Author Topic: I'm not buying Mortal Kombat X. Are you guys?  (Read 4689 times)


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Re: I'm not buying Mortal Kombat X. Are you guys?
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2015, 09:12:42 am »
I was pretty stoked for this game. I had the GameStop Exclusive $99 edition preordered. Why have I changed my mind?

1). Pre-order only Goro. It's rediculous that unless you preorder the game, access to this character is blocked. I was willing to accept this, until these other factors came into play.

2). Overpriced DLC Kombat Pack. Thirty bucks for four characters and some skins.

3). Kombat Pack characters are already on the disc and playable in certain challenge towers. Capcom soured me on this unforgivable practice with Street Fighter x Tekken. I barely buy any Capcom games new and can't remember the last one I did buy.

4). Easy mode DLC. The final straw and one of the worst examples of a developer screwing the consumer over. You can now buy easy mode fatalities. A five pack for 99 cents or a 30 pack for five bucks.

What greedy, ignorant, arrogant practices. Taking advantage of less-skilled gamers who want to see the fatalities by charging them extra for it. I guess I'm close to adding WB games to my no-buy list of other greedy developers and I'm seriously considering passing up Arkham Knight. There are plenty of other developers out there trying to make an honest buck without raking their fans over the coals. What a shame that greed wins the day.

Hah! :P

I'm starting to see & consider some of these threads of yours as those by the:

"half-empty" DooD  ;)



"Why I Hate...",

"I don't like/I'm not getting..."

"This sucks, because...",

"Why I'm not getting...", etc, etc, etc

Seriously - you seem like a smart & knowledgeable poster & I like your writing style, but:

How about some topics about the gaming-related things that you like, love, can't get enough of, can't wait for, etc?

Our hobbie's not *that* dreary now; is it?!  ;D

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  The big storms & tornadoes that ripped through Missouri and Illinois caused thousands of dollars in damage to my home that *SURPRISE!* aren't covered by my home owners insurance.  So I have been busy working on all of that.  Hail the size of softballs do a significant amount of damage to gutters, windows and vinyl siding.   :'(

As for our hobby, unfortunately to me it has become pretty dreary.  Any excitement I have for games is bittersweet because I know that the game they release will be a half-complete game with planned DLC that is in many cases already complete and on the disc.  Everyone has their own views and feelings on the subject and technically if they don't advertise the locked content as being there in the first place, they don't owe it to you.  I get that.  But in many instances, games are becoming shorter and contain less content because it's planned to charge you the extra for DLC.

So you have one side of the argument that says games have stayed at $60 since 2005.  On the other side, these games are becoming shorter & shorter, having less unlockable items, etc. They have less content than a retail game released in 2005.  Of course, every game doesn't fall into this, but many games today do.  I've practically swore off Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Capcom and now WB Games because of these shady practices.  For me, this sucks the fun right out of gaming. 

I used to be a pretty big Call of Duty fan.  But now, Activision has turned it into an annual money-printing machine.  Guaranteed, it's going to cost you $100 a year minimum to continue playing as they churn out sequels and season passes left & right.

I actually agree with you here 100%.

I guess that - because I pretty much only play RPGs - where most DLC is simply optional/aesthetic; that these problems & practices don't hit me as hard as folks who have to worry about season passes, waiting for the "ultimate" edition to get everything together, etc.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: I'm not buying Mortal Kombat X. Are you guys?
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2015, 10:10:02 am »
I was pretty stoked for this game. I had the GameStop Exclusive $99 edition preordered. Why have I changed my mind?

1). Pre-order only Goro. It's rediculous that unless you preorder the game, access to this character is blocked. I was willing to accept this, until these other factors came into play.

2). Overpriced DLC Kombat Pack. Thirty bucks for four characters and some skins.

3). Kombat Pack characters are already on the disc and playable in certain challenge towers. Capcom soured me on this unforgivable practice with Street Fighter x Tekken. I barely buy any Capcom games new and can't remember the last one I did buy.

4). Easy mode DLC. The final straw and one of the worst examples of a developer screwing the consumer over. You can now buy easy mode fatalities. A five pack for 99 cents or a 30 pack for five bucks.

What greedy, ignorant, arrogant practices. Taking advantage of less-skilled gamers who want to see the fatalities by charging them extra for it. I guess I'm close to adding WB games to my no-buy list of other greedy developers and I'm seriously considering passing up Arkham Knight. There are plenty of other developers out there trying to make an honest buck without raking their fans over the coals. What a shame that greed wins the day.

Hah! :P

I'm starting to see & consider some of these threads of yours as those by the:

"half-empty" DooD  ;)



"Why I Hate...",

"I don't like/I'm not getting..."

"This sucks, because...",

"Why I'm not getting...", etc, etc, etc

Seriously - you seem like a smart & knowledgeable poster & I like your writing style, but:

How about some topics about the gaming-related things that you like, love, can't get enough of, can't wait for, etc?

Our hobbie's not *that* dreary now; is it?!  ;D

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.  The big storms & tornadoes that ripped through Missouri and Illinois caused thousands of dollars in damage to my home that *SURPRISE!* aren't covered by my home owners insurance.  So I have been busy working on all of that.  Hail the size of softballs do a significant amount of damage to gutters, windows and vinyl siding.   :'(

As for our hobby, unfortunately to me it has become pretty dreary.  Any excitement I have for games is bittersweet because I know that the game they release will be a half-complete game with planned DLC that is in many cases already complete and on the disc.  Everyone has their own views and feelings on the subject and technically if they don't advertise the locked content as being there in the first place, they don't owe it to you.  I get that.  But in many instances, games are becoming shorter and contain less content because it's planned to charge you the extra for DLC.

So you have one side of the argument that says games have stayed at $60 since 2005.  On the other side, these games are becoming shorter & shorter, having less unlockable items, etc. They have less content than a retail game released in 2005.  Of course, every game doesn't fall into this, but many games today do.  I've practically swore off Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Capcom and now WB Games because of these shady practices.  For me, this sucks the fun right out of gaming. 

I used to be a pretty big Call of Duty fan.  But now, Activision has turned it into an annual money-printing machine.  Guaranteed, it's going to cost you $100 a year minimum to continue playing as they churn out sequels and season passes left & right.

I actually agree with you here 100%.

I guess that - because I pretty much only play RPGs - where most DLC is simply optional/aesthetic; that these problems & practices don't hit me as hard as folks who have to worry about season passes, waiting for the "ultimate" edition to get everything together, etc.

I agree that certain publishers have gone overboard with their DLC practices (grumbles about the $40 DLC pack I just read has been announced for Arkham Knight... >:( ) but I don't know that I agree with the whole games are shorter than they were ten years ago thing. Yes, you have your really short games these days - your The Order: 1886's - but you had those in the PS2 days as well (ICO is also a 5 or less hour game if I recall, with very little reason to replay). And some titles today are almost TOO long IMO - I loved FarCry 4 last year, but it *almost* overstayed its welcome for me).

Really, I don't think this aspect has changed. I do agree that things that used to be unlockables are now often sold as DLC, and that sucks. But as far as pure game length, I wouldn't say they've gotten shorter on the average.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


PRO Supporter

Re: I'm not buying Mortal Kombat X. Are you guys?
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2015, 10:31:34 am »

Absolutely ==>

One thing that the games that


play are not lacking in and, as far as I can tell, have not been diminished in length and/or content over the years & generations is:

the 'dollar spent to the number of hours of entertainment value delivered' ratio --and--

well...length & content  ::)

If anything -

throwing shiny, meaningless & worthless (in any kind of IRL) value platinum trophies that go


when you get them...

...into the equation


 add that to my pre-existing perfectionist, completionist, anal, OCD, etc (depends on who you're talking to:)

personality/nature; It just adds to the amount of playtime which, as Greg said, can be a good or a not-so-good kind of thing.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: I'm not buying Mortal Kombat X. Are you guys?
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2015, 03:01:51 pm »

I agree that certain publishers have gone overboard with their DLC practices (grumbles about the $40 DLC pack I just read has been announced for Arkham Knight... >:( ) but I don't know that I agree with the whole games are shorter than they were ten years ago thing. Yes, you have your really short games these days - your The Order: 1886's - but you had those in the PS2 days as well (ICO is also a 5 or less hour game if I recall, with very little reason to replay). And some titles today are almost TOO long IMO - I loved FarCry 4 last year, but it *almost* overstayed its welcome for me).

Really, I don't think this aspect has changed. I do agree that things that used to be unlockables are now often sold as DLC, and that sucks. But as far as pure game length, I wouldn't say they've gotten shorter on the average.

I was considering making a separate topic to voice my overwhelming displeasure with the Arkham Knight "season pass" but didn't want to be such a negative Nancy.  So I'll just address my thoughts here.

It's a vile, underhanded, low-life cash-grab of the highest magnitude and after seeing what WB has done with Mortal Kombat X, I can't say it was totally unexpected at this point.  I've been spending more & more time outside, with the family, etc. because we have entered weather that's pleasant to be outside in, and that's a good thing.  If I was in full "stay-indoors" winter mode, I would be really, really pissed about this because gaming takes up a lot of my time during those months.

As much as I love the Arkham games, I can't bring myself to buy this game knowing full well it comes with a screwing attached.  If I was a retailer, I would offer a free tube of K-Y Jelly with every game purchase and hype that online.  It would be funny and a way to bring attention to the shameless cash grab that DLC-milking has become. 

It's a shame really.  This hobby I have loved since I was old enough to hold a controller now causes me anxiety and anger over the endless cycle of stunts that shameless publishers continue to exploit. 

Maybe I see these two through rose-tinted glasses, but does Nintendo and Sony pull this stuff?  Am I burying my head in the sand and missing something here?  To me, these two developers are pretty much the last bastion of hope.  Sony more than Nintendo offers DLC items, but they are almost always cosmetic from what I have seen unless it's new car packs for DriveClub.  I'm not missing out on content in LittleBigPlanet 3 when they offer a costume pack.  It's purely a cosmetic item and many times, a licensed one like MGS or Street Fighter.  Mario Kart was full of content so the two DLC packs felt like bonuses and were reasonably priced.  I didn't see these guys offering season passes for bull$hit. 

These publishers think this is the way to make money.  Unfortunately, others like me push back and refuse to purchase their product.  So their sales go down.  Not meeting sales expectations?  Sell more DLC!  That's the attitude.  They can't see the flipside that if you make a good product, support it and treat your fans & customers like they deserve, they will buy your product.  Even with upcoming paid DLC for Witcher III, they have a huge amount of new content in two packs.  Reportedly, another 30 hours worth.  For me, that's an expansion.  It's not a milking or a "season pass."  Upgrades to the core game, add-ons, bonus items and missions...all free as it was with the first two games.  I hope CD Projekt Red sells a ton of Witcher III and those morons at EA, Ubisoft, Activision, WB, etc. sit there scratching their greedy heads wondering just what the hell happened!   >:(
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us