 times)


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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #120 on: April 27, 2016, 03:00:43 pm »
Wow. Nintendo is failing, hard, and I'm a Wii U and 3DS owner and I'm saying this. Nintendo REALLY needed this Zelda game to come out this year. Their momentum is dropping quickly.

I mean there are like zero third-party games coming out this year for Wii U. And barely any Nintendo-games even. And giving us Pokemon Picross for free, really doesn't help things.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 03:39:21 pm by burningdoom »


Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #121 on: April 27, 2016, 03:02:12 pm »
If anything, Nintendo announced a Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing app  ::)
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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #122 on: April 27, 2016, 03:32:57 pm »
It's a mixture of feelings, where of course they have to make the big push for the NX and drop the Wii U, but as it is, I was still hoping for one last pop for the Wii U this holiday season that apparently we just aren't going to get.  The only major release this year is Pokemon and that's a 3DS release.  I don't think I'd consider Paper Mario or Tokyo Mirage Sessions as big releases at all and those are the only two kinda significant Wii U releases coming out this year.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 03:35:41 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #123 on: April 27, 2016, 03:42:07 pm »
Nintendo is just completely out of touch.  They make stupid decisions and then act bullish about it when the fans express their feelings.  Like the stupid Metroid multiplayer game.  That is exactly not what the fans wanted and Reggie acted like it was an overreaction.  They make Amiibo's which fall into the huge "toys-to-life" genre that basically prints money, then they don't make a "real" game specifically to take advantage of them.  A Disney Infinity-style sandbox game with a dedicated portal would sell like gangbusters but Nintendo just carries on down their own weird path. 

The decision to delay Zelda which is pretty much their sole big title for 2016 is ridiculous.  Not so much because they delayed the game yet again which is annoying by itself, but because they have a year bereft of releases to begin with! 

How does Nintendo think they are going to grow their audience when they can't even manage to keep their exisiting fanbase engaged?  If they expect the NX to be a big success, where is the momentum going into it?  They are at their lowest point sales-wise and fan-wise right now.  Are people with Wii U's collecting dust from lack of games to play going to wait another year with nothing in the interim to play or are they going to buy a PS4 or Xbox One?  NX will almost assuredly be more expensive than either of those two consoles when it releases.  How much backing will 3rd parties - burned by poor sales of previous games on Nintendo consoles - pour into the NX with no install base and a proven track record of poor game sales for them?  Not to mention in this connected age of gaming, the multiplayer games will be a lot more active on the PS4 and 'bone with an estimated combined install base of nearly 100 million by the time the NX releases. 

I just don't get Nintendo's logic and apparently I have a lot of company since in three and a half years, Nintendo hasn't even sold 13 million Wii U consoles!  With budgets and the economy being what it is, I have less and less disposable income for things like gaming.  Since the N64 on, I have bought Nintendo consoles knowing there would not be a lot of games to play on them.  I accepted that.  But with that budget tightening, I have to seriously consider throwing away money on yet another Nintendo system - the fifth in this trend - solely to play a handful of exclusives. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #124 on: April 27, 2016, 03:50:34 pm »
Unless something major is announced/changes, Im done with Nintendo systems after DQ VII/VIII come out. In the last year, I have bought 1 game for the Wii U (Xenoblade X) and less than a dozen games for my 3DS. Im still kind of on the hype train for the upcoming Zelda title but I cant imagine they are going to do anything to pull back the fans that are on the fence or have already jumped off.


Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #125 on: April 27, 2016, 04:31:53 pm »
Just saw this on Nintendo's site:
NX will not make an appearance at the upcoming E3 video game trade show in Los Angeles in June and will be unveiled later this year.

E3: Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zelda franchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future.


A shame that they won't be showing anything else. I guess they figure that they don't need to bother with trying to hype up anything for the holiday season.
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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #126 on: April 27, 2016, 04:34:49 pm »
I wish they'd just tell us if the console is digital only or not. It would be nice to plan out my shelving ahead of time. No one seems to be happy with Nintendo right now. They give us a relatively close release date and nothing more. No photos, footage, information, nothing.



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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #127 on: April 27, 2016, 04:35:23 pm »
in order to provide attendees a complete immersion.

lol! Because someone else, playing a different game than you, on a different screen, somehow screws with your sense of immersion.

Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #128 on: April 27, 2016, 04:47:12 pm »
Hard to get behind Nintendo on any of this.  Just disappointing really.  I'm fine with their Direct focusing on Zelda, but their E3 booth should be actively promoting every significant game they have coming up since it's the last for the Wii U and perhaps even the 3DS as we don't know the whole plan for the NX.  I'm excited for all the new gameplay and information from Zelda, but I'd also like to see more about the games releasing this year for the Wii U.  As it is, I'm only really interested in getting Tokyo Mirage Sessions and that's out in June.  There's another half a year left.


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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #129 on: April 27, 2016, 05:07:14 pm »
I wish they'd just tell us if the console is digital only or not. It would be nice to plan out my shelving ahead of time. No one seems to be happy with Nintendo right now. They give us a relatively close release date and nothing more. No photos, footage, information, nothing.

Well if it is digital only,  i wont be buying haha
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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #130 on: April 27, 2016, 05:49:19 pm »
I really don't think they'll go digital only.  Their digital sales are up, but I feel like they know it can't happen yet.  I'm just curious if they'll utilize a new format or not.  I thought I had remembered it being a rumor coming up at some point that they would be utilizing a new cartridge format, but that might just be in my dreams of having more cartridges again compared to discs lol

Wait, we've all been wrong about this...I get what Nintendo is doing for this year.

« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 05:59:54 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #131 on: April 27, 2016, 08:03:56 pm »
The system is now confirmed for a March 17 2017 global release.

JUST as I was typing out more about the lookout for the rest of the year for Nintendo, such as Zelda NEEDING to come out this year, it's been confirmed to be delayed to 2017, all but guaranteeing a twin release on the NX and Wii U.  I'm surprised.  It's gonna miss the 30th anniversary of Zelda which is kinda of a small disappointment in that regard.  Man, this is gonna be a boring year for Nintendo with how little is coming out for either handheld or Wii U.

Nintendo is also making this E3 focused on the new Zelda, I imagine giving us the full reveal on gameplay, it's name, and all the goodies we've been waiting for, but won't be detailing the NX at all.  That's a weird choice, though I feel like they'd at least reveal least the name of it at the very end of the event to say that'll it'll release both on Wii U and whatever the NX will be called.

And just to add, here's abit of new art for Zelda that seems to confirm his blue look we saw from before and some sort of book that I'm guessing is the hook of the story perhaps?  I like it, I just turned it into a really awesome background I found for the new Zelda lol

Things continue to get weirder, Zelda is not only the focus for E3 in terms of their Direct, but it'll be the only game available on the floor.  I mean, they are only going to promote a game that won't release this year? What about Tokyo Mirage Sessions? Pokemon? That Kirby game? Paper Mario? It's not like they have many games releasing this year.  I know they'll have big reveals elsewhere on their own time, but E3 is still kind of a good way to lay out the rest of the year for everyone.
Everything I'm hearing about Nintendo (Except that the NX releases in March 2017 and that there will be new smartphone apps featuring Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem) is coming from WSJ, and those are the folks who claimed NX was coming out this year, Nintendo will no longer support the Wii U/3DS, and other erroneous bs. So I say take anything WSJ says with a metric ton of salt.

I find it super hard to believe that they won't have any other games at E3.  I guarantee you they will do the E3 fest at BB again, and they will have the same games at E3 at BB... TMS (just now noticing that is SMT backwards), Kirby Robobot, Zelda Wii U/NX (if really playable), and maybe Paper Mario or something else, honestly probably a second 3DS title.

Last year, they made a big deal about Star Fox Zero, and having the cool simulator like demos, but they still had other games playable, like Super Mario Maker and Tri Force Heroes.


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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #132 on: April 27, 2016, 09:01:48 pm »
Physical games yes the Wii U has dried up the only ones I can think of that I'm looking forward that have been announced are these
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Paper Mario Color Splash
...maybe Mighty Number 9

other than that I know it doesn't matter in the end because this is a personal list, but I got 4 more Physical games I still want to pick up so I know I'm good as far as Wii U games go

digital side there are still a good Handful of games coming out on the eShop mainly indies and VC
Axiom Verge
Lost Reavers
Pokemon Snap
Xenoblade Chronicles

as for Zelda getting delayed to have a simultaneous launch on Wii U and NX, I'm fine with that as long as the Wii U version isn't delayed to come out after the NX Version. Like Twilight Princess on the Gamecube. Also like ctracy87 said I find it hard to believe they're only going to have Zelda on the floor @E3. only the Wii U version of Zelda I can understand because it's gotta be much more nearing Completion.

Release Launch window I actually think is very intriguing because that's during Tax Season. I can see AS LONG AS IT HAS A GOOD LAUNCH WINDOW people using there tax return to get one. Will I again depends on the launch window if I by one at Launch or later.

My only fear really comes from Third parties. I don't want to see gimped version of Multi-platform releases, or games released half a year ago at a full $60 price tags, then have them complain about low sales for those games, and pull support because of that.


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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #133 on: April 27, 2016, 09:39:11 pm »

I'm glad Nintendo understands.  They really get me.   :D

Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #134 on: April 28, 2016, 08:25:21 am »
Physical games yes the Wii U has dried up the only ones I can think of that I'm looking forward that have been announced are these
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Paper Mario Color Splash
...maybe Mighty Number 9

other than that I know it doesn't matter in the end because this is a personal list, but I got 4 more Physical games I still want to pick up so I know I'm good as far as Wii U games go

digital side there are still a good Handful of games coming out on the eShop mainly indies and VC
Axiom Verge
Lost Reavers
Pokemon Snap
Xenoblade Chronicles

as for Zelda getting delayed to have a simultaneous launch on Wii U and NX, I'm fine with that as long as the Wii U version isn't delayed to come out after the NX Version. Like Twilight Princess on the Gamecube. Also like ctracy87 said I find it hard to believe they're only going to have Zelda on the floor @E3. only the Wii U version of Zelda I can understand because it's gotta be much more nearing Completion.

Release Launch window I actually think is very intriguing because that's during Tax Season. I can see AS LONG AS IT HAS A GOOD LAUNCH WINDOW people using there tax return to get one. Will I again depends on the launch window if I by one at Launch or later.

My only fear really comes from Third parties. I don't want to see gimped version of Multi-platform releases, or games released half a year ago at a full $60 price tags, then have them complain about low sales for those games, and pull support because of that.
I think that's a solid sentiment.  The industry used to think games only sold during holiday season, then they realized that they could release games at any time of year and people would still buy up, with minor exceptions maybe.  I know that I plan on using my tax return to pay for my NX.

As for E3, Nintendo I think usually does some stuff off site as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is a pop up Nintendo thing at a nearby hotel with upcoming games like TMS, Kirby, etc.  Same thing will probably show up at Best Buy.  Plus, just because they aren't showing something on the show floor doesn't mean they won't be covering it in their Treehouse.

As a side note, I've been waiting for Nintendo to announce a new Pokemon Snap for Wii U... it seems kind of obvious, no?